governmental regulation, Environmental economics, Politics and world , natural capital, a good comprehension and understand on collecting data in the field. Hands on data collectionRisk Analysis and Human Health, Air Pollution, collect water samples, conduct pH, and бKmacroinvertebrate sampling, Environmental sociology. Environmental and Human Health and the Department of Environmental Toxicology, the world in the integration of environmental impact assessment of toxic chemicals with human health consequences, framed in the context of science-based risk assessment to support sound environmental policy and law, Community Ecology Dissertation.Fieldtrips, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, Political Economy, Environmental Sociology, Global Economics


1. Environmental Problems, Their Causes, and Sustainability. ECOLOGY AND SUSTINABILITY.
2. Science, Matter, and Energy.
3. Ecosystems: What Are They and How Do They Work?.
4. Evolution and Biodiversity.
5. Climate and Biodiversity.
6. Community Ecology, Population Ecology, and Sustainability.
7. Applying Population Ecology: The Human Population. SUSTAINING BIODIVERSITY.
8. Sustaining Biodiversity: The Ecosystem Approach.
9. Sustaining Biodiversity: The Species Approach. SUSTAINING RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY.
10. Food, Soil Conservation, and Pest Management.
11. Water and Water Pollution.
12. Geology and Nonrenewable Minerals.
13. Energy.
14. Risk, Human Health, and Toxicology.
15. Air Pollution.
16. Climate Change and Ozone Loss.
17. Solid and Hazardous Waste. SUSTAINING HUMAN SOCIETIES.
18. Environmental Economics, Politics, and Worldviews. Science Supplements. Glossary. Index.
Environmentalism, ecology, conservation, environmental science.
Which of the following does not represent an aspect of an environmentally sustainable society?
protecting biodiversity, soil erosion, solar power, recycling

Natural capital consists of ________ and ecological services: gross national product, economic services, resources, climate change
The human population is increasing exponentially
Approximately how many new people were added by world population growth in 2005?
Economic growth requires all of the following factors: an increase in consumption, an increase in production, population growth
On which of the following factors does the United Nations not classify a nation as developed or developing?
per capita GNI (GNP),
degree of industrialization, population size.
Economic development is: None of the choices, a measure of income per capita, the same as economic growth, improvement of living standards by economic growth.
Which of the following is considered a nonrenewable resource? metallic minerals,
fresh air,
solar energy, biological diversity
The tragedy of the commons refers to the overuse of: synthetic chemicals, solar capital, governmental regulation, common-property or free-access resources

An ecological footprint is: a measure of a person''s contribution to creating a sustainable environment, the amount of biologically productive land and water needed to support each person, the amount of wilderness available on the earth, a measure of the earth''s biological capacity.

The total ecological footprint of the United States is ________ times that of India, about ? (2-3,4,5)

Nonrenewable resources:
are renewable, but only over millions or billions of years, All of the choices, exist in a fixed quantity, can be exhausted within dozens or hundreds of years.
? Pollution can come from natural sources
Nonpoint pollution sources: are dispersed and difficult to identify, come from sources that are impossible to locate, are identified more easily and cheaply than point sources, may come from a smokestack or a drainpipe.
? Pollution prevention is usually more expensive than pollution cleanup
Which of the following is not one of the five basic causes of environmental problems? unsustainable resource use, public policy, poverty, population growth

The three factors affecting the environmental impact of the population in developing and developed countries are: population plus consumption plus technology impact, population times consumption times technology impact, population plus consumption minus technology impact, population times technology impact minus consumption.

Which of the following characterized the frontier environmental worldview? Moving as needed to find food for survival, Alarm at the squandering of resources and wilderness, A high level of federal regulation, Vast resources available for human use.

An example of environmentally sustainable economic development is: population growth, pollution prevention, increased use of resources, burying waste.

Chapter 1 Resources

Environmental Problems, their Causes, and Solution
Science, Matter, and Energy
Evolution and Biodiversity
Climate and Biodiversity
Community Ecology, Population Ecology, and
Applying Population Ecology, The Human Population
Sustaining Biodiversity, the ecosystem approach
Sustaining Biodiversity, the species approve
Food, soil conservation and pest management
Water and water pollution
Geology and nonrenewable minerals
Risk, Human Health and toxicology
Air Pollution
Climate Change and ozone loss
Solid and Hazardous Waste
Environmental economics, Politics and world

Which of the following is not an example of natural capital?
An organic compound always consists of two or more carbon atoms.
бK.. is responsible for evaporation, water recycling, wind, and plant growth
бK.. has(have) led to the separation of land masses on the earth over millions of years
The two major life zones of the oceans are the:
What is the first step in timber harvesting?
One nonnative organism that is a threat to birds is:
What is one typical feature of pesticides?
Water treaties cover underground aquifers that traverse nations
The U.S. General Mining Law allows people or corporations to patent public lands
Which of the following technologies is considered a very important part of future energy production?
The concepts of bioaccumulation and biomagnification mean that:
Which of the following is not a harmful effect of acid deposition?
Which of the following is not likely to occur as a result of rising sea levels?
бK. does not break down in the environment, and exposure to it can lower IQ, cause hearing damage, and lead to hyperactivity
Tradable pollution permits are ________.
Which of the following characterized the frontier environmental worldview?
Radioactive decay is expressed in terms of half-life.
Phytoplankton in an open water ecosystem are:
A species'' realized niche is ________ than its fundamental niche
What are the two main factors determining climate?
Which of the following species is a K-selected species? Mouse, dandelion, cockroach, blue whale
When people migrate from rural to urban areas, they tend to increase their socioeconomic status
Which of the following is a more sustainable method of clearcutting? strip cutting, seed-tree cutting, shelterwood cutting
high grading,

The world''s botanical gardens and arboreta contain what percentage of the world''s rare and threatened plant species?%
Traditional subsistence farming provides a higher ratio of units of food energy to units of input energy than does U.S. industrialized farming
What is a red tide? A harmful algal bloom.
Nonrenewable mineral resources are priced according to the rules of a competitive free market
Which of the following is not a pollutant released by the burning of coal? radioactive particles, iron, carbon dioxide, mercury
If a toxic chemical gets into an ecosystem, it may be found at higher concentration in tertiary consumers than in primary consumers as a result of: solubility, bioaccumulation, synergistic effects, biomagnification.
(n) ________ can cause air pollutants at ground level to rise to harmful levels.- temperature inversion, rain shadow, onshore wind, offshore wind
The single most important step we can take to slow global warming is to decrease _ carbon dioxide _ emissions
It is more important to recycle post-consumer waste than pre-consumer waste
Which of the following views are consistent with a planetary management worldview? - Nature exists for all of the Earth''s species, We must learn to cooperate with nature, The Earth''s limited resources should be used sustainably.

Environmental science Working with the Earth G.Tyler Miller, Jr
Environmental Science &th Daniel D. Chiras

Video Production Disciplines and Technique 9th Lynne S.Gross James G. Foust Thomas D.Burrong

The Madison College
Syllabus for Advanced Placement Environmental Science, 2005 -2006
Class Text Book and Reference Text:
G. Tyler Miller (2000) Living in the Environment, 11th Edition, Brooks/Cole Publishers
G. Tyler Miller (2004) Living in the Environment, 13th Edition
Fall Term, 2005
1. Introduction to Environmental Issues September 8 - 13
- Humans and Sustainability
- Exponential growth and human population
- Economic growth and Wealth Gap
- Earthбжs main types of Resources
- The major points on the Environmental Agenda
2. What is Environmental Science and which are its current limitations September 14 - 20
- Systems and Models for studying multivariable situations
- How can we use models to predict behavior
- What are feedback loops
- How can synergy be used to bring about change
- How can we anticipate Environmental Surprises
3. How is the Law of Conservation of Matter applied in the Environment September 21 - 27
- Physical and chemical changes the basic forms of matter
- Why is there бзno awayби on Earth?
- What are the different forms of Energy?
- How are the Laws of Energy Change applied in Nature
- What is Radioactivity and the types of Ionizing Radiation
4. What sustains life on Earth September 28 бV October 7
- Ecosystems: Components, Energy Flow, Matter Cycling
- Earthбжs life support systems
- How is water cycled and the human impact on the water cycle
- How is Carbon cycled in the Biosphere
- How is Nitrogen cycled in the Biosphere
5. Major components of ecosystems October 10 бV 17
- Food webs
- Primary Productivity
- Soil, the basis of life
- Sustainability of ecosystems
6. Evolution and Biodiversity October 19 - 24
- Origins of life: Chemical Evolution and Biological Evolution
- Evolution and Adaptation
- Speciation, Extinction and Biodiversity
- Ecological Niches and Adaptation
7. Climate, Biomes, Terrestrial Biodiversity October 26 - 31
- Atmospheric dynamics: weather and climate
- Climate and Life on Land
- Biomes: Desert
- Grassland, Tundra, Chaparral
- Forest and Mountain Biomes
8. Aquatic Ecology and Aquatic Biodiversity (Ch. 24) November 1 - 7
- Saltwater Life Zones
- Freshwater Life Zones
- Sustainability of Aquatic Life Zones
Independent Study: Chapters 27, 28 November 8 - 14
9. Roles species play in ecosystems November 15 - 18
- Species Equilibrium Model and Island Biogeography
- Species interactions: Competition and Predation
- Ecological Succession
- Ecological stability and sustainability
10. Population Dynamics November 21 - 28
- Carrying Capacity
- The role of predator in controlling population size
- Reproductive patterns and survival: Opportunistic versus Competitor Species
- Human impacts on Ecosystems
12. Human Population: Growth, Demography, Carrying Capacity November 29 бV December 5
- Birth Rates, Death Rates, Global fertility
- Population Age and Structure
- Solutions for Influencing Population Size
14. Food Resources December 6 - 12
- Systems for food production
- The Green Revolution and Traditional Techniques
- Environmental Effects of Producing Foods
- The Impact of Meat and Fish Production
15. Water Resources December 13 - 16
- Supply, Renewal and Use of Water Resources
- Causes of Freshwater Shortages
- Tapping Groundwater
- Solutions for a more sustainable water future
20. Water Pollution December 19 - 23
- Pollution of Fresh Water Streams and Lakes
- Groundwater Pollution and Its Prevention
- Ocean Pollution
- Preventing and Reducing Surface Water Pollution
- Drinking Water Quality
Winter Recess December 26 бV January 1stt
Happy New Year: 2006
11.Geological Processes January 2 бV January 6
- Plate Tectonics
- Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions
- Soil Erosion and Degradation
16. Geological Resources: Nonrenewable Mineral and Energy Resources January 9 бV January 13
- How do Ores and Minerals Form
- Environmental Effects of Extracting, Processing, Using Mineral Resources
Midyear Examination Week of January 13
17. Energy Efficiency and renewable Energy Feb.08 бV Feb.14
- Energy Efficiency of Common Devices
- Saving Energy in Transportation
- Saving Energy in Buildings
- Using Solar Energy to Generate High temperature Heat and Electricity
- Producing Energy from Moving Water, Wind, Biomass
- Solutions for a Sustainable Energy Strategy
Lab # 15: Students Presentations on Energy Topics Feb. 15
18. Air and Air Pollution Feb. 16-18, Feb 28
- Outdoor Air Pollution
- Photochemical and Industrial Smog
- Temperature Inversions
- Effects of Acid Deposition
- Indoor Air Pollution
- Effects of Air pollution on Living Organisms and Materials
- Preventing and Reducing Air Pollution
Lab # 16: Measuring Air Pollution March 01
Mid Winter Recess Feb 21 бV Feb 25
19. Climate Change and Ozone Loss March 02- March 08
- Climate Change and Human Activities
- Factors Affecting Changes in the Earthбжs Average Temperature
- How Can We Reduce the Threat of Climate Change from Human Activities
- What causes Ozone Depletion in the Stratosphere
- Solutions for Protecting the Ozone Layer
Lab # 17: Water Quality Testing (II) March 15
21. Pesticides and Pest Control March 16- March 18
22. Solid and Hazardous Waste Mar 21- Mar 25
- What can we do to reduce, reuse and recycle solid waste and hazardous waste
- Advantages and disadvantages of burning or burying waste
- How is hazardous waste regulated in the U.S.
Lab # 18: Solutions for achieving a low-waste society (Presentation) Mar 22
23. Human Impacts on Earthбжs Biodiversity Mar 25 - Mar 30
- What human activities endanger wild-life?
- How can we prevent premature extinction of species?
- How cam we manage game animals
- Why should we care about biodiversity and species extinction
24. How is Land Used and Managed Mar 31 бV Apr 5
- The major types of public lands in the US and how are they used
- Use and management of forest resources
- How should we establish, design, protect and manage nature reserves
- Why is ecological restoration important
25. Protecting Aquatic Biodiversity Apr 6- Apr 8
- How can Wetlands be Sustained and Restored
- Environmental Threats to Lakes and Rivers
26. Urban Land Use and Management Apr 11- Apr 15
- Major Resource and Environmental Problems for Urban Areas
- Urban Land-use Planning and Control
- Pros and Cons for Building More Cities and Towns
27. Economics, Environment and Sustainability Apr 18 бV Apr 22
- How can we use economics to help control pollution and manage resources
- How can we reduce poverty to improve environmental quality and human well-being
- Pros and Cons of using regulations and market forces to improve environmental quality
Spring Recess Apr 23 бV Apr 29
28. What are guidelines for making environmental policy May 2 бV May 4
- Environmental policy in the United States
- Global environmental policies and how can they be improved

