GIS CLASS GIS - Legal and Ethical Issues:_ Privacy, access, availability of information, Freedom of Information Act Repercussions, Challenges to companies: selling private information, monitoring employees Challenges to government: search and seizure rights, sharing of information With other agencies, access to database Challenges to database: time and money, royalties, values (before and after Accessing) Data Mosaic – data sharing Challenges to Data Mosaics: (1) Managing security (2) correcting errors and Propagation of errors (3) Propensity profiles based on database records Conflicting responsibilities of govt: provide information according to FOIA, but Costs increasing as databases grow - Choices for government? Access to private information by persons and industry: availability? Costs? Value added? What is a public record? Intellectual property rights? Legal issues: Copyright violations? Registration of trademarks, recipes, etc. Legal/Liability issues: decisions made based on GIS analysis: decisions made based on poor GIS: GIS analysis used incorrectly (Unintended and inappropriate use of GIS data) GIS as evidence in Court? Precedents? Technological solutions to legal problems? GIS and GPS – GPS equipment and definition, accuracy considerations, GDOP (PDOP), Standard Positioning Service (SPS) – accuracy issues (mapping vs. survey), Selective Availability, differential correction Satellites: orbit, positions in space, timing Three segments: Space – Control – User (examples for each segment) Datalogger – Memory Card: differences, capabilities, prices Receivers: differences, capabilities, prices GPS and the Datum Plane Implementing a GIS - 6 phase implementation: approaches to introducing new technology, acquisition of GIS, functional requirements/user needs, needs assessment, Benchmark test, pilot study, cost benefit analysis, database considerations, Design and testing, data life cycle, GIS development cycle, data sources, Data types, data formats, GIS: Performance and Effectiveness (measurements) Software: Functionality and Performance; Hardware: Components Designing a GIS - Tomlinson provides a 10-stage process for designing a GIS. Be able to identify the stages and explain how you would use them to design a GIS project for yourself. Applications of a GIS – how to design a GIS for an application, problem-solving with a GIS, The Polygon Overlay Operation !!! 1. Introduction the simple algorithms discussed previously form the basis for one of the most complex operations of vector GIS systems - polygon overlay 1.1. Traditions of polygon overlay use 1.1.1. Landscape planning superimposing layers of geographical data (e.g. environmental and social factors) so that their spatial relationships can be used in making land use decisions a key reference is McHarg, 1969, Design with Nature 1.1.2. Set theoretic VECTOR GIS CAPABILITIES, a “spurious” or “sliver” polygon in GIS picture A. INTRODUCTION B. SIMPLE DISPLAY AND QUERY Display Standard Query Language (SQL) Boolean operators SQL extensions for spatial queries C. RECLASSIFY, DISSOLVE AND MERGE Steps Forestry example City zoning example D. TOPOLOGICAL OVERLAY Point in polygon Line on polygon Polygon on polygon ("Polygon overlay") Example Spurious polygons E. BUFFERING GIS - Computational Problems: § 4: Advanced Problems!!! The majority of GIS datasets are currently represented in vector format, and have an inherent representational error that arises from sensor errors as well as from discretization or polygonalization processes that we discussed in detail in Section 2. GIS algorithms propagate this dataset error through various stages of computation, yielding a GIS product or result that often has unexpected errors. Such errors influence coregistration (e.g., map overlay) and tend to corrupt the derivation of range or elevation data from stereo imagery. This further impacts the integration of surface models (e.g., spline models based on elevation data) with GIS datasets. Section Overview. In this section, we discuss errors in GIS datasets as well as error and complexity measures, then investigate the effect of such errors on elevation and surface modelling with GIS. The section is structured as follows: 4.1. Estimating Error in GIS Datasets 4.2. Prediction of Error and Complexity in GIS Algorithms 4.3. Determining Elevation from Stereo Images in GIS Data 4.4. Integrating Surface Models with Elevation Data In Section 4.1, we present an in-depth discussion of errors in spatial datasets, together with measures for quantifying such errors and various types of error analysis. Section 4.2 details techniques for error analysis as well as the estimation of complexity in GIS algorithms, both of which are required for the design and implementation of accurate, efficient software. The difficult problem of automatic analysis of stereophotogrammetric data is presented in Section 4.3, and an extension of this problem to multi-modal GIS (e.g., derived and measured elevation data) is discussed in Section 4.4. Goals. For the purposes of the current course, goals for this section include: Learning error/complexity analysis terminology and background; Exploring two error-related problems instantiated as stereophotogrammetry and data integration of vector- and image-format elevation data; Understanding the underlying issues of error detection, measurement, modelling, and management in GIS; and Prediction of computational cost and accuracy (e.g., the space-time-error bandwidth product) for a given GIS algorithm. We begin our discussion with a distinction between cartographic error and GIS error. Metadata An overview of the Metadata toolset Metadata is important when sharing tools, data, and maps. It lets you search to see if the resources you need already exist, and once you''ve found a GIS resource its metadata will help you decide if it''s suitable for your purposes. Almost any item in ArcCatalog, including folders and file types such as Word documents, can have metadata. ArcCatalog lets you create metadata following the FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM) or the ISO standard 19115, Geographic Information—Metadata. Once metadata has been created in ArcCatalog, you can use the metadata conversion tools to validate the metadata content according to a specific metadata standard or export the metadata content to standalone XML files that can be used with other metadata software. Explore the following links to learn more about metadata in ArcGIS Desktop and metadata standards: About metadata Learn about supported metadata standards and the ArcGIS metadata format Importing and exporting metadata The following table lists the tools available in the metadata conversion toolset and provides a brief descrition of each. About metadata Any item in ArcCatalog, including folders and file types such as Word documents, can have metadata. Once created, metadata is copied, moved, and deleted along with the item when it is managed with ArcCatalog or ArcInfo Workstation. How metadata is organized In ArcCatalog, metadata is divided into properties and documentation. Properties, such as the extent of a shapefile''s features, are derived from the item by ArcCatalog and added to the metadata. Documentation is descriptive information supplied by a person using a metadata editor, for example, a description of and legal information about using the resource. With the default settings in ArcCatalog, all you have to do to create metadata is click the item in the Catalog tree and click the Metadata tab—properties will be added to the metadata automatically. Each GIS resource has its own discrete metadata document. Metadata documents describing related resources are not interconnected. Metadata for a feature class describes only that feature class—it does not inherit any metadata from the feature dataset in which the feature class is stored. Similarly, metadata for a layer file or an ArcIMS Image Service should describe only the layer file or image service and the information it portrays, not the data sources it consumes. If a shapefile contains an entire suite of demographic data, its metadata should describe the values in each attribute column and its coordinate system since that is where those properties are defined and stored. Several layers may portray different aspects of the shapefile''s data: one layer might show population growth, while another shows the ratio between the retired and working population. The layer file''s metadata should describe what the layer shows; how the data was classified, normalized, and symbolized; and any joins or relates that are defined in the layer—not all the details of the data. How metadata is stored Metadata created with ArcCatalog is stored as XML data, either in a file alongside the item, or within its geodatabase. In a geodatabase, metadata is stored in the GDB_UserMetadata table as a BLOB of XML data. XML is a markup language similar to HTML. HTML defines both the data and how it''s presented. XML, on the other hand, lets you define data using tags that add meaning. Stylesheets are created using XSL. For example, in a metadata XML document, a title may be stored as follows: <title>My Document</title>. The XSL stylesheet selects the title and defines how to display it in HTML format as follows: <P><B><xsl:value-of select="title" /></B></P>. Learn more about viewing metadata using stylesheets Metadata in ArcGIS is required to be well-formed XML. Metadata in ArcGIS is not required to comply with an XML Schema or Document Type Definition (DTD). However, you may have your own requirements to create metadata that is compliant with a specific standard. Metadata in ArcGIS is stored in an ESRI-defined XML format that combines elements defined in the esriprof80 and ESRI_ISO1 DTDs published on the ESRI Metadata Web site. The esriprof80.dtd file defines the storage format for metadata adhering to the ESRI Profile of the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata. The ESRI_ISO1.dtd file defines the ESRI-ISO format for metadata adhering to the ISO 19115 standard, Geographic Information—Metadata. Learn about metadata standards and the ArcGIS metadata XML format XML has become an industry standard for storing data and transferring it across the Internet. Because ArcGIS metadata is stored as standard XML, any XML editing application can be used to view or edit metadata XML files. Learn more about XML documents Working with a portion of an ArcGIS layer Starting new map • Before you begin • Download data • Start ArcMap • Add data • View your data closer • Change layer properties • Label features in your map • Change symbology • Perform queries • Layout View Tutorial Sketch tool Raster spatial analysis!!! What is Geographic Information Science? Using Select By Location About selecting features by locations The Select By Location dialog box lets you select features based on their location relative to other features. For instance, if you want to know how many homes were affected by a recent flood and you mapped the flood boundary, you could select all the homes that are within this area. Answering this type of question is known as a spatial query. By