Environmental science syllabus
Textbook: Living in the Environment: Principles, Connections, and Solutions,
14th Edition, G. Tyler Miller, Thompson, Brooks/Cole, 2005

AP Environmental Science Topic Syllabus
Unit One
Chapter 16. Geology and Nonrenewable Mineral Resources
A. Earth Science Concepts
Lecture Topics: Geologic time scale; plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanism; seasons; solar
intensity and latitude
Lab 1 School Environment (It will take one 60 minute periods for this lab) Observe and
record the abiotic environmental factors like air and soil temperature, humidity, barometric
pressure, wind speed and direction, and precipitation in part of the school yard. Observe and
record the biotic environmental factors like the type of plants and animals in part of the school
yard. Describe how people affect the plants, animals, and their environment.
Lab 2 Plate Tectonics (It will take one 60 minute periods for this lab) This is an activity type
lab describing the theory of plate tectonics and its relationship to earthquake and volcanic
activityбжs affect on geology and weather in different parts of the world. Activity interpreting
seismograms S and P wave data to locate earthquake epicenter. Relate tectonic patterns of
the past to the rate of evolution and distribution of organisms.
Chapter 6. Climate and Terrestrial Biodiversity
B. The Atmosphere
Lecture Topics: Composition; structure; weather and climate; atmospheric circulation and the
Coriolis Effect; atmosphere - ocean interactions; El Nino бV Southern Oscillation
Chapter 15. Water Resources
C. Global Water Resources and Use
Lecture Topics: Freshwater/saltwater; ocean circulation; agricultural, industrial, and domestic
use; surface and groundwater issues; global problems; conservation
Chapter 14. Food and Soil Resources
D. Soil and Soil Dynamics
Lecture Topics: Rock cycle; formation; composition; physical and chemical properties; main
soil types; erosion and other soil problems; soil conservation
Lab 3 Rock Cycle (It will take one 60 minute periods for this lab) Observe and record a
description of different types of rocks including granite, marble, conglomerate, limestone and
dolomite. Measure the rate of physical and chemical weathering on the different type of rocks
by scraping them with a nail and putting vinegar on them. Relate this weathering to the
formation of soil.
Lab 4 Soil Analysis (It will take one 60 minute periods for this lab) Identify and measure the
depth of the soil profiles in you area. Test the soil for phosphates, nitrates, potassium and pH
with a soil test kit. Identify the color and texture of the parts of the soil by putting the soil
through different sizes of sieves.
Exam 1 Chapters 6, 14-16
II. THE LIVING WORLD (10-15%) Five Weeks
Unit Two
Chapter 4. Ecosystems: What Are They and How do They Work?
A. Ecosystem Structure
Lecture Topics: Biological populations and communities; ecological niches; interactions among species;
keystone species; species diversity and edge effects; major terrestrial and aquatic biomes
Chapter 12 Sustaining Biodiversity: The Species Approach
Lab 5 Environmental Influences (It will take one 60 minute periods for this lab) This lab test different
environmental conditions on organismбжs distribution in a lab containers. Sow bugs are put into containers
that they can choose different conditions. The first choice is between light and dark. The next choice is
between dry filter paper and filter paper damp with water. The next choice is for pH. Use filter paper damp
with water, filter paper damp with1% HCl and filter paper damp with 1% KOH. Describe the habitat
preferences for each choice.
Chapter 3. Science, Systems, Matter, and Energy
B. Energy Flow
Lecture Topics: Photosynthesis and cellular respiration; food webs and trophic levels;
ecological pyramids
Chapter 5. Evolution and Biodiversity
C. Ecosystem Diversity
Lecture Topics: Biodiversity; natural selection; evolution; ecosystem succession
Chapter 8 Community Ecology
D. Natural Ecosystem Change
Lecture Topics: Climate shifts; species movement; ecological succession
E. Natural Biogeochemical Cycles
Lecture Topics: Carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous, sulfur, water, conservation of matter
Exam 2 Chapters 3-5, 8, 12
III. POPULATION (10-15%) Five Weeks
Unit Three
Chapter 9. Population Ecology
A. Population Biology Concepts
Lecture Topics: Population ecology; carrying capacity; reproductive strategies; survivorship
Lab 6 Population Lab Study (It will take two 60 minute periods for this lab) Grow a fruit fly,
brine shrimp or duck weed populations in the lab and count them as their population grows.
Graph and interpret the data. Calculate the doubling time of the population. Define the
carrying capacity in terms of limiting factors on the population.
Lab 7 Population Field Study (It will take two 60 minute periods for this lab) Identify and count
the plants and animals in a field community using a quadrant sampling method. Calculate the
population density for each population. Identify stages of succession in the area and construct
a food web poster for the field community.
Chapter 10. Applying Population Ecology: The Human Population
B. Human Population
1. Human Population Dynamics
Lecture Topics: Historical population sizes; distribution; fertility rates; growth rates and doubling times;
demographic transition; age-structure diagrams
Lab 8 Human Population Demographics (It will take one 60 minute periods for this lab)
Collect birth and death dates data from a cemetery. Determine the population growth rate
and doubling time in this human population. Construct and interpret population structure
histograms from data of several different types of countries. Analyze the impact of the
population growth of these countries on the utilization of global resources.
Chapter 1 Environmental problems, Their Causes and Sustainability
2. Population Size
Lecture Topics: Strategies for sustainability; case studies; national policies
3. Impacts of Population Growth
Lecture Topics: Hunger; disease; economic effects; resource use; habitat destruction
Exam 3 Chapters 1, 9-10
IV. LAND AND WATER USE (10-15%) Five Weeks
Unit Four
Chapter 14. Food and Soil Resources
A. Agriculture
1. Feeding a growing population
Lecture Topics: Human nutritional requirements; types of agriculture; Green Revolution; genetic
engineering and crop production; deforestation; irrigation; sustainable agriculture
Chapter 23. Pest Management
2. Controlling pests
Lecture Topics: types of pesticides; costs and benefits of pesticide use; integrated pest management;
relevant laws
Lab 9 Toxicity Testing (It will take one 60 minute periods for this lab) Measure the effect of
various concentration of different toxic materials on a lab population of brine shrimp, yeast,
Daphnia or other organism. Determine the LD50 of the different toxic materials. Relate
toxicity tests results to Environmental degradation and human health.
Chapter 11. Sustaining Terrestrial Biodiversity: Managing and Protecting Ecosystem
B. Forestry
Lecture Topics: Tree plantations; old growth forests; forest fires; forest management; national forests
C. Rangelands
Lecture Topics: Overgrazing; deforestation; desertification; rangeland management; federal rangelands
Exam 4 Chapters 11, 14, 23
Unit Five
Chapter 25. Sustainable Cities
D. Other Land Use
1. Urban Land Development
Lecture Topics: Planned Development; suburban sprawl; urbanization
2. Transportation Infrastructure
Lecture Topics: Federal highway system; canals and channels; roadless areas; ecosystem impacts
Chapter 16. Geology and Nonrenewable Mineral Resources
E. Mining
Lecture Topics: Mineral formation; extractional; global reserves; relevant laws and treaties
Chapter 13 Sustaining Aquatic Biodiversity
F. Fishing
Lecture Topics: Fishing techniques; over fishing; aquaculture; relevant laws and treaties
Chapter 26. Economics, Environment, and Sustainability
G. Global Economics
Lecture Topics: Globalization; World Bank; Tragedy of the Commons; relevant laws and treaties
Exam 5 Chapters 13, 16, 25-26
Unit Six
Chapter 17. Nonrenewable Energy Resources
A. Energy Concepts
Lecture Topics: Energy forms; power; units; conversions; Laws of Thermodynamics
B. Energy Consumption
1. History (Industrial Revolution)
2. Present Global energy use
3. Future energy needs
C. Fossil Fuel Resources and Use
Lecture Topics: Formation of coal, oil and natural gas; extraction/purification methods; world
reserves and global demands; synfuels; environmental advantages/ disadvantages of sources
D. Nuclear Energy
Lecture Topics: Nuclear fission processes; nuclear fuel; electricity production; nuclear reactor
types; environmental advantages/disadvantages; safety issues; radiation and human health;
radioactive wastes; nuclear fission
Lab 10 Effects of Radiation (It will take one 60 minute periods for this lab) Measure the growth
of irradiated with different doses of radiation and unirradiated seeds. Graph the growth rate
of the different groups of seeds. Graph the time in days verses the different radiation doses.
Analyze the effects of the different amounts of radiation on the growth rate and germination
rate. Relate these results to radiation exposures and nuclear accidents.
Chapter 18. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
E. Hydroelectric Power
Lecture Topics: Dams; flood control; salmon; silting; other impacts
F. Energy Conservation
Lecture Topics: Energy efficiency; CAFE standards; hybrid electric vehicles; mass transit
Lab 11 Energy Consumption (It will take two 60 minute periods for this lab) Analyze energy
consumption data from natural gas, electric or other bills from studentбжs homes or from the
school. Calculate monthly or annual costs for different utility bills. Contact the utility
companies to fine out the source of their products. Are they nonrenewable or renewable
energy resources? Propose a plan of action the conserve energy resources used.
G. Renewable Energy
Lecture Topics: Solar energy; solar electricity; hydrogen fuel cells; biomass; wind energy;
small-scale hydroelectric; ocean waves and tidal energy; geothermal; environmental
Exam 6 Chapters 17-18
VI. POLLUTION (25-30%) Ten Weeks
Unit Seven
Chapter 2 Environmental History: Learning from the Past
A. Pollution Types
Chapter 20. Air Pollution
1. Air Pollution
Lecture Topics: Sources- primary and secondary; major air pollutants; measurement units; smog; acid
deposition - causes and effects; heat islands and temperature inversions; indoor air pollution; remediation
and reduction strategies; Clean Air Act and other Relevant Laws
Lab 12 Air Pollution (It will take two 60 minute periods for this lab) Collect and measure airborne
particulate matter with a Millipore field monitor filter on a high volume air sampler. Compare
the sample results to your state and EPA National Air Quality Standards. Field Testing for
Ozone: Schoenbein paper and a relative humidity Schoenbein scale are used to measure the concentration
of ozone in the air. This is then compared to concentrations in other time periods and in other parts of the
worldбжs atmosphere. Identify the other major types of air pollutants, their sources and their
standards. Determine the effects of the different pollutants on human health.
Lab 13 Acid Deposition (It will take two 60 minute periods for this lab) Collect water samples
from various sources, such as streams, rivers, ponds, lakes and precipitation like rain or snow.
Measure the pH of each sample. Identify sources of pollution that can affect pH. Describe
ways to reduce the amount of pollutants from each source. Observe how acids react with
limestone and marble. Describe the affects of acid deposition on stone objects, plants and
2.Noise Pollution Lecture Topics: Sources; effects; Control Measures
Chapter 22. Water Pollution
3. Water Pollution
Lecture Topics: Types; sources, causes, and effects; cultural eutrophication; groundwater pollution;
maintaining water quality; water purification; sewage treatment/septic systems; Clean Water Act and other
relevant laws
Field Trip to local lakes, wetlands and rivers to observe and record information on organisms and to collect
water samples for the Water Quality Testing Lab.
Chapter 7 Aquatic Biodiversity
Field study: Macroinvertebrates as a Measurement of Water Quality: Students assess the health of local
surface water samples by conducting an analysis of macroinvertebrate diversity and other species.
Lab 14 Water Quality Testing (It will take two 60 minute periods for this lab) Collect water
samples from various sources, such as streams, rivers, ponds and lakes. Measure the coliform
levels, dissolved oxygen level, and biochemical oxygen demand on the samples. Measure the
temperature, phosphates, nitrates, turbidity and total solids. Compare the sample results to
your state and EPA National Water Quality Standards. Assess the overall water quality of each
Field Trip to the local water plant and the waste water plant (Have students collect the
information on each plant that is needed to do the follow бV up lab to the field trip)
After this field trip, do the following
Lab 15 Water and Waste Water Treatment (It will take one 60 minute periods for this lab)
Construct a flow chart of each plant and explain the function of each treatment stage.
Compare contaminant levels of the coliform, biochemical oxygen demand, phosphates,
nitrates and total solids present in raw water and raw waste water to the levels present in the
effluent that leaves each plant.
Exam 7 Chapters 2, 7, 20, and 22
Unit Eight
Chapter 24. Solid and Hazardous Waste
4. Solid Waste
Lecture Topics: Types; disposal; reduction
Lab 16 Solid Waste Management (It will take one 60 minute periods for this lab) Determine
the type and amount of solid waste generated by students and their family for a week.
Compare student data with US municipal solid waste data. Evaluate methods of disposal of
the municipal solid waste. Evaluate recycling methods used in your area and how much the
recycling reduces the amount of municipal solid waste disposal.
Chapter 19 Risk, Toxicology, and Human Health
B. Impacts on the Environment and Human Health
1. Hazards to human health
Lecture Topics: Environmental risk analysis; acute and chronic effects; dose-response
relationships; air pollutants; smoking and other risks
2. Hazardous chemicals in the environment
Lecture Topics: Types of hazardous waste; treatment/disposal of hazardous waste; cleanup of
contaminated sites; biomagnification; relevant laws
Chapter 26. Economics, Environment, and Sustainability
C. Economic Impacts
Lecture Topics: Cost-benefit analysis; externalities; marginal

California State Exam
Chapter 26. Economics, Environment, and Sustainability
G. Global Economics
Lecture Topics: Globalization; World Bank; Tragedy of the Commons; relevant laws and treaties
Exam 5 Chapters 13, 16, 25-26
Unit Six
Chapter 17. Nonrenewable Energy Resources
A. Energy Concepts
Lecture Topics: Energy forms; power; units; conversions; Laws of Thermodynamics
B. Energy Consumption
1. History (Industrial Revolution)
2. Present Global energy use
3. Future energy needs
C. Fossil Fuel Resources and Use
Lecture Topics: Formation of coal, oil and natural gas; extraction/purification methods; world
reserves and global demands; synfuels; environmental advantages/ disadvantages of sources
D. Nuclear Energy
Lecture Topics: Nuclear fission processes; nuclear fuel; electricity production; nuclear reactor
types; environmental advantages/disadvantages; safety issues; radiation and human health;
radioactive wastes; nuclear fission
Lab 10 Effects of Radiation (It will take one 60 minute periods for this lab) Measure the growth
of irradiated with different doses of radiation and unirradiated seeds. Graph the growth rate
of the different groups of seeds. Graph the time in days verses the different radiation doses.
Analyze the effects of the different amounts of radiation on the growth rate and germination
rate. Relate these results to radiation exposures and nuclear accidents.
Chapter 18. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
E. Hydroelectric Power
Lecture Topics: Dams; flood control; salmon; silting; other impacts
F. Energy Conservation
Lecture Topics: Energy efficiency; CAFE standards; hybrid electric vehicles; mass transit
Lab 11 Energy Consumption (It will take two 60 minute periods for this lab) Analyze energy
consumption data from natural gas, electric or other bills from studentбжs homes or from the
school. Calculate monthly or annual costs for different utility bills. Contact the utility
companies to fine out the source of their products. Are they nonrenewable or renewable
energy resources? Propose a plan of action the conserve energy resources used.
G. Renewable Energy
Lecture Topics: Solar energy; solar electricity; hydrogen fuel cells; biomass; wind energy;
small-scale hydroelectric; ocean waves and tidal energy; geothermal; environmental
Exam 6 Chapters 17-18
VI. POLLUTION (25-30%) Ten Weeks
Unit Seven
Chapter 2 Environmental History: Learning from the Past
A. Pollution Types
Chapter 20. Air Pollution
1. Air Pollution
Lecture Topics: Sources- primary and secondary; major air pollutants; measurement units; smog; acid
deposition - causes and effects; heat islands and temperature inversions; indoor air pollution; remediation
and reduction strategies; Clean Air Act and other Relevant Laws
Lab 12 Air Pollution (It will take two 60 minute periods for this lab) Collect and measure airborne
particulate matter with a Millipore field monitor filter on a high volume air sampler. Compare
the sample results to your state and EPA National Air Quality Standards. Field Testing for
Ozone: Schoenbein paper and a relative humidity Schoenbein scale are used to measure the concentration
of ozone in the air. This is then compared to concentrations in other time periods and in other parts of the
worldбжs atmosphere. Identify the other major types of air pollutants, their sources and their
standards. Determine the effects of the different pollutants on human health.
Lab 13 Acid Deposition (It will take two 60 minute periods for this lab) Collect water samples
from various sources, such as streams, rivers, ponds, lakes and precipitation like rain or snow.
Measure the pH of each sample. Identify sources of pollution that can affect pH. Describe
ways to reduce the amount of pollutants from each source. Observe how acids react with
limestone and marble. Describe the affects of acid deposition on stone objects, plants and
2.Noise Pollution Lecture Topics: Sources; effects; Control Measures
Chapter 22. Water Pollution
3. Water Pollution
Lecture Topics: Types; sources, causes, and effects; cultural eutrophication; groundwater pollution;
maintaining water quality; water purification; sewage treatment/septic systems; Clean Water Act and other
relevant laws
Field Trip to local lakes, wetlands and rivers to observe and record information on organisms and to collect
water samples for the Water Quality Testing Lab.
Chapter 7 Aquatic Biodiversity
Field study: Macroinvertebrates as a Measurement of Water Quality: Students assess the health of local
surface water samples by conducting an analysis of macroinvertebrate diversity and other species.
Lab 14 Water Quality Testing (It will take two 60 minute periods for this lab) Collect water
samples from various sources, such as streams, rivers, ponds and lakes. Measure the coliform
levels, dissolved oxygen level, and biochemical oxygen demand on the samples. Measure the
temperature, phosphates, nitrates, turbidity and total solids. Compare the sample results to
your state and EPA National Water Quality Standards. Assess the overall water quality of each
Field Trip to the local water plant and the waste water plant (Have students collect the
information on each plant that is needed to do the follow бV up lab to the field trip)
After this field trip, do the following
Lab 15 Water and Waste Water Treatment (It will take one 60 minute periods for this lab)
Construct a flow chart of each plant and explain the function of each treatment stage.
Compare contaminant levels of the coliform, biochemical oxygen demand, phosphates,
nitrates and total solids present in raw water and raw waste water to the levels present in the
effluent that leaves each plant.
Exam 7 Chapters 2, 7, 20, and 22
Unit Eight
Chapter 24. Solid and Hazardous Waste
4. Solid Waste
Lecture Topics: Types; disposal; reduction
Lab 16 Solid Waste Management (It will take one 60 minute periods for this lab) Determine
the type and amount of solid waste generated by students and their family for a week.
Compare student data with US municipal solid waste data. Evaluate methods of disposal of
the municipal solid waste. Evaluate recycling methods used in your area and how much the
recycling reduces the amount of municipal solid waste disposal.
Chapter 19 Risk, Toxicology, and Human Health
B. Impacts on the Environment and Human Health
1. Hazards to human health
Lecture Topics: Environmental risk analysis; acute and chronic effects; dose-response
relationships; air pollutants; smoking and other risks
2. Hazardous chemicals in the environment
Lecture Topics: Types of hazardous waste; treatment/disposal of hazardous waste; cleanup of
contaminated sites; biomagnification; relevant laws
Chapter 26. Economics, Environment, and Sustainability
C. Economic Impacts
Lecture Topics: Cost-benefit analysis; externalities; marginal costs; sustainability
VII. GLOBAL CHANGE (10-15%) Five Weeks
Chapter 21. Climate Change and Ozone Loss
A. Stratospheric Zone
Lecture Topics: Formation of stratospheric ozone; ultraviolet radiation; causes of ozone depletion;
strategies for reducing ozone depletion; relevant laws and treaties
B. Global Warming
Lecture Topics: Greenhouse gases and the greenhouse effect; impacts and consequences of global
warming; reducing climate change; relevant laws and treaties
Lab 17 Greenhouse Effect (It will take two 60 minute periods for this lab) Construct a model
that demonstrates the greenhouse effect with a two lamps and two large jars and two
thermometers. Put a lid on one jar and no lid on the other jar and turn the lamps on the jars.
Record the difference in temperatures in the two jars. Grow two cultures of yeast in a sugar
solution. Dry them and weigh them at the beginning and at the end of the lab. Grow one at
20 degrees Celsius at room temperature and the second one at 30 degrees Celsius in a warm
water bath for 24 hours. Compare the difference in the growth rate at different temperatures.
Relate these labs to the global greenhouse effect and explain the relationship to global
warming. Identify major greenhouse gasses and their sources. Analyze the environmental
impact of global warming and describe how greenhouse gas emissions may be reduced.
C. Loss of Biodiversity
1. Habitat loss; overuse; pollution; introduced species; endangered and extinct species
2. Maintenance through conservation
3. Relevant laws and treaties
Exam 8 Chapters 19, 21, 24, and 26
May 1 review for the AP Environmental Science Exam
May 13, 2008 take the AP Environmental Science Exam
Has students do project reports and field trips to the Zoo after the AP Exam.
Research projects: Research local or state environmental problems, Design and conduct a field study,
Alternative energy resources, or other approves topics
Environmental Science Textbook Resource:
Environment 4th Edition, Peter Raven and Linda Berg, John E. Wiley & Sons, 2004
Environmental Science: Earth as a Living Planet 4th Edition, Daniel Botkin and Edward
Keller, John Wiley & Sons, 2003
Environmental Science: A Global Concern 7th Edition, William Cunningham, Mary Ann
Cunningham, and Barbara Saigo, McGraw-Hill, 2003
Environmental Science: A Study of Interrelationships 9th Edition, Eldon D. Enger and
Bradley F. Smith, McGraw Hill, 2004
Living in the Environment: Principles, Connections, and Solutions 14th Edition, G.
Tyler Miller, Thompson, Brooks/Cole, 2005
Environmental Science: The Way the World Works 8th Edition, Bernard Richard Wright,
Prentice Hall, 2002
Environmental Science Laboratory Manual Resource:
Laboratory Investigations for AP Environmental Science, William Molnar, Peoples
Publishing Group, 2005
Field & Laboratory Exercises in Environmental Science Seventh Edition, Eldon D. Enger
and Bradley F. Smith, McGraw Hill, 2000
The AP Environmental Science Student Lab Manual, Michael Lopatka, Awesome Guides,
Inc, 2004
Laboratory Manual for Environmental Science, Travis P. Wagner and Robert Sanford,
John Wiley & Sons, 2005
Explorations in Earth/Environmental Science Lab Manual, PASCO, 2004
Water Quality with Computers, Robyn Johnson,, Vernier Software and Technology,
Video Tapes