combining queries, you can perform more complex searches. For example, suppose you want to find all the customers who live within a 20-mile radius of your store and who made a recent purchase so you can send them a promotional mailing. You would first select the customers within this radius (select by location), then refine the selection by finding those customers who have made a purchase within the last six months according to a date-of-last-purchase attribute (select by attribute). You can use a variety of selection methods to select the point, line, or polygon features in one layer that are near or overlap the features in the same or another layer. How to select features by locations Click Selection and click Select By Location. Click the drop-down arrow and click a selection method. Check the layers whose features you would like to select. Click the drop-down arrow and click a selection method. Click the drop-down arrow and click the layer you want to use to search for the features. Optionally, check to use only the selected features. Optionally, check Apply a buffer to the features in <layer> and set the distance within which to search for features. Click Apply or click OK if you want to execute the query and close the dialog box in one click. ArcMap selects the features. Click Close when you''ve finished selecting features. GIS Cookbook: Getting Started - Performing a Spatial Query Select by location video ESRI software Example geoprocessing service Spatial Analysis of North American Hurricanes Using a Geographic Information System (GIS) Buffer Wizard Select by Attributes Field display options on the Select By Attributes dialog box A menu on the Select By Attributes dialog box lets you choose how fields will be listed. This menu is accessed by clicking a small control to the right of the fields list or by right-clicking the fields list. This menu gives you the option of listing fields with their field aliases instead of their underlying field names. When you choose this option, the fields list respects field alias properties when you are working with layers and tables. Seeing field aliases in the list can be helpful because you can use field aliases to make cryptic field names more user-friendly or long ArcSDE field names more manageable. The Show Field Aliases option is turned off by default. Choosing to show aliases on this dialog box has no effect on the expression syntax. Field aliases are not shown or supported in the expression itself. If you double-click a field shown with its alias, it will still be added into the expression with its actual name and the required [ ] field delimiters. In the example shown below, the field list is showing aliases and the field with the alias How to select features by attributes Click Selection on the Main menu and click Select By Attributes. Click the Layer drop-down arrow and click the layer containing the features you want to select. Click the Method drop-down arrow and click a selection method. Double-click a field to add the field name to the expression box. If you want to sort the list of fields or see the fields by their aliases, click the small button on the top right of the fields list. Click an operator to add it to the expression. Click Get Unique Values to see the values for the selected field. Double-click a value to add it to the expression. Click the Verify button to see if you are using proper syntax or if the criteria you''ve entered will select any features. Click Apply. The status bar at the bottom of the ArcMap window tells you how many features are selected. Use the Clear button to empty the expression box. Use the Save and Load buttons respectively to save your current query as a file or load an existing one. The files used to save the queries have a .exp extension but can be edited with any text editor. Only the content of the expression box is saved in the file, not the complete expression. Click Close when you are finished selecting features. GIS Cookbook: Getting Started - Performing an Attribute Query Attribute Date in GIS tutorials!!! 1. Briefly describe examples of privacy concerns in the context of GIS GIS databases hold all kinds of private information (tax and land records, property titles, data on construction or occupancy permits, addresses or data on water use…). Sometimes that data might be incorrect or old and may cause economic or social harm. The problem of incorrect information has not yet been resolved and it is the trouble as more and more data on individuals is collected and stored on databases. The solution is debating now and will probably come in some legal form. Briefly explain how liability has become an important issue in GIS and other automated systems. Give examples of legal action as a result of liability issues. GIS professionals may be liable for the accuracy and reliability of the information stored in their databases, sold, or issued to the public. If harm is caused by a mistake made in a GIS dataset, it may end up in court. Uncorrected mistakes and errors can have disastrous consequences when people depend on a map for accurate representations of the real world. Data providers may be held accountable if the information they distribute leads to damage or loss even if that information was used for purposes for which it was never intended. For example, according to THE GEOGRAPHER’S CRAFT web site, “in Reminga vs. United States, the government was held responsible for an airplane crash when prosecutors proved that federal maps had inaccurately depicted the location of a broadcasting tower”, and “in Aetna Casualty and Surety Co. vs. Jeppeson and Co. the court found that an aeronautical chart published by Jeppeson and Co. had misled the flight crew in a fatal plane crash. The chart in question mapped out the instrument approach to an airfield using correct data from the Federal Aviation Agency, but in a way that obscured a simple--and fatal--error. Two views--from the side and from above--were drawn. The two charts were depicted together so that they appeared to be in the same scale, but in fact they were drawn in two different scales. The company was found liable”. These materials were developed by Margaret Lynch and Kenneth E. Foote, Department of Geography, University of Texas at Austin, 1995 as examples of liability issues and legal action in GIS. List and describe briefly the three segments or parts of GPS The Global Positioning System (GPS) helps people find their location anywhere on Earth. There are 3 segments. The first is the space segment. There are 24 satellite orbits and we have signals from many of that satellites in our point. Each satellite continually transmits a coded message which includes information about its position and time of transmission. The second segment is the control segment. The control center sends monitor stations data back to satellites, and the satellites broadcast this information to users. This segment with a number of monitor stations and a main control center in Colorado controls any slight changes in the orbit of the satellites, so the satellites can transmit their exact position to users. The last segment is the user segment for picking up signals from the satellites. Satellites transmit coded data including position and its time. The receiver compares the time a signal was sent with the time it was received and the distance to satellite can be calculated. Bu taking similar measurement from 3-4 satellites, the receiver can point exact location on Earth. What is the meaning of “data mosaics” and what are its problems and benefits? Data Mosaics in database is the way of sharing of data within computer systems and the ability to link enormous types and quantities of information. The information can be “called- up” electronically because compatible formats. GIS can be used to create data mosaics and may share some of the potential problems of other ''shareware'' database systems. • Problem # 1 – Security of a data set. • Problem #2 – Propagation of errors • Problem # 3 – Propensity Profiles Benefits: GIS can perform spatial analysis and create new sets of data. Describe some of the expected benefits from implementing a GIS Implementing GIS presents a unique set of challenges. The successful GIS implementation, especially in municipal government agencies and other public-sector organizations can give some of expected benefits such as choosing GIS software to making the decision, benefits of implementing enterprise GIS. Benefits from using a GIS fall into the two categories of: efficiency and effectiveness. Existing manual tasks done more efficiently by the GIS result in a substantial savings of staff time. For example, using the query function of a GIS can range from 2 person-years for a smaller town, to 5-8 person years for a large town, to 10 or more person-years for a large county. The GIS may be used to accomplish several tasks that were not previously done due to their size and complexity (e.g., flow analysis in water and sewer systems, traffic analysis, etc.). GIS is helpful for better planning or more effective decision-making, these applications support more effective investment of government resources in physical infrastructure where relatively small performance improvements can translate into large dollar savings. GIS also provides an effective way to communicate the problem and solution to the general public and other interested parties. List and describe the key management decision points in a GIS development plan Six-phase process to implement a GIS Awareness Development of System Requirements System Evaluation Development of Implementation Plan System Acquisition Operational Phase What is Geocoding? Geocoding is the process of finding associated geographic coordinates from other geographic data (zip or postal codes and addresses, photos) for mapping the features using GIS. Geocoding, also known as address matching, is the process of creating geometric representations for descriptions of locations. Explain why you should never ‘trust’ the Default setting when creating a Layout in ArcView The default setting is “As Laid Out on Screen”, but if we want to have a perfect design, we will avoid default setting. Why do you need to create a “New Address Locator” before starting a Geocoding process? We need “New Address Locator” to prepare of address (non-spatial) data to geocoding (convent textual description of location into geographic features that can be locating and rematching). A Address Locator defines a process of consenting nonspatial description of places into special description. What is the difference between a Point Route Event and a Line Route Event? Point and Line Route Events both describe a single location along the route and stored as route event tables that organized around a common theme. For example, an event table for highways might include speed limits, condition, and accidents. Point Route Event occurs at precise locations along a route. Accident locations, signals, bus stops, and pumping stations are all examples of point events. Point events use a single measure value to describe their location. Line Route Event describes a portion of a route. Pavement