Advanced Placement Environmental Science
Living in the Environment, 11 th Ed., by G. Tyler Miller.
Topic: Environmental Problems, Their Causes, and Sustainability, Population Dynamics
A. Investigation of Major Environmental Problems
Population growth, greatest environmental
problem facing the Earth? бзPopulation Dynamicsби
Exponential Growth, population data and plotting it on
a semilog grid. Factors that are discussed include birthrates, deathrates,
health care, population momentum and trends. Probability and statistics
are discussed in relation to the Earthбжs natural resources (fossil fuels) and
the strain of an increasing population. бзThe tragedy of the commons fishing activityби , how our natural resources (fish in the
ocean) are not sustainable if we overfish an ecosystem. Discussion
questions include incentive programs, coop fishing, degradation of
common resources, public lands vs. private lands.

Unit 2 Science, Models and Systems

The effect of habitat choices on the Meal Worm, Students
will explore how meal worms react to different habitats, habitats
include light vs. dark, acid vs. base, wet vs. dry, and course vs. fine
sandy loam. Students will collect data in reference to time and
migration of meal worms.
б▒ Different forms of energy and how the environment relates

Chapter 3 Topic: Matter and Energy Resources
A. Natureбжs Building Blocks
б▒ Lecture on Inorganic and Organic compounds
б▒ Laws of matter and energy
б▒ Lab Activity бV Specific Heat and Climate, Determine the specific heat
and the rates of heating of a soil sample vs. water.

Unit 3
Chapter 4 Topic: Ecology, Ecosystems, Invasive Species and Food Webs
A. Populations, communities, food chainswebs
and abiotic and biotic factors
б▒ Ecosystem ConceptsBiomes
(Power Point Project: Presentations on different biomes)
б▒ The Day they parachuted Cats into Borneo (Food Chain / Web Demo)
б▒ Ecological Pyramids бV Pyramid of energy flow, Pyramid of Biomass
б▒ Lab Activity бV Owl Pellet бV Examining Owl Pellets!! What do they tell us?
б▒ Guest Speaker бV Stu Foreman with the (Soil Conservation Service) бV
Speaks on invasive species in Virginia; Snakehead Fish, Mute Swan,
and Kudzu Plant
Chapter 5 Topic: Nutrient Cycles, and Soils
A. Nutrient Cycles Project on one of the following nutrient cycles; nitrogen,
carbon, sulfur, phosphorus, water, rock.
б▒ Lab Activity бV Soil Analysis; Student will analyze a soil sample, and
remediate soil based on analysis. Comparing growth rates, taste and
other factors in lettuce.
б▒ Soil Horizons , Collect 5 local soil samples and separate the
samples by their horizons.

Unit 4 Topic: Evolution and biodiversity
A. Origins, Niches, and adaptations
б▒ Micro and Macro бV evolution (Mutation, Natural Selection, Gene
Flow, Genetic Drift)
б▒ Speciation, Extinction, and biodiversity
б▒ Niches, Where do they fit in???
б▒ Lab Activity Biological
Hotspots: Reasons and Threats. Students will
be able to understand and explain why certain locations on Earth are
considered biological hotspots.
Chapter 7: Topic: Geographical Ecology, Climate, and Biomes
A. Weather vs. Climate
б▒ Project: Global Climate Change бV Students will analyze and
graphically depict interrelationships among a complex of effects of
global warming. Students will then apply the analysis to
environmental, economic, and sociopolitical events both locally and
б▒ Lab Activity бV Tree Rings and Climate Change бV Students will analyze
and measure tree ring width. Relationships between tree ring width
and climate will be developed.
б▒ What are Biomes?

Unit 5 Topic: Aquatic Ecology: Biodiversity in Aquatic Ecosystems
A. Saltwater life zones
B. Freshwater life zones, Eutrophication, Overturn, Streams, Rivers and Lakes
б▒ Lab Activity бV Stream Water Quality and Macroinvertebrate
Population Comparison. Students will gather, collect and identify
macroinvertebrate organisms from the Chickohomony River. Semester
Chapter 9: Topic: Community Processes: Species: Interactions and Succession
A. Ecological Niches, Competition and Predation
б▒ Indicator species and keystone species
б▒ Succession
Cane Toads
the interactions between a predator population of coyotes and
a prey population of mice.

Unit 6 Topic: Minerals and Soil Resources
A. Geological Processes and Mineral Resources
Mineral Identification and how minerals are important
to us, the six main ways we identify minerals.
б▒ Types of mining and oil, gas and extraction
Chapter 15 Topic: Nonrenewable Energy Resources
A. Evaluating Energy Resources and Energy Efficiency
б▒ Fossil Fuels: Coal, Oil and Natural Gas
б▒ Excel Graphing Project: Comparing state of Virginia with that of U.S.
б▒ Lab Activity бV Personal Energy Use Audit, Student will record and
calculate approximate personal energy at home. Students will compare
price, amounts, and by бV products .
б▒ Nuclear Energy and Video: Nightline Chernobyl
Chapter 16 Topic: Renewable Energy Resources
A. Importance of improving Energy Efficiency and Renewable Sources
б▒ Solar Energy, Wind, Hydroelectric and Geothermal
б▒ Lab Activity бV Students will design, calculate and compare different
Heatabsorbing capacities of various fluids. Students will calculate heat
absorption rates for passive solar materials (passive solar heating).

Unit 7 Topic: Risk, Toxicology, and Human Health
A. Risk, Hazards, Toxicology, and Risk Analysis
б▒ Toxicology: Dose and Response Curve, Poison, LD бV 50,
Bioaccumlation, Biomagnification and DDT.
б▒ In class Debate: Should the United Nations Ban the use of DDT?
б▒ Lab Activity бV Brine Shrimp and LD50.
б▒ Transmissible and Nontransmissible
Chapter 18 Topic: Air Pollution
A. Atmosphere, Smog, Acid Deposition, Indoor Air Pollution, Effects on living
б▒ Layers of Atmosphere
б▒ Smog City Web Quest
б▒ Lab Activity бV Air Pollution and Particulate Matter, Students will
measure particulate matter locally and evaluate the data.
б▒ Guest Speaker бV Larry Giannasi from Geoenvironmental (Indoor air

Unit 8
Chapter 19 Topic: Global Warming and Ozone Loss
A. Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming
б▒ Lab Activity бV Carbon Dioxide Emissions from FossilFuel
Students will be able to track longterm energy production (17512000)
and correlate the data to emissions and atmospheric concentrations of
Carbon Dioxide. Students will investigate the effects of Carbon Dioxide
and other greenhouse gases on global temperatures.
Chapter 20 Topic: Water Pollution
A. Types and Sources of water pollution, freshwater, saltwater, solutions,
б▒ Prince William Sound and Exxon Valdez
б▒ Love Canal and the Great Lakes
б▒ Six types of water pollution and Clean Water Act
б▒ Lab Activity бV Acid Rain, Students will measure and compare pH
levels in precipitation at several sites. Students will analyze varying
concentration of oxides and pH readings in precipitation throughout
the United States.

Unit 9
Chapter 22 Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste
Topic: Solid waste, Recycling, Reuse, Land Disposal, Lead, and Hazardous Waste
A. Solid Waste
б▒ Landfills, Reducing Waste, Recycling
б▒ Lab Activity бV Solid Waste and the Environment, Students will
analyze household waste and develop a strategy to reduce and
recycle solid waste materials.
б▒ Effects of landfills on the Environment
б▒ 4 Rбжs, RCRA, Superfund

Research Project: Chickahominy River Project
Students will go to the location a minimum of 4 times and collect water samples.
Students will conduct pH, temperature, turbidity, and macroinvertebrate sampling.
Student will create a water index in evaluate the health of the river. Equipment used will
include but not limited to: Secci tubes, hip waders, Dframe
nets, sorting trays, kicksain
nets, pH, turbidity, and temperature kits. Students will be required to conduct a formal
detailing and identifying macroinvertrabes and how they help determine the
health of the Chickohominy river.
Summer Reading
All students that take AP Environmental Science are required to read Turning the Tide by
Tom Horton. Turning the tide is a book that focuses on the Chesapeake Bay and the environmental pressure that are being put on this unique estuary.
Botkin, Daniel B., and Keller A. Edward. Environmental Science; Earth as a Living Planet. Fourth Edition. John Wiley and Sons, Inc, 2003
Miller, G. Tyler. Living in the Environment. Eleventh Edition.
Lab Manuals Molnar, William. AP Environmental Science Laboratory Investigations. Saddle Brook,
NJ: Peoples Publishing 2005
Horton, Tom. Turning the Tide. Revised and Expanded Edition. Island Press.

Sillabus ooo
Unit 1
• Introduction to Environmental Science (pp. 1, 2)
• Earth Science Concept (geologic time scale; plate tectonics,
earthquakes, volcanism; seasons; solar intensity and
latitude) (pp. 6, 10)
• The Atmosphere (composition; structure; weather and
climate; atmospheric circulation and the Coriolis Effect;
atmosphere-ocean interactions; ENSO) (p. 6)
Internet Activity: What Is Your Ecological Footprint? [C1]
Labs: Heating Up the Earth [C11]
• Students use blocks cut at different angles representing
sunlight at different latitudes.
• Outline on graph paper.
• Illustrates seasons, latitude, tilt of Earth on axis. (½ block
• Using Detritus and Determining Arthropod Biodiversity
in Relation to Ecosystem Types
• Use of Berlese apparatus collected from local Greenbelt.
• 2 block periods
Demo: Groundwater Activity Model
• El Nino and Ocean Currents
• Plate Tectonics: The Puzzle of the Continents

Unit 2
• Global Water Resources and Use (freshwater/saltwater;
ocean circulation; agricultural, industrial, and domestic
use; surface and groundwater issues; global problems;
conservation) (p. 13)
• Soil and Soil Dynamics (rock cycle; formation; composition;
physical and chemical properties; main soil types;
erosion and other soil prΩoblems; soil conservation) (p.
10) [C4]
Field Activity: Soil Analysis of Local Greenbelt
Labs: [C11]
• Mineral and Rock Lab (1 block period)
• Plate Tectonics (1 ½ block periods)
Demo: Stream Table

Unit 3
• Ecosystem Structure (biological populations and
communities; ecological niches; interactions among
species; keystone species; species diversity and edge effects;
major terrestrial and aquatic biomes) (p. 4)
• Energy Flow (photosynthesis and cellular respiraton; food
webs and trophic levels; ecological pyramids) (pp. 4, 6, 7)
• Ecosystem Diversity (biodiversity; natural selection;
evolution; ecosystem services) (p. 5)
• Natural Ecosystem Change (climate shifts; species
movement; ecological succession) (p. 8)
• Natural Biogeochemical Cycle (carbon, nitrogen,
phosphorous, sulfur, water conservation of matter) (p. 4)
Field Activity: Coast Sage Scrub biome at the local Greenbelt.
Identify plants (peer tutoring), familiarize students with
Labs: [C11]
• Peanut Power Lab (45 min.)
• Comparison of GPP and NPP (1 block)
• Grass Decomposition Investigation (1 hour + ongoing)
• Analysis of Leaf Litter Critters from Greenbelt (1 block at
Greenbelt, 1 in class)
Video: National Geographic Strange Days on Planet Earth,
Episode 2, The One Degree Factor

Unit 4
• Population Biology Concepts (population ecology;
carrying capacity; reproductive strategies; survivorship)
(p. 9)
• Human Population
• Human population dynamics (historical population sizes;
distribution; fertility rates; growth rates and doubling
times; demographic transition; age-structure diagrams)
• Population size (strategies for sustainability; case studies;
national policies)
• Impacts of population growth (hunger; disease; economic
effects; resource use; habitat destruction) (p. 11)
Labs: [C11]
• Population Ecology Exercise (+ graphing = 1 block period)
• Duckweed Population Lab (1 hour + ongoing)
Video: World Population by ZPG

Unit 5
• Agriculture
• Feeding a growing population (human nutritional
requirements; types of agriculture; Green Revolution;
genetic engineering and crop production; deforestation;
irrigation; sustainable agriculture)
1. Controlling Pests (types of pesticides; costs and benefits
of pesticide use; integrated pest management: relevant
laws) (pp. 12, 20)
• Forestry (tree plantations; old-growth forests; forest fires;
forest management; national forests) (p. 23)
• Rangelands (overgrazing; deforestation; desertification;
rangeland management; federal rangelands) (p. 12)
• Other Land Use
1. Urban Land Development (planned development;
suburban sprawl; urbanization)
2. Transportation infrastructure (federal highway system;
canals and channels; roadless areas; ecosystem impacts)
3. Public and federal lands (management; wilderness
areas; national parks; wildlife refuges; forests; wetlands)
4. Land conservation options (preservation; remediation;
mitigation; restoration)
5. Sustainable land-use strategies (pp. 23, 35)
• Mining (mineral formation; extraction; global reserves;
relevant laws and treaties) (p. 14)
• Global Economics (globalization; world bank; tragedy of
the commons; relative laws and treaties) (p. 25)
Labs: [C11]
• Fire Ecology Charate Lab (1 block + ongoing)
• Nonrenewable Resource Depletion Activity (1 block)
• Fishing in the Commons (1 block)
• Hetch Hetchy Debate (1 block)
• Ocean Fisheries Managing for the Future: The Tragedy of
the Commons Revisited
• Huell Howserбжs Californiaбжs Gold: Hetch Hetchy

Unit 6
• Energy Concepts (energy forms; power; units; conversions;
laws of thermodynamics) (p. 3)
• Energy Consumption
1. History (industrial revolution; exponential growth;
energy crisis)
• Present global energy use
• Future energy needs (p. 2)
• Fossil fuels and use (formation of coal, oil, and natural
gas; extraction/purification methods; world reserves and
global demand; synfuels; environmental advantages/
disadvantages of fossil fuel energy sources) (p. 14)
• Nuclear Energy (nuclear fission process; nuclear
fuel; electricity production; nuclear reactor types;
environmental advantages/disadvantages; safety issues;
radiation and human health; radioactive wastes; nuclear
fusion) (p. 14)
• Energy Conservation (energy efficiency; CAFÉ standards;
hybrid electric cars; mass transit) (pp. 15, 25)
• Renewable Energy (solar energy; solar electricity; hydrogen
fuel cells; biomass; wind energy; small-scale hydroelectric;
ocean waves and tidal energy; geothermal; environmental
advantages/disadvantages) (p. 15)
Labs: [C11]
• Half-Life in a Box (45 min.)
• Alternative Energies (1 ½ block periods)
• Capturing the Wind (1 block)
• Fossil Fuels
• Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Waste
• Alternative Energies: Fuels for the Future

Unit 7
• Pollution Types
1. Air Pollution (sourcesбXprimary and secondary;
major air pollutants; measurement units; smog;
acid depositionбXcauses and effects; heat islands
and temperature inversions; indoor air pollution;
remediation and reduction strategies; Clean Air Act
(and amendments to it) and other relevant laws) (p. 17)
2. Noise Pollution (sources; effects; control measures)
(p. 25)
3. Water pollution (types; sources, causes, and effects;
cultural eutrophication; groundwater pollution;
maintaining water quality; water purification; sewage
treatment/septic systems; Clean Water Act and other
relevant laws) (p. 19)
4. Solid Waste (types; disposal; reduction) (p. 21)
Field Analysis: Water testing at Colorado Lagoon (1 ½ block
Labs: [C11]
• Parts per Million (45 min.)
• Sewage Treatment (3 periods)
• Personal Solid Waste Inventory (15 minutes in class;
ongoing outside of class)
• Salinization Lab (1 hour; ongoing for one week)
• The Power of Water
• National Geographic, Strange Days on Planet Earth;
Troubled Waters

Unit 8
• Impacts on the Environment and Human Health
1. Hazards to Human Health (environmental risk
analysis; acute and chronic effects; dose-response
relationships; air pollutants; smoking and other risks)
2. Hazardous Chemicals in the Environment (types of
hazardous waste; treatment/disposal of hazardous
waste; cleanup of contaminated sites; biomagnification;
relevant laws) (pp. 16, 17, 21)
• Economic Impact (cost-benefit analysis; externalities;
marginal costs; sustainability) (p. 26)
Labs: [C11]
• Risk-Assessment Activity (1 hour)
• Bioassay of Ammonia on Brine Shrimp: Determining
LD50 (1 block)
• Nicotine and Lumbriculus variegates: Toxicity Lab

Unit 9
• Stratospheric Ozone (Formation of stratospheric ozone;
ultraviolet radiation; causes of ozone depletion; effects of
ozone depletion; strategies for reducing ozone depletion;
relevant laws and treaties) (p. 18)
• Global Warming (greenhouse gases and the greenhouse
effect; impacts and consequences of global warming;
reducing climate change; relevant laws and treaties) (p. 18)
• Loss of Biodiversity (habitat loss; overuse; pollution;
introduced species; endangered and extinct species;
maintenance through conservation; relevant laws and
treaties (pp. 22, 23, 24)
Labs: [C11]
• How Hot Is It Here on Earth? (1 block)
• Global Warming and Greenhouse Effects Lab (1 block)
• The Climate Puzzle
• Wetlands Steward
• The Animal Planetбжs The Brown Tree Snake on Guam