quality, bus fares, and traffic volumes are all examples of line events. Line events use two measure values to describe their location. What is a pilot study for GIS and why is it important? A pilot study is the most important part of any large scale project because it will be help for us to plan all kind resources for your project (staff, finance, time) and the form of your final report. A good research strategy requires careful planning and a pilot study will often be a part of this strategy. A pilot study is a standard scientific tool for ''soft'' research, allowing us to conduct a preliminary analysis before committing to a full-blown project. Where do we can use pilot project? For example, pilot studies can be small-scale rehearsals of large data collections because it is the most important part of GIS and we must create data collection seriously. Explain how you might use Tomlinson’s (2007) 10 stages in implementing GIS in your organization, or dream GIS job? Knowledge Base - Technical Articles ESRI Geoprocessing Wizard The geoprocessing wizard is user friendly and has many possible applications. It includes the following functions: · Merge themes together: allows you to combine the features from two or more themes of the same geometric type (i.e.: polygon), and create a new theme with the attributes of the first theme. · Clip one theme based on another: allows you to create a new theme by using a polygon theme (or selected polygons in that theme) as cookie-cutter on a point, line, or polygon theme. · Dissolve features based on an attribute: allows you to aggregate features that have the same attribute value, and removes boundaries between like features. · Intersect two themes: allows you to create a new theme by overlaying two themes and preserving only those features falling within the spatial extent common to both themes. · Union two themes: allows you to create a new theme by overlaying two themes and including all the features of both themes, including those features that did not overlap. · Assign data by location: allows you to perform a spatial join between two selected themes, using one of three relationships, nearest, inside or part of, to join the attribute table of theme The ArcMap Buffer Wizard produces buffers tutorial!!! Section 1: Getting Started with ArcGIS: ArcCatalog, ArcMap, and ArcToolbox ArcGIS Applications Description: Gives a brief description of the common uses and functions that each ArcGIS application (ArcCatalog™, ArcMap, and ArcToolbox™) has to offer. Data Retrieval: Describes some of the sources of spatial data along with some of the types of spatial data that can be found. The Geospatial Data and Attributes webpage should be further consulted if the user wishes to acquire links to United States and international data resources (free, governmental, and proprietary). ArcGIS Supported Data Formats: Describes the data formats that may be used within any of the ArcGIS applications. Some data types may be automatically brought in, and others may need to be brought in using an import utility. Explains how to open data. Viewing Data in ArcCatalog: Familiarizes the user to the ArcCatalog interface. Explains how to open data within the ArcCatalog application and view the data in spatial and/or tabular format. Viewing Data in ArcMap: Familiarizes the user to the ArcMap interface. Explains the various ways in which a user can open and view their spatial data set. Describes the concept of overlaying spatial data sets with the same coordinate system information, and the process of arranging a data set so that it can be made visible. It also describes what is contained within a data set''s attribute table, and the many ways in which the user may view and/or manipulate the attribute layer''s contents. Using ArcToolbox: Describes the ArcToolbox interface and the variety of tools available to the user. Section 2: Manipulating Display Parameters in ArcMap Symbolizing Features and Rasters: Describes how the user may quickly change a feature''s or a raster''s symbology. In more detail, it describes how to change a feature''s symbology using categorical attributes. Classifying Features and Rasters: Describes the process of classifying features and rasters using one of the four scaled symbology methods: Graduated Color, Graduated Symbol, Proportional Symbol, and Dot Density. Labeling Features: Describes the two main types of labels (dynamic and interactive) and how each can be created and manipulated. Section 3: Querying Data in ArcMap Identifying, Selecting, and Finding Features: Describes how to quickly retrieve information about features through the processes of identifying, selecting, and/or finding. Selecting Features by Attributes: Describes how to perform an attribute query that will automatically select features within the map display that meet specified criteria. Selecting Features by Location: Describes how to perform queries that will select features within the map display that meet a particular location and/or spatial relationship requirement. Creating ArcMap Layers from Selected Features: Describes how to create a layer that contains only features that have been selected by one of the many selection methods. Section 4: Preparing Data for Analysis Selecting Features: Describes the steps taken to clip multiple features from a data layer using the features of another data layer, using ArcToolbox. Clipping Features: Describes the steps taken to clip features within one layer based on the features within another, using ArcToolbox. Dissolving Features: Describes the steps taken to dissolve multiple features within a data set into one feature, using ArcToolbox. Exporting Data: Describes a way in which the user can create a NEW DATASET that contains ONLY selected features within an existing data set. Projecting Data for Display in ArcMap: Describes the necessity of changing data layer''s coordinate system information (if they will be used within the same GIS) so that they match each other. It describes what ArcMap does by default if they do not match. Projecting and Defining the Coordinate System or Spatial Reference: Describes the process of ACTUALLY creating a new data layer of identical features but with a different coordinate system. ArcToolbox is used to describe this process. Section 5: Analyzing Spatial Data Buffering Features: Describes how to create a distance buffer using the Buffer Wizard in ArcMap. Overlaying Features: Describes the concept of GIS overlay operations. Explains how to perform a union overlay as well as an intersect overlay, using ArcMap''s GeoProcessing Wizard. Calculating Attribute Values: Explains how new values may be created within a layer''s attribute table,and gives examples as to why this operation may be useful. Section 6: Making and Printing Maps Using ArcMap Using a Map Template to Create a Map: Explains what map templates are, how they can be used, and what types of templates are available. Describes the process of adding all map elements to a map template. Creating Maps Without Using a Map Template: Describes the process of creating a map without using a map template. Explains how to add map data, a map title, a north arrow, a scale bar, and a legend to the map layout and manipulate their properties. Selecting Print Options: Describes how to select the appropriate parameters in order to print the size and shape map preferred. GeoProcessing Wizard Use selected features only: If the input theme has some selected features, you can check this box to only use the selected features in the intersect operation. Select the overlay theme: Choose an overlay theme from the list of polygon themes. You will see the number of features in this theme displayed when you select it. Use selected features only: If the overlay theme has some selected features, you can check this box to only use the selected features in the intersect operation. Specify the output file: Browse for or enter the shapefile name that will be used to store the results of the intersect operation. Or you may just use the default. Union Two Themes Use the Union process when you want to produce a new theme containing the features and attributes of two polygon themes. Let’s look at using Union to provide the basis for performing an erosion analysis of soils during a flood. Some combinations of slope and soil type represent high risk for erosion, and knowing where these conditions are enables risk assessment of crops. For instance, rocky or sandy soil on a relatively steep slope could represent flash-flooding dangers to either crop or grazing agricultural activities during rainstorms. For this example of the Union process, polygon themes for slope and soil type data are needed. The boundaries of slope (areas that have the same range of slope angle with respect to elevation change) would be used as the input theme. The soil type data will be used as the overlay or Union theme. The result will be a new theme named union1.shp (default name). Union1.shp contains the spatial combination of information with attribute data, permitting evaluation of erosion potential. Using Union in the GeoProcessing wizard Select input theme to union: Choose the theme you want to use as the input theme for the union operation. You will see the number of features in this theme displayed when you select it. Use selected features only: If the input theme has any selected features, check this box to only use the selected features in the union operation. Select polygon overlay theme to union: Choose the theme you want to use as the overlay theme. You will see the number of features in this theme displayed once you select it. Use selected features only: If the overlay theme has selected features, check this box to only use the selected features in the union operation. Specify the output file: Browse for or enter the file name that will be used to store the results of the union operation. Assign Data by Location Use Assign data by location when you want to use a spatial relationship to join data from the attribute table of one theme to the attribute table of another theme. Depending on the type of data you have, the join will be one of three types of spatial relationships: ''nearest'', ''inside'', or ''part of''. Nearest If you''re assigning data from a point theme to another point theme OR you''re assigning data from a point theme to a line theme, a ''Distance'' field is automatically added to the theme you''re assigning data to, along with any other data in that theme. This ''Distance'' field contains the distance to the nearest feature. Example: If you assigned data from a theme of U.S. state capitols to a theme of all U.S. cities, a ''Distance'' field would be added to the theme of U.S. cities. This field would contain the distance of the nearest state capitol to each city. Or, if you performed the reverse and assigned data from a theme of all U.S. cities to a theme of U.S. state capitols, a ''Distance'' field would be added to the theme of U.S. capitols. This field would contain the distance of the nearest city to each state capitol. Since there are fewer state capitols than there are U.S. cities, not every U.S. city will