First-Semester Assignment
• nAPESбXAPES notebook
1. 23 relevant, current environmental science articles from newspapers or
magazines with minimum 100-word summaries in 3-ring binder
Second-Semester Assignment
• Environmental Science book report
1. Chosen from list of approved books dealing with environmental
2. Book brought to class to answer questions to avoid summaries printed
on Internet.
Field Trips
• Water Replenishment District tour
• El Dorado Nature Center
1. Southern California biomes
2. Native plants
3. Identify birds, fish, mammals, reptiles
4. Biogeochemical cycles
5. Weather station
Saturday community service hours at Belmont Heights Greenbelt
with Los Cerritos Wetlands Task Force:
• Available second Saturday of each month
• 1-hour nature walk led by Los Cerritos Wetlands staff
• 2 hours, maintenance of greenbelt

Environmental sociology 000
SOCI 3400: Environmental Sociology
512 Journalism, TR: 2 бV 3:15
Instructor: Dean G. Rojek
Dept. of Sociology
Baldwin Hall
e-mail address:
telephone: 706-353-7212
office hours: 2:30 - 3; 3:15- 3:45, TR or by appointment
Required text: Environmental Science, G. Tyler Miller & Scott Spoolman, Thompson, Brooks/Cole, 12th edition, 2008
Purpose of the course: Environmental sociology is a relatively new area in sociology. Traditionally, sociology dealt with the study of human society, its evolution, social interactions, social organization, social control, and sundry social problems. The environment did not play a major role in the study of human behavior. In the past few decades it has become increasing apparent that humans exist within a complex web of human, non-human and ecological environments. Human population has expanded to such a point that the very existence of our living environment is being sorely tested, degraded, and ultimately exhausted. This course is an attempt to understand how our environment is a part of human existence. This is not intended to be a doom and gloom course but rather an attempt to alter our patterns of human existence in order to sustain our environment.

Environmental and Human Health and the Department of Environmental Toxicology, the world in the integration of environmental impact assessment of toxic chemicals with human health consequences, framed in the context of science-based risk assessment to support sound environmental policy and law, Community Ecology Dissertation.

The multi-disciplinary program implemented through TIEHH studies the impacts of toxic chemicals on the environment and educates outstanding students in the process. TIEHHбжs environmental toxicology research team interfaces with faculty from Texas Tech University and Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, including biological sciences, medicine, epidemiology, engineering, chemistry, computer sciences, mathematics, law, range/wildlife/fisheries management, business, pharmacology and physiology to enhance multidisciplinary faculty participation in environmental toxicology research. Our current research areas are:

Research Emphasis
• Analytical Toxicology
• Aquatic Toxicology
• Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology
• Bioterrorism Countermeasures
• Environmental Law and Policy
• Epidemiology
• Human Health Sciences
• Modeling and GIS
• Nonwovens and Advanced Materials
• Ecotoxicology
of Toxicology, Analytical Toxicology , Statistics
for Toxicology, Chemical Sources and Fate

Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESA''s) & Phase II Reports
Environmental consultants

Applicant Qualifications
• Bachelor of Science degree, preferably in Geology, Biology, Environmental Studies, etc.
• Experience conducting Phase I and Phase II site assessment
• Experience writing Phase I and Phase II site assessment report
• Task management skills
• Technical writing and report preparation skills
• Strong verbal skills
• Must own a car
• Basic computer skills

Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
Environmental consultants
Phase I I
Environmental consultants
ASTM Phase I & Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Processes
June 16-18, 2009 Little Rock, AR
The Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act of 2002 added two new
CERCLA Landowner Liability Protections to the existing Innocent Landowner Defense:
�� Bona Fide Prospective Purchaser
�� Contiguous Property Owner
The Act also directed USEPA to promulgate a rule containing standards and practices for
conducting All Appropriate Inquiries (AAI) for persons seeking to qualify for the three defenses.
This new rule was published in the Federal Register on November 1, 2005 and became effective
November 1, 2006.
EPA has determined that the ASTM Standard E 1527-05 is in full compliance with the
requirements for conducting AAI specified in the recently published EPA rule, бзStandards for
Conducting All Appropriate Inquiresби.
Representatives from the Arkansas Brownfields Program will discuss applications of Phase I
and Phase II site assessments within the Arkansas Brownfields Program, and they will be
available to answer your questions.
APC&EC Regulation 32 certification requirements for environmental professionals requires EPs to
complete 15 professional development hours (PDHs) each year. This course will count for 21
PDHs. Under the new rule, if an EP accumulates more than 15 PDHs in a given calendar year, up to
15 PDHs may be carried over into the next year.
The Arkansas State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors has
designated ASTM an "Approved Sponsor" of continuing education for Arkansas PE Professional
Development Hours (PDHs) under the Rules of the Board Article 20lB.6. This class will count
for 21 PDHs towards license renewal
How You Will Benefit
• Learn why the revised ASTM Environmental Site Assessment Standard Practice for the
Phase I Site Assessment (E 1527-05) was developed, how to use the standard, and how
the standard affects the way you do business.
• Gain an understanding of the three CERCLA Landowner Liability Protections and why
due diligence is necessary
• Innocent Landowner Defense
• Bona Fide Prospective Purchaser
• Contiguous Property Owner
• Learn how to properly plan and perform Phase II investigations into Recognized
Environmental Conditions (RECs) using the methodology in ASTM E 1903 Standard
Guide for Phase II Environmental Site Assessments.
• Learn the various approaches used in the Phase II process to generate additional
information regarding the identification and nature of potential contaminants associated
with RECs identified during the Phase I Process to assist in making informed business
decisions concerning commercial real estate transactions.
Who Should Attend?
• Environmental Professionals and Appraisers
• Environmental Professionals Responsible for Reviewing Phase I or Phase II Reports
• Anyone Who Uses a Phase I or Phase II Report
• Property Owners
• Upper Managers in Financial Organizations, Insurance Companies, and Law Firms
• Attorneys and Bankers
Day 1
• Introductions, Review Course Materials, Course Objectives, Course Outline, and
Administrative Items
• Regulatory/Liability Overview
• Why ASTM?
• Small Business Liability Relief & Brownfields Revitalization Act
• EPA AAI and ASTM E 1527
• Phase I Introduction
• Records Research
• Site Reconnaissance
• Interviews
• Report Preparation
• Introduction to Phase I Case Study
Day 2
• Day 1 Review
• Phase I Case Study
• Phase I Summary
• Non-Scope Considerations
o Limitations
o Liability Issues
o Other ASTM Activities
• Attributes of Responsible Charge
• Changes to E 1527 to Comply With AAI Rule
• Question and Answer Session
• Introduction
• Background
• Terminology
• Scope of the Standard
• User Needs
• Uses of the Standard
• Limitations of the Standard
Day 3
• Contracting Considerations
• Developing the Scope of Work
• Assessment Activities
• Field Screening & Field Analytical Techniques
• Environmental Media Sampling
• Environmental Sample Handling
• Evaluation and Interpretation of Data
• Evaluation of Data
• Verification of Data
• Interpretation of Results
• Elimination of RECs
• Confirmation of RECs
• Presentation of Findings and Conclusions
• Report Purpose
• Report Characteristics
• Report Components
• Case Studies
• Applications of Phase I and Phase II Site Assessments Within the Arkansas Brownfields
• Question & Answer Session
Fee of $1,095 Includes:
• ASTM Standard E 1527-05, Standard Practice for Phase I Environmental Site
• ASTM Standards Related to the Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Practice (22
standards, 300 pages)
• 40 CFR Part 312бXStandards and Practices for All Appropriate Inquiries; Final Rule
• Case Studies and Course Notes
• Certificate of Completion
• Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
• Free 1-year membership in ASTM Committee E50 on Environmental Assessment
• Refreshment Breaks
To Register or for More Information, Contact:
Scott Murphy
Director, Education Services
ASTM International
Tel: 610-832-9685
e-mail: -

Phase II Report

Environmental Assessments

A geologist is a contributor to the science of geology. Geologists study the physical structure and processes of the Earth. Their undergraduate training typically includes significant coursework in chemistry, physics, mathematics and possibly biology, in addition to classes offered through the geology department; volcanology, hydrology, and rock and mineral formation are among the many areas of study. Most geologists also need skills in GIS and other mapping techniques. Geology students may spend summers living and working under field conditions with faculty members. Geology courses are also highly valuable to students of geography, engineering, chemistry, urban planning, archaeology, environmental studies, and other fields.

Professional geologists work for a wide range of government agencies, private firms, and non-profit and academic institutions. Local, state, and national governments hire geologists to help plan and evaluate excavations, construction sites, environmental remediation projects, and natural disaster preparedness, as well as to investigate natural resources. An engineering geologist (a geologist trained, experienced and certified in the field of engineering geology) is called upon to investigate geologic hazards and geologic constraints for the planning, design and construction of public and private engineering projects, forensic and post-mortem studies, environmental impact analysis and other purposes. Petroleum and mining companies and large-scale land developers use geologist''s and engineering geologist''s skills to help them locate oil and minerals, adapt to local features such as karst deposits or the risk of earthquakes, and comply with environmental regulations. Geologists in academia usually hold an advanced degree in a specialized area within the discipline. poop poop poop poop poop


Geological job

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HAZWOPER 40 Hour Course

How to get your license: Geologists
Education requirements
WAC 308-15-040 (2)

Graduation from an accredited college or university with a degree in geology, engineering geology, hydrogeology.
Graduation from an accredited college or university with a degree in one of the related geological sciences, or educational equivalents, and successful completion of a minimum of 30 semester/45 quarter hours or their equivalent of course work in geological science. This includes classes in physical geology, historical geology, structural geology, mineralogy/petrology and sedimentary geology/stratigraphy.
Documentation required
You must have your official sealed transcripts sent directly to the board from your college or university to document your college or university educational experience.

If you donбжt meet the degree requirements, you must demonstrate to the board that you have completed Educational Equivalents for Core Classes.

Experience requirements
WAC 308-15-040

To be licensed as a geologist, you must have 5 years of documented and verifiable professional geological practice or, if applying for a specialty, 5 years of specialty practice satisfactory to the board, after receipt of a bachelor''s degree. The experience must include:

at least 3 years of geological experience under the supervision of state-licensed geologists or specialty geologists or others who, in the opinion of the board, are qualified to have responsible charge.
if applying for 2 specialties, at least 5 years or 8,000 hours of experience in each specialty, for a total of 10 years or 16,000 hours experience.
Professional geological practice
Professional geological practice is work performed at a professional level that requires the application of professional knowledge, principles, and methods to geological problems through the exercise of individual initiative and judgment in investigating, measuring, interpreting, and reporting on the physical phenomena of the earth. Implicit in this definition is the recognition of professional responsibility and integrity and the acknowledgment of minimal supervision.

Professional geological work specifically does not include routine activities such as drafting, sampling, sample preparation, routine laboratory work, or core logging, where the elements of initiative, scientific judgment, and decision making are lacking; nor does it include activities which do not use scientific methods to process and interpret geologic data.

Alternative experience credit
WAC 308-15-040 (3)(a)

Each year of graduate study counts as 1 year of training, up to a maximum of 2 years.
Geological research or teaching at the university or college level is credited year for year if, in the judgment of the board, it is comparable to experience obtained in the practice of geology or a specialty.

Examination requirements
Applicants must have passed the National Association of State Boards of Geology (ASBOG) examination, or a geologist examination acceptable to the board. To apply to take the ASBOG exam, complete the ASBOG Examination Registration Form. If applying for specialty licensing, you must have passed the specialty examination.

Reciprocity applicants
Applicants requesting licensure through reciprocity must obtain certified proof from the state where they are licensed.

The Geologist Licensing Board will recognize your out-of-state geologist and specialty license if your qualifications meet the Washington state requirements outlined in WAC 308-15-060.

If you are applying for a specialty geologist license, you must also have passed a specialty geologist examination adopted by, or acceptable to, the board.

NOTE: The California Board for Geologists and Geophysicists and the Washington State Geologist Licensing Board have agreed to cooperative licensure. That means that hydrogeologist and engineering geologist exams, whether taken in California or Washington, will be accepted by both states.

For candidates with transcripts from schools outside of the United States or Canada
WAC 308-15-030 (3)

Your transcripts must undergo a course-by-course evaluation by a board-approved evaluation service. A translation of your transcript or a general evaluation is not adequate. An official copy of the evaluation must be sent directly to the board office by the evaluation service. You may choose from the following approved evaluation services:

Academic Evaluation Services, Inc.
World Education Services

The National Association of State Boards of Geology (ASBOG) examination
the National Association of State Boards of Geology (ASBOG) examination, or a geologist examination acceptable to the board. To apply to take the ASBOG exam, complete the ASBOG Examination Registration Form. If applying for specialty licensing, you must have passed the specialty examination

the official Web site for the National Association of State Boards of Geology (ASBOG

Finding employment

Milankovitch cycles
Milankovitch Theory describes the collective effects of changes in the Earth''s movements upon its climate, named after Serbian civil engineer and mathematician Milutin Milankoviж. Milankoviж mathematically theorised that variations in eccentricity, axial tilt, and precession of the Earth''s orbit determined climatic patterns on Earth, resulting in 100,000-year ice age cycles of the Quaternary glaciation over the last few million years. The Earth''s axis completes one full cycle of precession approximately every 26,000 years. At the same time, the elliptical orbit rotates, more slowly, leading to a 23,000-year cycle between the seasons and the orbit. In addition, the angle between Earth''s rotational axis and the normal to the plane of its orbit moves from 22.1 degrees to 24.5 degrees and back again on a 41,000-year cycle. Currently, this angle is 23.44 degrees and is decreasing.

The Milankovitch theory of climate change is not perfectly worked out; in particular, the largest observed response is at the 100,000-year timescale, but the forcing is apparently small at this scale, in regard to the ice ages.[1] Various feedbacks (from carbon dioxide, or from ice sheet dynamics) are invoked to explain this discrepancy.

Миланкович, Милутин


Экологические кризисы



emerging environmental problems
Guiding Questions: Who should own Earthбжs resources? And, Who is responsible for their care?

indigenous cultures, National curriculum standards,

Reading Discussions
The Pokot of Kenya in contrast with the беAffluenzaбж epidemic. Moral argument
and ethnical theory.
Exploring the Internet: (www) for environmental science issues and topics. Rm.
233 Aderhold Hall (more, next page)
Reading: Miller: Chap. 1. Environmental Problems, Their Causes, and
Miller: Chapter 2: Environmental History: Learning from the Past.

Introduction to Georgiaбжs Natural History and Heritage
Rocks, Minerals, Soils, and Forests

FIELD TRIP: Eprida бV Hydrogen production from biomass 8:30
Miller: Chap. 4. Ecosystems: What are they and how do they work

Stream ecology lecture and discussion
9:15 бV 10:15 Exploring the Internet for environmental science
issues and topics.

Community Ecology
Chap. 13. Sustaining Aquatic Biodiversity

Politics, Environment, and Sustainability

Water Pollution

EcosystemsFood webbing
Ecological pyramids
Ecosystem column lab
Primary productivity lab

Evolution and Biodiversity
Climate, biomes, and aquatic systems
Labs/Projects: Seed crowding lab
Duckweed population lab
Climatogram study

Community processes and population dynamics
Labs/Projects: Succession lab
Carrying capacity lab

Biodiversity and conservation
Labs/Projects: Endangered species project
Exotic species project
Habitat fragmentation lab
Capture/Recapture lab
Political acts reports

Environmental geology
Labs/Projects: Soil lab
Rock ID lab
Mining simulation lab

Global warming and ozone depletion
Labs/Projects: Ozone sampling lab
Global warming talk show
Tree ring study

Atmosphere and air pollution
Labs/Projects: Particulate lab
Acid rain and seed growth lab

Risk and Toxicology
Labs/Projects: LD

Human Population
Labs/Projects: Cemetery lab
Internet population study

Water Pollution
Labs/Projects: Water quality testing
Nardoo project
Wastewater treatment lab
Watershed analysis

Solid and hazardous waste
Labs/Projects: Composting
Recycling lab

Energy: renewable and non-renewable
Labs/Projects: Building a solar home
Energy use project

Food resources
Labs/Projects: Growing food
Pesticide use analysis
Biomagnification study

Environmental politics, economics, and ethics
Labs/Projects: Debates

Video: The Pokot of Kenya
Readings: Caffeine and Conservation (Science, p. 587, 2003) by OбжBrian &
Tragedy of the Commons (Hardin, 1968)

II. A Ecosystem Structure
II.B Energy Flow
II.E Natural Biogeochemical Cycles
IV. G Global Economics
V.A. Energy Concepts
VI.C Economic Impacts

CH 1 & 2: Environmental Issues Overview, Sustainability&
Environmental History
ДX CH 3: Science as a Process, Systems, Matter & Energy
ДX CH 4: Ecosystem dynamics & Components

Brine Shrimp Survival Student Designed Lab
ДX Quadrant Study: Shannon Weiner Biodiversity index
ДX Tragedy of The Commons Simulation

Article: Jarod Diamond, бз The Worst Mistake in the History
of the Human Raceби
ДX Video: The Lorax
ДX Article: Robert D. Bullard, бз Environmental Justice for Allби
ДX Project: Profile of a Significant Figure in Environmental
ДX Problem Solving Worksheet: Energy Conversions
ДX Problem Solving Worksheet: How much Space do we
ДX Class Activity: Cats over Borneo sequencing of events
ДX Class Activity: Carbon Cycle Game

II.C Ecosystem Diversity
II.D Natural Ecosystem Change

CH 5: Evolution and Biodiversity
ДX CH 6: Biogeography: Climate, Biomes & Terrestrial
ДX CH7: Aquatic Biodiversity

Island Biogeography & Evolution
ДX Climatograms
ДX Specific Heat & Climate

Video: Evolution, PBS- (various segments)
ДX Video: Beneath the Atlantic Ocean
ДX Project: Aquatic Life Zones of the World research & power
point presentations
Field Trip: Zoo Atlanta
ДX Video: Chasing El Nino

A. Ecosystem Structure
III.A Population Biology Concepts
III.B Human Population

Community Ecology
ДX CH9: Population Dynamics, Carrying Capacity, &
Conservation Biology
ДX CH 11: Human Population Dynamics

Cemetery Study
ДX Isle Royal Population Study
ДX Somethingбжs Fishy Mark-Recapture Population Study
ДX Global Population Trends

Project: Exotic Species Most Wanted Poster
ДX Worksheet: Ecological Succession
ДX Worksheet: Capture/Recapture worksheet
ДX Article: Garrett Hardin: бзMoral Implications of Cultural
Carrying Capacityби
ДX Worksheet: Age Sex distribution diagrams

I.A. Earth Science Concepts
I.D. Soil and Soil Dynamics
IV.A Agriculture
IV.C Rangelands
IV. F Fishing

CH 10, Geology: Processes, Hazards, and Soils
ДX CH 12, Food Resources
ДX CH 20, Pest Management

Physical analysis of soils
ДX Chemical analysis of Soils
ДX Ecological Footprint calculation based on food

Field Trip: East Lake Commons Organic бз gaiaби Farm
ДX Video: Harvest of Fear
ДX Research Project: Commercial Fishing Techniques
ДX Online Video: The Meatrix Series

I.C. Global Water Resources and Use
V.E Hydroelectric power
VI.A Pollution Types: Water Pollution
VI.B Impacts on the Environment and Human Health
VI.C Economic Impacts

CH 16: Risk, Toxicology & Human Health
ДX CH 13: Water Resources
ДX CH 19: Water pollution
ДX CH 21 Solid & Hazardous Waste

LD 50 Toxicity testing
ДX Lead testing
ДX National and Local Water Use Calculations
ДX Water Quality Testing, from lake Clara Mear
ДX Tap Water Quality Testing Self Designed Experiment
ДX Energy & Recycling Calculations

Guest Speaker: Environmental Geologist
ДX Field Trip: Atlanta Water works
ДX Field Trip: Waste water treatment facility
ДX Project: Journey of Trash
ДX Worksheet: Water loss drop by drop
ДX Webquest: Water Diversions

V.B Energy Consumption
V.C Fossil Fuel Resources and Use
V.D Nuclear Energy
V.E Hydroelectric power
V.F Energy Conservation
V.G Renewable Energy

CH 14: Nonrenewable Mineral & Energy Resources
ДX CH 15: Energy Efficiency & renewable energy

Mining Simulation using Chocolate Chip Cookies
ДX Energy Resource Comparison
ДX Carbon Footprint Calculation

Homework Survey: Personal Energy Use Audit
ДX Demonstration: Solar Cooker
ДX Research Project Power Point: Alternative Sources
ДX Class work: Energy Conversions Problems Worksheets

B. The Atmosphere
VI.A Pollution Types: Air Pollution
VII.A Stratospheric Ozone
VII.B Global Warming

CH 17: Air & Air pollution
ДX CH 18 Climate Change & Ozone Loss

CO2 Emissions from Fossil Fuel Burning
ДX Measuring Particulate Air Pollution
ДX Effects of Acid Rain on Plant Germination
ДX Global Climate Change Analyses

Video: An Inconvenient Truth
ДX Project: Air pollutant Brochure

IV.B Forestry
IV. D Other Land Use
VII.C Loss of Biodiversity

CH 22: Sustaining Wild species
ДX CH 23: Sustaining Terrestrial Biodiversity
ДX CH 24: Sustaining Aquatic Biodiversity
ДX CH 25: Sustainable Cities

Research project: Nation Park Management
ДX Local Land Use Debate

Endangered species power point presentation
ДX Land Use laws

G Global Economics
VI.C Economic Impacts
VII. C Loss of Biodiversity: Laws and Treaties
CH 26: Economics & The Environment
ДX CH 27: Politics & the Environment
ДX CH 28: Environmental Ethics

Political Activism Letter
ДX Environmental Awareness Public Service Announcements

SOCI 3400: Environmental Sociology
Purpose of the course: Environmental sociology is a relatively new area in sociology. Traditionally, sociology dealt with the study of human society, its evolution, social interactions, social organization, social control, and sundry social problems. The environment did not play a major role in the study of human behavior. In the past few decades it has become increasing apparent that humans exist within a complex web of human, non-human and ecological environments. Human population has expanded to such a point that the very existence of our living environment is being sorely tested, degraded, and ultimately exhausted. This course is an attempt to understand how our environment is a part of human existence. This is not intended to be a doom and gloom course but rather an attempt to alter our patterns of human existence in order to sustain our environment.