be included in the joined table. Inside If you''re assigning data from a polygon theme to a point, line, or polygon theme, the data will be joined to the point, line, or polygon that is contained by each of the polygons. Example: A businessperson might have a theme of counties with demographic data and another theme of customer points. If the demographic data were joined to the customer table, it could be used for customer profiling, which in turn could save money in advertising. Assign data by location would assign the respective county demographic data to the customer points falling within the county polygons. If there were customer points that did not fall inside any polygons, empty data cells would be created for those customers, since no polygon data was available to join. Part of If you''re assigning data from a line theme to another line theme, data will be assigned from lines that are ''part of'' (a sub-set of) the lines you''re assigning data to. Example: A transportation engineer might have a theme of streets under construction and another theme of all the city streets. To help prioritize which streets to fix first, the engineer would want to join the theme of streets under construction to the theme of all city streets. Assign data by location would join the construction data for the streets that were part of the city streets theme. Any streets under construction that are not part of the city street network would not be joined. Using Assign data by location in the GeoProcessing wizard Select a theme to assign data to: Choose the theme that you want to assign data to. The attribute table of this theme is called the destination table. Select a theme to assign data from: Choose the theme that you want to assign data from. The attribute table of this theme is called the source table. The data from the source table that has a ''nearest'', ''inside'', or ''part of'' relationship to the data in the destination table will be joined. Note When the process is complete, the destination table will contain the joined data. GIS Applications in Civil Engineering Class 2: Tuesday, 29 January 2008 Lecture Topics: ArcMap Tools Toolbar ArcMap Window Menu ArcMap Table of Contents Scale ArcMap Map Tips Exploring ArcMap Relative Path Names Exploring ArcCatalog Edit features in ArcMap using the editor toolbar - Create polygon of UNLV TBE Building Personal geodatabases using ArcCatalog ArcMap Map Documents.mxd Review transferring data files from UNLV to home/work Data Downloads: street centerline, UNLV Aerial Photo (C:GISData) Assignments Lecture Homework #2, ESRI Virtual Campus Homework 2, GIS Tutorial Workbook Homework 2 Class 3: Tuesday, 5 February 2008 Quiz Next week Select Term Project (see example Term Projects) Term Project Appointments GIS Tutorial Workbooks - Tutorial 1 due next week Lecture Topics: Labeling Features and Annotation Using Interstate Shields ArcGIS supported spatial files Creating Points ArcMap Layers ArcMap Graphics ArcMap Layouts ArcMap Templates (.mxt) Data Downloads: street centerline (C:GISdataAddressMatchingStreetCenterline.mdb in TBE-B367 and A311 computer labs) Assignments Lecture Homework #3, ESRI Virtual Campus Homework 1, Term Project Homework 1,GIS Tutorial Workbook Homework 3 Class 4: Tuesday, 12 February 2008 Quiz - Labeling Features and Annotation Lecture Topics: Labeling Features and Annotation Annotation Data Frame Reference Scale Reference Scale Video Creating Geodatabase Annotation Feature Class Coordinate Systems Data Downloads: Street Centerline Geodatabase: (download from UNLV or Clark County) Assignments Lecture Homework #4, ESRI Virtual Campus Homework 4 GIS Tutorial Workbook Homework 4 Class 5: Tuesday, 19 February 2008 Quiz - Labeling Features and Annotation, #4 and #5 Lecture Topics: ArcInfo Interchange files (.e00) ArcMap Editing using Field Calculator Geodatabases and Tables ArcMap Hyperlinks Create Vicinity Map Data Downloads: RFCD layers such as FEMA Flood Zones, FEMA LOMRs (download from GISMO, RFCD or UNLV Street Centerline Geodatabase: (download from UNLV or Clark County) local computer: c:gisdatasclsclan.e00 Assignments Lecture Homework #5, ESRI Virtual Campus Homework 5, GIS Tutorial Workbook Homework 5 Class 6: Tuesday, 26 February 2008 Quiz Lecture Topics: Field Calculator, Edit Features and Importing Points ArcMap Editing Deleting Features Move Features Snapping Environment Using AutoCAD data with ArcMap Data Downloads: UNLV Harry Reid Center (AutoCAD drawings and Surveyor Points File): UNLV-BNDY.dwg, UNLV-TOPO.dwg, and UNLVRF-PTS.csv Clark County Assessor Book 162 geodatabase (parcel162.mdb or C:GISdataAddressMatchingParcel.mdb in TBE-B367 and A311) Assignments Lecture Homework #6, ESRI Virtual Campus Homework 6, Term Project Homework 2 GIS Tutorial Workbook Homework 6 Class 7: Tuesday, 4 March 2008 Quiz - Add CAD layers to ArcGIS Lecture Topics: CAD Transformations and Georeferencing Toolbar Creating Reports Selecting Features by Attribute Selecting features by location Joining and relating tables Data Downloads: AeroTech - Jean Prison Topo, Control Points and Aerial Photo ( Note the drawing Dtm008-014.dwg also includes a world file (Dtm008-014.wld) to transform the drawing from local coordinates to stateplane coordinate system. It also includes the Jean aerial photo for Book 217, Section 13 (S0721713.TIF and tfw). Building Footprints: (c:gisdatafireCRFiremaps.mdb and c:gisdatafiresourcefire-libbndy-162, hydrants-162, landuse-162, overlap-162, phgrid-162, and streets-162 or Maintained by City of Las Vegas Fire Department and Planning Department (CLVBuildingFootprints shapefile) Clark County Assessor Book 162 geodatabase (parcel162.mdb or C:GISdataAddressMatchingParcel.mdb in TBE-B367 and A311) Assignments Lecture Homework #7, ESRI Virtual Campus Homework 7, GIS Tutorial Workbook Homework 7 Class 8: Tuesday, 11 March 2008 Quiz Lecture Topics: ArcMap Layouts - Basic Map Elements Exporting Maps to PDF - watch the ESRI video Transparency Grids and Graticules Symbolizing features and rasters Data Downloads: USGS DEMs Shaded Relief of Clark County C:Program FilesArcGISReference Systemsusgs24q.shp ( Assignments Lecture Homework #8, ESRI Virtual Campus Homework 8, GIS Tutorial Workbook Homework 8 Class 9: Tuesday, 18 March 2008 (Spring Break) Class 10: Tuesday, 25 March 2008 Quiz Lecture Topics: Dissolving Features Assessor Parcels - ROW and Subdivision Maps Township, Range, Section - Assessor Books Preparing data for analysis Analyzing Spatial Data Buffer - find all septic tanks within 400 ft of a public sewer Geoprocessing in ArcGIS Data Downloads: Assessor Parcel.mdb geodatabase - aorow and aosubd tables, (TBE-B367 and A311 Labs, C:GISdataAddressMatchingParcel.mdb) GISMO IndexGrids.mdb geodatabase (TBE-B367 and A311 Labs, C:GISdataSurveyIndexGrids.mdb) Septic Tanks Southern Nevada Health District - septic tank layer (TBE-B367 and A311 Labs, C:GISdataSewerseptic.shp) Clark County Water Reclamation District - sewer line layer (TBE-B367 and A311 Labs, C:GISdataSewerswsys_l.shp) GC Wallace project with Clark County Air Quality on Septic Tank Conversion (ISDSWorkingReport-v3-GCWallace.pdf Assignments Lecture Homework #10, ESRI Virtual Campus Homework 10, GIS Tutorial Workbook Homework 10 Class 11: Tuesday, 1 April 2008 Quiz Lecture Topics: Surfaces using ArcGIS 3D Analyst Extension Creating a surface from USGS DEMs How to mosaic surfaces using ArcToolbox Create surface hillshade Create elevation contours Create a shaded relief USGS National Elevation Dataset (NED) - Digitial Elevation Model (DEM) USGS Digital Raster Graphic (DRG) How to Trace Vehicle Route Using GPS Data Based on Shortest Path Data Downloads: USGS NED 10 meter DEMs for Clark County NV, downloaded from USDS NRCS data gateway USGS Digital Raster Graphic (DRG) Jeff Jensen Color Ramp ( C:Program FilesArcGISReference Systemsusgs24q.shp ( od-streets.dbf, streetcenterline.mdb LVAddressLocator.lox, LVAddressLocator.loc, LVAddressLocator.loc.xml VehicleGPSDataDemo.dbf Assignments Lecture Homework #11, ESRI Virtual Campus Homework 11, GIS Tutorial Workbook Homework 11 Class 12: Tuesday, 8 April 2008 Guest Speaker - Doug Geller, Clark County School District Quiz Lecture Topics: Geocoding and Address Matching Data Downloads: streetcenterline.mdb Assignments Lecture Homework #12, ESRI Virtual Campus Homework 12, Term Project Homework 4 GIS Tutorial Workbook Homework 12 Class 13: Tuesday, 15 April 2008 Quiz Lecture Topics: Autodesk MapGuide GIS Servers - ArcIMS Server ArcGIS Online UNLV Website Publishing How to publish GIS features on Google Maps and Google Earth Data Downloads: USGS DEMs 10 meter, mosaicked for entire Clark County NV Projection - UTM Zone 11, Units Meters, NAD83 Datum Java Version 6 (download from or UNLV) UNLV Location (sample KML file) XTools Pro (download from UNLV) Future Las Vegas Schools Polygon Exsiting Las Vegas Schools Polygon Assignments Lecture Homework #13, ESRI Virtual Campus Homework 13, GIS Tutorial Workbook Homework 13 Class 14: Tuesday, 22 April 2008 Lecture Topics: How to Clip a Surface Encroachment Permits Data Downloads: Clark County Development Services: point layer of drainage studies, traffic studies and traffic mitigation ( and point layer of the offsite improvement plans ( Enroachment Permits ( USGS DEMs 10 meter, mosaicked for entire Clark County NV Projection - UTM Zone 11, Units Meters, NAD83 Datum Las Vegas Valley Water District: shapefiles of water lines and valves ( Assignments Lecture Homework #14, ESRI Virtual Campus Homework 14, GIS Tutorial Workbook Homework 14 Class 15: Tuesday, 29 April 2008 Lecture Topics: Class Evaluations Review homework grading Clark County Development Services: Enroachment Permits ( ArcIMS Websites: Clark County Regional Flood Control District - City of Las Vegas - City of Henderson - Review term project Assignments None Class 16: Tuesday, 6 May 2008 Term Project Presentations All the requirements for the presentation, powerpoint, and final report please refer to Term Project Grading Metric Email the Presentation PowerPoint and Final Report in PDF format to by 6:00pm on Saturday, 10 May 2008 Final Exam will be given after the class. Email the final exam answers to by 12:30 pm on Sunday, 11 May 2008 5:00pm on Friday, 16 May 2008 Assignments An overview of commonly used tools Append (Data Management) Appends multiple input datasets into an already existing target dataset. Input datasets can be point, line, or polygon feature classes; tables; rasters; or raster catalogs. Buffer (Analysis) Creates buffer polygons to a specified distance around the Input Features. An optional dissolve can be performed to remove overlapping buffers How Buffer (Analysis) works Basic of how buffers are created Clip (Analysis) Integrate (Data Management) Integrates features and feature layers by inserting vertices where line segments cross or where segment endpoints are too close to other segments. Clusters vertices to guarantee a minimum separation between vertices, points, and line segments. Intersect (Analysis) Computes a geometric intersection of the Input Features. Features or portions of features which overlap in all layers and/or feature classes will be written to the Output Feature Class How Intersect (Analysis) works Spatial reference and geoprocessing The spatial reference of a feature class is made up of the following: coordinate system, tolerance, resolution, and domain. What follows is an explanation of how the spatial reference is set when processing and creating new datasets, are set and how to control these properties. The spatial reference used during processing and the spatial reference used when creating the output feature class are the same. When the output of a geoprocessing tool is a feature class inside a feature dataset, the spatial reference properties of the feature dataset is used as processing and output spatial reference. The exception to this is the M Tolerance, Resolution and Domain. These can be altered using the relevant environments, for more detail on this see links below. If the output is a standalone feature class (not inside a feature dataset) the spatial reference properties used during processing and set to the output is the same as the input feature class'' spatial reference properties. These spatial reference properties can be modified (or overridden) by setting relevant geoprocessing environments. Union (Analysis) Computes a geometric intersection of the Input Features. All features will be written to the Output Feature Class with the attributes from the Input Features, which it overlaps. How Union (Analysis) works Union calculates the geometric intersection of any number of and . All inputs must be of a common geometry type and the output will be of that same geometry type. This means that a number of polygon feature classes and feature layers can be unioned together. The output features will have the attributes of all the input features that they overlap. Add XY Coordinates (Data Management) Adds the fields POINT_X and POINT_Y to the point input features and calculates their values Erase (Analysis) (ArcInfo only) Creates a feature class by overlaying the Input Features with the polygons of the Erase Features. Only those portions of the Input Features falling outside the Erase Features outside boundaries are copied to the Output Feature Class. How Erase (Analysis) works Erase creates a new feature class by overlaying two sets of features. The Erase Features polygons define the erasing area. Input Features or portions of input features that overlap the Erase Features are not written to the output feature class. Input Features can be points, lines, or polygons, but Erase Features must be polygons. Output Features will be of the same geometry type as Input Features. Feature to Line (Data Management) (ArcInfo only) Creates a new output line feature class from input polygon or line features. The attributes from the input features are maintained in the output line feature class. Feature to Point (Data Management) (ArcInfo only) Creates a point feature class based on an input polygon, line, or multipoint feature class. The attributes of the input features are maintained in the output points feature class. Feature to Polygon (Data Management) (ArcInfo only) Creates an output polygon feature class from input line and/or polygon features. If lines are used as inputs, each distinct "closed" area will be a feature in the output polygon feature class. Identity (Analysis) (ArcInfo only) Computes a geometric intersection of the Input Features and Identity Features. The Input Features or portions thereof that overlap Identity Features will get the attributes of those Identity Features. How Identity (Analysis) works Identity calculates the geometric intersection of the input and identity feature classes and feature layers. Near (Analysis) (ArcInfo only) This determines the distance from each feature in the Input Features to the nearest features in the Near Features within the Search Radius. How Near (Analysis) works The Near and the Generate Near Table tools calculate the distance between different spatial features and are two fundamental tools of proximity analysis. Near distance is calculated by evaluating the shortest seperation between an input feature and a near feature Point Distance (Analysis) (ArcInfo only) This determines the distances between point features in the Input Features to all points in the Near Features within the Search Radius Split (Analysis) (ArcInfo only) This breaks the Input Features into multiple output feature classes. The boundary of each unique value in the Split Field is used to split the Input Features. The name of the output feature classes will be the same as the Split Field''s unique values. Output feature classes are maintained in the target workspace. Symmetrical Difference (Analysis) (ArcInfo only) Computes a geometric intersection of the input and update features. Features or portions of features in the input and update features which do not overlap will be written to the Output Feature Class. How Symmetrical Difference (Analysis) works Symmetrical Difference calculates the geometric intersection of two input feature classes or feature layers and writes out features that are are not overlapped in the other input. This is to say that features or portions of features in the Input Features which are NOT overlapped by features in the Update Features will be written to the Output Feature Class. Same logic applies to the Update Features in relation to the Input Features: features or portions of features in the Update Features which are NOT overlapped by features in the Input Features will be written to the Output Feature Class. The input and update feature layers or feature classes must both be polygons. Symmetrical Difference does the following: Determines the spatial reference for processing. This will also be the output spatial reference. For details on how this is done, see Spatial Reference. All the input feature classes are projected (on the fly) into this spatial reference. Cracks and clusters the features. Cracking inserts vertices at the intersection of feature edges; clustering snaps together vertices that are within the xy tolerance. Discovers geometric relationships (overlap) between Input and Update Features. Writes the Input Features that are not overlapped by Update Features as well as Update Features which are not overlapped by Input Features to the Output Feature Class. To explicitly control the output spatial reference (Coordinate System and domains), set the appropriate environments, the Output Z Aware, and Output M Aware as desired. Note that the spatial reference used during processing is the same as the output spatial reference; therefore, all Input Features and Update Features must be within the X, Y, Z, and M domains. Update (Analysis) (ArcInfo only) Computes a geometric intersection of the Input Features and Update Features. The attributes and geometry of the Input Features are updated by the Update Features. The results are written to the Output Feature Class How Update (Analysis) works The Update Features are used to erase then replace the features in the input feature class or feature layer. Update does the following: Determines the spatial reference for processing. This will also be the output spatial reference. For details on how this is done, see Spatial Reference. All the input feature classes are projected (on the fly) into this spatial reference. Cracks and clusters the features. Cracking inserts vertices at the intersection of feature edges; clustering snaps together vertices that are within the xy tolerance. Discovers geometric relationships (overlap) between input and update features. Writes the Input Features or portions of input features that do not overlap Update Features to the Output Feature Class. The Input Features or portions of Input Features that overlap update features will be erased, and the update features will be written to the Output Feature Class ArcToolbox Analysis Tools Overview: ArcToolbox Analysis can be found by opening up ArcToolbox and clicking on analysis tools. The toolsets in analysis tools include the extract toolset, overlay toolset, proximity toolset, statistics toolset, and surface toolset. These are a collection of geoprocessing toolsets that work primarily on coverages, spatial features, and related attribute data. These tools are important for working with coverages by creating new coverages from previous coverages and doing standard statistical analyses on attribute data. You may also merge two coverages together and execute buffers on your data. Key Words: Extract Toolset, Overlay Toolset, Proximity Toolset, Statistics Toolset, Surface Toolset, Wizard, Coverage Methods: We will explain how to use the five different toolsets within analysis tools and what their specific task is. The toolsets are broken up into wizards and tools. Extract Wizard This will guide you through the process of extracting features from a coverage—click on extract wizard -- either click line or point features or area features - next—input the coverage you wish to work with -- build a query -- next – select an output coverage to save to – next – finish Clip Extracts those features from an input coverage that overlap with a clip coverage -- go to analysis tools – extract – clip – then select an input coverage and a clip coverage and specify an output coverage – ok – check to see if done correctly Query Regions Creates new regions based on the attribute values of input region or polygon layers and aggregates regions according to specified attribute items -- go to analysis tools – extract – query regions -- specify an input coverage – build a query – specify an output coverage – then click ok Select extracts map features from the input coverage based on their attribute values – go to analysis tools – extract toolset -- select – select an input coverage – build a query -- specify an output coverage – then click ok Split breaks a single coverage into many coverages -- go to analysis tools – extract toolset-- split -- select input coverage – select a split coverage – specify an out put coverage – click ok Overlay Wizard Leads you through the process of overlaying two coverages, it combines the identity, intersect, and union commands. go to analysis tools – overlay toolset – open overlay wizard -- select either intersect, identity or union – select your input coverage – specify the overlay coverage -- select either keep attributes from both coverages or keep only the internal ID from each coverage – specify an output coverage – next – finish Eliminate merges selected polygons with neighboring polygons that have the largest shared border between them, or that have the largest area. go to analysis tools – overlay toolset – eliminate – select an input coverage – build a query – specify an output coverage – clik ok Erase Erases the input coverage features that overlap with the erase coverage polygons -- go to analysis tools – overlay toolset – open erase tool -- select an input coverage – select an erase coverage – specify an output coverage – click ok Identity All features of the input coverage, as well as those features of the identity coverage that overlap the input coverage, are preserved in the output coverage -- you can make use of this tool by using the overlay wizard go to analysis tools – overlay toolset – open identity tool -- select an input coverage – select an identity coverage – specify an output coverage – click ok Intersect Creates a new coverage by overlaying the polygons of the intersect coverage with the point, line or polygon features of the input coverage. The output coverage contains the polygons from the intersect coverage and the features that intersected it from the input coverage. go to analysis tools – overlay toolset – open intersect tool -- select an input coverage – select an erase coverage – specify an intersect coverage – click ok Union Combines polygons from two coverages to create a new coverage. Attributes from one or both can be transferred to the new coverage. go to analysis tools – overlay toolset – open union tool -- select an input coverage – select a union coverage – specify an output coverage – click ok Update Updates features and attributes of a coverage by using another coverage. The attribute names, other than id, must be the same go to analysis tools – overlay toolset – open update tool -- select an input coverage – select an update coverage – specify an output coverage – click ok Proximity Buffer Creates a new coverage of buffers around specified features (points, lines, polygons, or nodes) in a coverage. go to analysis tools – Proximity toolset – open buffer tool -- select an input coverage – select a feature class– specify an output coverage – click ok Buffer Regions Creates regions from an input coverage’s points, lines, or polygons that can be output in the coverage or as a new coverage. The regions are based on polygons so lines or points will be converted to polygons. To preserve line or point coverages specify an output coverage. go to analysis tools – Proximity toolset – open Buffer regions tool -- select an input coverage – select a feature class– specify an output coverage or a subclass – click ok Create Thiessen Polygons Converts point coverages to thiessen polygons. Best fit polygons are created around point features. To ignore points that are close to each other, use the proximal tolerance. go to analysis tools – Proximity toolset – open Create Thiessen Polygons tool -- select an input coverage – set proximal tolerance– specify an output coverage – click ok Near Computes the distance from every point in input coverage to the nearest input coverage point, line, or node. Results are recorded in the output coverage’s point attribute table. go to analysis tools – Proximity toolset – open near tool -- select an input coverage – select a near coverage – select a feature class – specify a search radius -- specify an output coverage – click ok Point Distance Computes distance from each point in a coverage to all points in the same coverage or a different coverage within a specified radius. It is recommended to use a fairly small radius when there are a lot of points as the output table can quickly become massive. go to analysis tools – Proximity toolset – open Point Distance tool -- select an input coverage – select a “from” coverage –specify a search radius – specify a “To” coverage-- specify an output coverage – click ok Point Node Copies the attributes from a point coverage to a node coverage. Attributes are transferred from points within a specified search radius of a node; if more than one point is within the search radius then the nearest point’s attributes are transferred. go to analysis tools – Proximity toolset – open point node tool -- select a point coverage – select a node coverage– specify a search radius -- click ok Statistics Frequency Creates an output table that lists the frequency of occurrence on one or more items in an input table. Frequency allows quick examination of a table for what range of values it contains, identifying unusual cases, and as an aid in classification. go to analysis tools – Statistics toolset – open frequency tool -- select frequency items – select summary items –specify an output table – click ok Summary Statistics Generates statistics for items in an info input table. This tool will compute the sum, mean, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation of items in a table. Values can be weighted using either a constant value or the value from another item in the table. go to analysis tools – Statistics toolset – open summary statistics tool -- select an input table – select one or more statistics – select an item – specify a weight (if desired)-- specify an output table – click ok Surface Cut and Fill Summarizes the areas and volumes of change that occurred after a cut and fill operation (i.e. - leveling ground for a highway. Filling in the dips and cutting off the rises). The output grid is created by subtracting the after grid from the before grid. The resulting z-values represent the changes, negative values indicate fill, positive values indicate cut. go to analysis tools – Surface toolset – open cut and fill tool -- select a before grid – select an after grid – specify a Z factor – specify an output grid-- specify an output coverage – click ok Visibility Determines how many observation points in a coverage can be seen from each region of the grid, or which regions can be seen by each observation point. The observation analysis can be limited by specifying point elevation values, vertical offsets, horizontal and vertical scanning angles, and scanning distances. go to analysis tools – Surface toolset – open visibility tool -- select an input grid – select a feature class and an input coverage – specify analysis method – specify dataset type-- specify an output coverage – click ok Volume Calculates the area and volume of a tin. Base Z-values set the base height from which to begin calculations. The tin must be clipped to get rid of excess polygons (e.g. - “water” polygons around an island). go to analysis tools – Surface toolset – open Volume tool -- select an before grid – select an after grid – specify a Z factor – specify an output grid-- specify an output coverage – click ok GIS Tutorial Vector Spatial Analysis!!! Metadata Tutorial 3: Applying the ArcGIS HSPF Preprocessing Methodology - hydrology Import and mapping of field data!!! Add Field The Summarize button Map projection Landscape Management System - Examples Overlays in ArcView - Aggregating Data from one Theme into Another (Spatial Joins) Table analysis and management Almost all GIS data is stored or represented as a simple database table. For example, feature classes are tables with a shape attribute (an attribute in a table is also termed an field or column), rasters can be viewed as tables of attributes, and most live GIS databases have stand-alone tables containing attributes that can be related to other tables by a common attribute. When constructing a database or performing analysis, much of your time will be spent managing tables; adding and calculating new attributes, copying tables or their rows from one location to another, converting tables containing text strings of coordinate values into features, relating one table to another, or calculating summary statistics. Some analyses require that GIS data be extracted as tables for another application, or tabular data from another application may become an input to the GIS. Often several geoprocessing steps modify and combine sets of data, resulting in a feature class with many attributes derived from other data which can be selected or summarized to produce tabular results. Creatang a Graph Before you create a graph, you should determine what sort of information you want to convey. Deciding on whether you wish to show the trends, relationships, distributions or proportions in your data will help you to select the appropriate type of graph. You can graph all features from a dataset, or just selected ones. The dataset can a feature class, a layer, or an integer raster. You can also graph tabular data. Some graphs can effectively display only a limited amount of data, so choose your graph type appropriately. Alternatively, you might consider making more than one graph. Graph Wizard The Create Graph Wizard will lead you through the steps necessary to create a graph. To create a graph, the basic procedure (common to all the available types) is: Start the Graph wizard. Select the graph type. Set the data source. Select the field to graph. Set how color will be applied. Add additional series or functions to the graph, if desired. Proceed to the second page of the wizard to set the general properties of the final graph (title, etc). Accept your settings. Once you complete these steps, the graph will be created in ArcMap as a floating window. Additional options are available to give further control, as well as specific options that apply to individual types of graphs. Types of graphs You can choose from several different kinds of graphs. Some graphs are better than others at presenting certain kinds of information. Each graph has display properties that you can adjust to suit your needs. You can experiment with the various graph types and display properties to see which best displays the information you need to convey Using Series with graphs Creating profile graphs Vector Data Selection and Cartographic Representation Introduction to ArcGIS Data Vizualization Getting start with ArcGis Design a great map layout 1. Begin by defining your purpose and your audience: All maps are selective - they show what their maker intends. Have a clear objective and message in mind when you go to produce your map. Even if it is very technical, work out what you want the viewer to remember most. Then ask, who will see this map product and under what circumstances? Will it mainly be used in a small working group, handed out as a flyer at public meetings, or used as a backdrop for a press conference? Is the audience technically knowledgeable? Be specific about the type and number of people who most matter to your project. Common pitfalls: assuming that your map just shows "data" rather than having a message; or, developing a map for your own taste, rather than understanding what your audience needs. 2. Make your map a story: Design a map product that takes the reader on a journey. Unfold your messages in layers, not all at once. As the viewer looks more closely, additional information beyond your primary message should emerge. Don’t force the viewer to read this information when they first see the map. Look at newspaper front pages for examples of how to combine graphic elements in an overall story. Common pitfall: use all the same size and color fonts for title and map labels. 3. Keep it simple: A map should have one primary message that is instantly clear to most people who see it – show your map to someone who has never seen it and ask them to tell you what it says five seconds after they look at it. Remove all information from the map that is not essential. Common pitfall: drawing attention first to a utility element such as a large or centrally placed scale bar or north arrow, or an overlarge legend; or, hiding the title in small fonts. 4. Direct the viewer’s eye: The frame of your map (title, graphics, legend, etc.) should integrate with your map to draw the viewer’s eye to your messages in order of importance. Again, have someone look at it from the map’s intended viewing distance and tell you what draws their eye in the first few seconds, then when they look a bit longer, etc. Use your strongest colors for the most important features. Common pitfall: making lakes and other background water features a very rich and dark royal blue, which will dominate the viewer’s perception. 5. Design for a viewing distance: Every map has an optimal viewing distance. For a page map, it may be only a foot or two; for a large poster it could be 10 feet or more. Place your map at its intended viewing distance and assess its impact. Common pitfall: reviewing a poster map only from a foot or two viewing distance, which prevents seeing larger patterns in the full map. Use these principles to judge the effectiveness of your map – and compare others’ maps to see what works and doesn’t. GIS - body of knowlege Tutorial 1: Making a Quick Map in ArcMap Map and page layout The Map coclass The Map object is a container for map data. It manages layers of features and graphic data. The Map object is a primary point for customization tasks because it not only manages layers of data, but it is also a view and has to manage the drawing of all its data. Typical tasks with the Map object include adding a new layer, panning the display, changing the view extent (zooming functions), changing the spatial reference, and getting the currently selected features and elements. The Map object is cocreatable so that new Map objects can be created and added to the document. Instantiating a new Map object automatically creates the following related objects on which it relies: a ScreenDisplay object, which every view uses to manage the drawing window, and a new CompositeGraphicsLayer as discussed below. The IMap interface The IMap interface is a starting point for many of the tasks you can do with a map. For example, you can use IMap to add, delete, and access map layers containing data from various sources, including feature layers and graphics layers; associate map surround objects (legends, scale bars, and so on) with the map; access the various properties of a map, including the area of interest, the current map units, and the spatial reference; select features and access the Map object’s current selection. The focus map Every map document contains at least one Map object. Only one Map can have focus at a time, and this Map is called the focus map. IMxDocument provides access to all of the Map objects loaded in the document; IMxDocument::FocusMap returns a reference to the Map currently with focus, and IMxDocument::Maps returns the entire collection of Map objects. A map document can contain any number of Map objects —the focus Map always represents the data view. Accessing the map''s layers The Map object manages a collection of layer objects. Types of layer objects include FeatureLayer, FDOGraphicsLayer, and GroupLayer. Each layer has a spatial reference. A spatial reference defines a precision and a coordinate system. The map coordinate system is automatically set to the coordinate system of the first layer loaded in the map and the precision is calculated based on the union of all the layers'' extents. Refer to the ISpatialReference documentation for more information. The following example shows how to add a layer based on a shapefile to the map. Selecting in the map From the Map object you can find out about the selected features in the map: The Map object also contains methods to select features. The next code excerpt shows how to select features by shape. To use this sample, paste the code into VBA. Use the Commands tab of the Customize dialog to create a new UIToolControl. If you use the default name UIToolControl1, the code will be associated with the MouseDown event of the tool. Add the tool to any toolbar, select the tool and drag out an envelope. (You will need to completely close VBA so that mouse events fire). Drawing on the Map''s graphics layers Map manages a CompositeGraphicsLayer object, which contains a collection of graphics layers. The basic graphics layer is the default graphics layer of the Map where all graphics are drawn by default. Map provides direct access to this layer with the property IMap::BasicGraphicsLayer. You can also access the Map object through the IGraphicsContainer interface to access its active graphics layer. This always returns a reference to Map’s active graphics layer. The Map’s basic graphics layer is both a graphics layer on which to draw and the composite graphics layer which contains all the map''s graphic layers. Map’s basic graphics layer cannot be deleted from the CompositeGraphicsLayer object. Get a reference to the map''s basic graphics layer throught the ICompositeGraphicsLayer interface to manage the layer it contains. This way, graphics layers can be added to or deleted from the map. The layer collection returned from the IMap::Layers property does not include the graphics layers managed by Map’s CompositeGraphicsLayer. To access them, you can use the IMap::ActiveGraphicsLayer property. This property will return a reference to the graphics layer which is the current drawing target. This can either be the basic graphics layer, a layer in the Map’s CompositeGraphicsLayer, or a feature layer such as an FDOGraphicsLayer. This example adds a new graphics layer to the map. If you run this program and then have a look on the Annotation groups tab of the dataframe properties, you will see a new group i.e. a new graphics layer in the list. To draw in this new layer you must make it the active graphics layer. It comes as no surprise that this is done by setting the ActiveGraphicsLayer property of the map. You can tell which layer is the active graphics layer by going to the active annotation target sub-menu in the Drawing menu in ArcMap. In the next example we QueryInterface from IMap to IGraphicsContainer to add a text element to the active graphics layer. For more on elements see the Map Elements section below. The basic graphics layer is a special layer that cannot be deleted and is not reported in the CompositeGraphicsLayer’s layer count. Further, this layer’s element count reports the total number of elements in all the CompositeGraphicsLayer’s layers. If you delete all elements in Map’s basic graphics layer, you delete all elements in all target layers (annotation groups) in the CompositeGraphicsLayer. In the case where the Map’s CompositeGraphicsLayer does have multiple layers, use IMap::ActiveGraphicsLayer to set or get a reference to the active layer. The active graphics layer does not always reference a layer in the Map’s CompositeGraphicsLayer; this is the case when a database layer containing elements is set as the active graphics layer. A feature-linked annotation layer (FDOGraphicsLayer) is a good example of this. The Map’s IGraphicsContainer always returns a reference to the Map’s active graphics layer. Again, this can either be the basic graphics layer, a layer in the Map’s CompositeGraphicsLayer, or a feature layer such as an FDOGraphicsLayer. See also the description of the IGraphicsContainerSelect interface under the Page Layout topic below. Map frames and surrounds In ArcMap, Map objects are always contained by MapFrame objects .The PageLayout object actually manages all the MapFrame objects and each MapFrame manages a Map. Note that for convenience, the MxDocument object passes a reference to the focus map and the Map’s collection. In reality, however, the PageLayout object manages these. MapSurround objects are elements that are related to a Map. Types of map surrounds include legends, North arrows, and scale bars. The Map object exposes several properties and methods for accessing the map surrounds associated with it. All map surrounds are actually contained by a MapSurroundFrame which, like a MapFrame, is ultimately managed by the PageLayout object. See the page layout section below for details on the map frame and surrounds. IBasicMap IBasicMap is a subset of IMap that provides support for ArcScene and ArcGlobe. The Map (2D), Scene (3D), and Globe (3D) coclasses implement this interface. Components used by ArcMap, ArcScene, and ArcGlobe, (such as the IdentifyDialog) utilize IBasicMap rather than IMap. The active view The IActiveView interface controls the main application window, including all drawing operations. Use this interface to change the extent of the view, access the associated ScreenDisplay object, show or hide rulers and scroll bars, and refresh the view. Refreshing the view is discussed in detail in the Display Library Overview and in the help for the Refresh and PartialRefresh methods of IActiveView. This VBA script lets the user zoom in on the current active view: Active view events The IActiveViewEvents interface is the default outbound interface on the Map object. It is exposed by the Map object so that clients may listen and respond to specific events related to the active view, such as AfterDraw and SelectionChanged. Many coclasses implement this interface, and each of them fires events differently. The Map object’s implementation of the IActiveView is different from the PageLayout object’s implementation. For example, the Map object does not fire the FocusMap Changed event, whereas the PageLayout object does. Similarly, the Map object fires the Item Deleted event when a layer is removed from the Map, and the PageLayout object fires the same event when elements such as a map frame or graphic are deleted. The AfterViewDraw event will not fire unless IViewManager::VerboseEvents is set to True. To use this example, paste the code into VBA then run the SetUpEvents procedure. The SelectionChanged will be fired and the message displayed each time the selection is modified. IViewManager IViewManager is a low-level interface to the properties defining the behavior of the active view. One commonly used property managed by the IViewManager interface is VerboseEvents. When VerboseEvents is set to False, the default, IActiveViewEvents::AfterItemDraw, is not fired. To listen for this event, you must set VerboseEvents equal to True. The sample below buffers each selected feature and draws the result on the display. The buffer polygons have a black outline and a slanted red line fill. Paste the code into VBA and run the InitEvents procedure. Barriers Barriers are used by labeling engines to signal that a label should not be placed in a particular region. Barriers currently include annotation, graphical elements, and symbols generated from renderers. For example, a feature layer using a pie chart renderer doesn’t want labels to appear directly above the pie chart’s symbols. In this case, pie chart symbols act as barriers informing the label engine that no labels should be placed on top of them. The IMapBarriers interface returns a list of all the barriers and their weights from all the layers in the Map. Layers with barriers include those layers that implement IBarrierProperties—the CompositeGraphicsLayer, CoverageAnnotationLayer, and FDOGraphicsLayer. When creating a labeling engine, use this interface to conveniently access all the barriers from all the layers. Spatial bookmarks All spatial bookmarks are managed by and are persisted in the Map object. Bookmarks save map extents along with a name identifying them and so make it easy to jump to a specific location on the map. In ArcMap, bookmarks are accessible under Bookmarks in the View menu. Map’s bookmarks are managed by the IMapBookmarks interface. Use IMapBookmarks to access existing bookmarks, add new ones, and delete old ones. Once you have a reference to a particular bookmark, you can make the Map’s extent equal to that stored in the bookmark. There are two types of spatial bookmarks available in ArcMap: Area of Interest bookmarks and Feature bookmarks. Area of Interest bookmarks store information about a map extent, Feature bookmarks allow you to find back one particular feature on the map. See the help under ISpatialBookmark, IAOIBookmark and IFeatureBookmark for more on these. This sample shows one method for creating a new Area of Interest bookmark: This sample shows one way to find an existing spatial bookmark and zoom to its stored extent: Map events The IMapEvents interface is exposed off the Map object, enabling clients to listen and respond to two events occurring inside a map: FeatureClassChanged and VersionChanged. Both of these events are related to changing the version the map’s layers are working with. For example, if someone changes the version an edit session is working with, the Editor has to know about all the new feature classes so that it can reset the snapping environment. The Map object’s default outbound interface is IActiveViewEvents. Because Visual Basic can only handle one outbound interface per object, the MapEvents object has been created to give Visual Basic users a method for responding to the events grouped under IMapEvents. The example demonstrates listening to map events. The event is declared on the MapEvents object instead of the Map object. Paste into VBA and run the InitEvents procedure. ITableCollection The ITableCollection interface is used to manage tables associated with a Map. Use this interface to add new tables to a map, remove old tables, or access a table already loaded. The following VBA macro loads a table into the focus map. An Introduction to Cartography Create a Legend Working with legend patch shapes Legend patch shapes are the geometric shape of either a line or a polygon that is used to represent a specific kind of feature in a legend or in the table of contents. You can choose to use any of a variety of predefined legend patch shapes in ArcMap. Different legend patch shapes may be more appropriate given the type of data you are representing in your maps. For instance, natural features, like lakes or ponds, have amorphous shapes, and often, it is cartographically more appropriate to represent these features in a legend with such a shape rather than a rectangle. Creating a new legend patch shape from a feature Click the Select Features tool . Select one or more line or polygon features. The outline of these features will become the shape of the legend patch. Click the New Legend Patch Shape button. Click the Outline of Features option. Click the Layer drop-down arrow and click the layer that contains the selected feature or features. Click the Features drop-down arrow and click selected. Click Create Patch. This will update the preview. Optionally, uncheck the Preserve Aspect Ratio check box. This will allow any later changes using the patch height and width to stretch the shape you have created. Click Add to Styleset. Type a name for the new patch shape and click OK. Click Close How to Geocode Addresses (Video) Address Geocoding with ArcGIS Geographic Information Systems help us to associate information from various sources based on spatial references. Fundamentally, the spatial references that are required are X,Y coordinates in a documented geographic or projected coordinate system. Nevertheless, we often have useful information about locations that are referenced according to street addresses (e.g. 48 Quincy Street, Cambridge MA, 02138.) Transforming this sort of reference into a simple X and Y, is a process known as Address Matching, or Geocoding. Thanks to a nation-wide GIS database of streets and address ranges and GIS applications such as ArcGIS, the procedure for geocoding a table of 50 addresses is far simpler than the alternative of finding them yourself. Geocoding Geocoding X,Y coordinates in ArcView Rematching a geocoded feature class About rematching a geocoded feature class After geocoding a table of addresses, you may want to review the results. If you are not satisfied with the results, you may want to modify the address locator''s settings and try to geocode the table of addresses or records that were not matched again. This process is known as rematching. There are a number of options for specifying which addresses in a geocoded feature class you want to rematch including: Only the addresses that are unmatched All the addresses with a match score less than a certain value All the addresses with two or more candidates with the best match score All the addresses Addresses based on a specified query Geocoding a table of addresses How to geocode a table of addresses In ArcMap Add the table of address you want to geocode to ArcMap. Click the Tools menu in ArcMap, point to Geocoding, then click Geocoding Addresses. Click the address locator you want to use to geocode the table of addresses and click OK. This will close the dialog box and open the Geocode Addresses dialog box. If the address locator you want to use does not appear in the list, click Add to browse for the address locator. Click the dropdown arrow, then click the table you want to geocode. If the table does not appear in the dropdown list, click the Browse button to browse for the table. Choose the column name from each dropdown list that contains the specified address information. The names of the required address attributes are shown in bold type. Click the Browse button and navigate to the location where you want to create the geocoded feature class. Click Save. Choose the Create dynamic feature class related to table option if desired. Click Advanced Geometry Options to specify the geometry settings for the geocoded feature class. Specify the geometry settings for the geocoded feature class and click OK. Click Geocoding Options and specify the geocoding options that will be used to geocode the table of addresses, then click OK. Click OK on the Geocode Addresses dialog box to geocode the table. Click Done. Addresses: Geocoding by address in ArcGIS 9 Creating an address locator One of the first physical processes in geocoding is the creation and tailoring of an address locator. This process always begins in ArcCatalog. Address locators can be created in any workspace such as a geodatabases or file folder. Right-click a selected workspace, click New, then click Address Locator. How to create an address locator Creating an address locator in ArcCatalog Open a workspace in ArcCatalog. It can be a file folder or a geodatabase. Right-click the workspace, click New, and click Address Locator to display the Create New Address Locator dialog box. Click the address locator style you want to use to create the new address locator and click OK. Learn more about commonly used address locator styles Type a name and description for the new address locator in the Name and Description text boxes. Click the Browse button on the Primary table tab. Navigate to and click the feature class or shapefile that the address locator will use as reference data, then click Add. Click the drop-down arrow and click the name of the field that contains the specified address information. The required address elements appear with a bold field name. Click the Alternate Name table tab if your address locator will use an alternate street name table. Otherwise, skip to step 11. Click the Browse button, navigate to and click the table the address locator will use as an alternate street name table, then click Add. Click the drop-down arrow and click the name of the column containing the specified alternate street name information. Both primary table and alternate name table require a Join ID field. The required alternate street name attributes have field names in bold type. Click Place Name Alias Table if your address locator will use a place name alias table. Otherwise, skip to step 15. Click the Browse button, navigate to and click the table the address locator will use as a place name alias table, then click Add. Click the drop-down arrow and click the name of the column containing the specified place name alias information. The required place name alias attributes have field names in bold type. Click OK. Click OK to create the new address locator. Modifying an address locator''s settings About modifying an address locator''s settings After an address locator is created, you can modify its settings to control how it places the locations of matched addresses and what information is contained in the geocoding output. One option is to specify the field names in the table of addresses you would use for geocoding. Depending on the address locator style, the address locator searches an address table for the column containing the address field. It looks for columns in the order in which they appear in the list on the right side under Input Address Fields. If the table doesn''t contain a column named Address, it will look for a column named Addr, and so on. Geocoding – Guide to Address Locating in ArcMap Defining the address locator components About building an SQL expression Geocoding ArcGIS tutorial Geocoding – Matching addresses with locations Using the Find, Go To X,Y and Measure Tools,_Go_To_X,Y_and_Measure_Tools_in_ArcView_9_-_ArcMap ArcGIS II Basic mapping tutorial Adding route events About adding route events A route location describes a portion of a route or a single location along a route. When route locations are stored in tables, they are known as route event tables. Route event tables are typically organized around a common theme. For example, an event table for highways might include speed limits, year of resurfacing, present condition, and accidents. There are two types of route events: point and line. Point events occur at precise locations along a route. Line events describe a portion of a route. A route event table has at least two fields: a route identifier and one or two measure locations. The route identifier indicates what the route event is located along. The measure location is either one or two values that describe the positions on the route where the event occurs. The process of computing the map location of events stored in an event table is known as dynamic segmentation. The result of the dynamic segmentation process is a route event source, which can be used by a layer in a map. The Make Route Event Layer geoprocessing tool can be used in ArcCatalog or ArcMap. The result is a temporary layer that can be used in other geoprocessing operations. Once created, this layer is available in the tool dropdown menus. If using ArcMap, the layer will appear in the table of contents. next |