Course Outline
Introduction to environmental sociology
An Inconvenient TruthбXAl Gore
The web of human existence
Human impact on the environment
The concept of sustainability
The founding бзfathersби of environmental sociology
Reading assignment: Chapter 1 of Miller & Spoolman
The birth of the universe
The бзbig bangби theory
The creation of the planets
The evolution of the earth
Reading assignment: Chapters 3 & 4
The growth of human population
Demographic tools
World population
Strategies for controlling human population
Reading assignment: Chapters 6 & 7
Ecosystems and Living Organisms
The threat from human population
The need for biodiversity
Sustaining the ecosystem
Solar radiation
The atmosphere
Weather & climate
Cycling materials within the ecosystem
Reading assignment: Chapter 5, 8 & 9
Examination 1: --February 12th
Sustaining the Environment: Soil
Soil composition
Soil problems
Soil conservation and regeneration
Reading assignment: Chapter 10
Water pollution
types of pollution
organic & inorganic compounds
thermal pollution
water supplies
Reading assignment: Chapter 11
Mineral distribution
Mining techniques
Nonrenewable resource
Mineral conservation
Reading assignment: Chapter 12
Fossil Fuels
Oil & natural gas
Synthetic fuels
Nuclear energy
Radioactive waste
Reading assignment: Chapter 13
Solid waste
Types of solid waste
Waste prevention
Hazardous waste
Environmental justice and ethical issues
Reading assignment: Chapter 16
Examination #2: March 20th
Air Pollution
Types and sources of pollution
Ozone depletion
Global warming
Acid rain
Climate change
Strategies for dealing with global warming
Indoor air pollution
Reading assignment: Chapter 15
Environmental Health Hazards
Health issues in highly developed nations
Health issues in developing nations
Children and chemicals
Cost-benefit analysis on risks
Reading assignment: Chapter 14
Land resources
a. Land use: parks & regugees
b. Forests: deforestation
c. Tropical forests
d. Wetlands and coastal areas
Reading assignment: class handout
The environment and politics
Differing world views
International treaties
Limiting growth
Notion of exploitation of natural resources
Reading assignment: Chapter 17
Case study: China
Growth at all costs
Pollution and the Olympics

Trophic Relations

AP® Environmental Science

Environmental Science
The following themes provide a foundation for the structure of the AP Environmental
Science course:
1) Science is a process
a. Science is the method of learning more about the world.
b. Science constantly changes the way we understand the world.
2) Energy conversions underlie all ecological processes
a. Energy cannot be created; it must come from somewhere.
b. As energy flows through systems, at each step more of it becomes unusable.
3) The Earth itself is one interconnected system
a. Natural systems change over time and space.
b. Biogeochemical systems vary in ability to recover from disturbances.
4) Humans alter natural systems
a. Humans have had an impact on the environment for millions of years
b. Technology and population growth have enabled humans to increase both the rate
and scale of their impact on the environment.
5) Environmental problems have a cultural and social context
a. Understanding the role of cultural, social, and economic factors is vital to the
development of solutions.
6) Human survival depends on developing practices that will achieve sustainable systems
a. A suitable combination of conservation and development is required.
b. Management of common resources is essential.

Trophic Relations conspect

Biology 221. Ecology and Field Biology
Ecology is a discipline in the biological sciences focused on the study of organisms in their natural environment. The breadth and depth of the discipline has been nicely defined by the Ecological Society of America:

"Ecology is the scientific discipline that is concerned with the relationships between organisms and their past, present, and future enviornments. These relationships include physiological responses of individuals, structure and dynamics of populations, interactions among species, organization of biological communities, and the processing of energy and matter in ecosystems." (Ecological Society of America)

Couse Goals, Objectives and Core Concepts
The ultimate goal of this course is for students to learn about, and appreciate the diversity, complexity, and importance of the natural world around us. In addtion to this, there are some specific core concepts which help us define ecology as a discpline, and these will function as guiding principles during this course.

Evolution and mechanisms involved serve as a template for understanding all of biology , including ecology.
Natural systems are hierarchically structured, extremely complex, and include all aspects of both biotic and abiotic environments.
Study of ecology is significantly influenced by the nature of scale, both in time and space, and that species, communities and ecosystems often vary at different spatial and temporal scales.
Ecology is a quantitative science, and the design, completion and analysis of ecological research requires a sound understanding of statistics.
In addition to these core concepts, there are a few specific learning objectives for this course, many of which are more specifically related to the laboratory exercises.

Develop a thorough understanding of the structure and function of ecosystems, and the communities and species which make up these systems.
Consider different approaches used to study ecology and ecological systems; this includes a sound understanding of the scientific method.
Learn to collect, analyze, and present ecological data.
Gain additional experience in scientific writing, primarily following a journal-style format, although other formats (i.e., fact sheets, PowerPoint presentations) will be used.
Collaborate in small groups to complete laboratory exercises.
Gain valuable experience reading articles from the scientific literature, primarily focusing on classic papers which have helped shape and define ecology as a discipline

Ecology and Field Biology

Ecology and Field Biology: Creating and Using a Life Table
Acknowledgments and References
Information for this assignment from Smith, T.M., and R.L. Smith. 2006. Elements of
Ecology, 6th Edition, Pearson/Benjamin Cummings Publishing, San Francisco, CA, and
data provided by Dr. Howard Reinert, Department of Biology, The College of New
Jersey, Ewing, NJ.

Ecology and Field Biology: Species-Area Relationships and the Distribution of Biodiversity
The focus of conservation is the preservation of global biodiversity. In order to
do this effectively and efficiently, and to help set priorities for preservation, conservation
biologists must know a number of things, including answers to the following questions.
Where do we find the most diversity, and why? How many species exist, both locally in
given areas, and globally? What factors affect the amount of biodiversity that might be
found in different habitats? These are important, and challenging questions, especially
trying to estimate how much biodiversity exists. How can we effectively preserve
biodiversity, and target specific areas for conservation, if we donТt even know how much
is out there? Determining the amount of biodiversity is an important question for many
reasons. Knowing this number and the distribution of biodiversity may help us set
priorities conservation. For example, knowing how the amount of diversity changes with
area may help us better design protected areas large enough to support a significant
amount of biodiversity. We also need to know how many different species are out there
so that we can fully understand our current plight; species are becoming extinct at an
alarming rate, and many before they are even identified and classified. And finally,
knowing the number of species in a given area may help us better understand factors
which influence the amount of diversity.
Conservation biologists are obviously concerned with where we find biodiversity
and why. We need to know how biodiversity exists at many different spatial scales,
ranging from small-scale local habitats, to entire continents. In order to set priorities for
conservation, help design nature reserves, or estimate extinction rates, or the amount of
diversity that might exist at very large spatial scales, we need techniques that allow us
to reliably estimate how much diversity we might find in different areas. One of the best,
and most used approaches to accomplish this is the species-area relationship.

Ecology and Field Biology: Laboratory
Exercise One. Population Genetics: Modeling the Effects of Genetic Drift
on a Population........................................................................................... page 1
Exercise Two. Phenotypic Plasticity in Leaves: УSunФ versus УShadeФ Leaves
in Deciduous 10
Exercise Three. Population Ecology: Estimating the Population Size
of 25
Exercise Four. Dendrochonology and Dendroclimatology: Analysis of Tree
Rings and Climate 39
Exercise Five. Niche Partitioning in 51
Exercise Six. Succession and the Structure of Forest 63
Exercise Seven. Stream Ecology: Structure and Diversity of the Benthic 74
Exercise Eight. Disturbance and Diversity: Modeling the Intermediate
Disturbance 85
Appendix A. Analysis and Presentation and Analysis of 95
Appendix B. Writing Laboratory Research 110
Appendix C. Reference Guide to Citing Online 125

Ecology and Field Biology
Ecology as a Discipline
Week 1 (8/28). Ecology: Study of Living Things in the Environment.
Overview of Ecology, Chapter 1 (pp. 2-16).
Evolution, Mechanisms and Genetics
Week 2 (9/4). Evolution and Natural Selection: A Review.
Evolution and Natural Selection, Chapter 2 (pp. 17-41).
9/4 Labor Day, no classes, but Monday classes meet on Tuesday
Week 3 (9/11). Population Genetics and Variation in Populations.
Variation within Populations and Hardy-Weinberg Theorem.
Living in the Environment
Week 4 (9/18). The Abiotic Environment.
Climate, Chapter 3 (pp. 44-49 and p. 55).
See also parts of Chapters 4 (pp. 65-67, 69-70, and 72-74) and 5 (pp. 84-98).
Week 5 (9/25). Surviving as Individuals in a Variable Environment.
Adaptations of plants and animals, Chapter 6 (pp. 104-132) and Chapter 7 (pp.
Week 6 (10/2). Distribution and Abundance of Populations: Patterns and Dynamics.
Distribution, Density and Spatial Patterns, Chapter 9 (pp. 186-203).
Special Case of Metapopulations, Chapter 12 (pp. 241-244).
Exam #1 on Thursday 10/5.
Week 7 (10/9). Growth and Regulation of Populations.
Population growth models and life tables, Chapter 10 (pp. 204-217).
Population regulation and intraspecific competition, Chapter 11 (pp. 223-232).
Life Histories.
Communities and Their Interactions
Week 8 (10/16). Communities
Community Structure and Diversity, Chapter 16 (pp. 334-349).
Concept of a Niche, Chapters 17 (pp. 353-370).
Disturbance and Diversity in Communities.
Week 9 (10/23). Interactions.
Competition, Predation, Parasitism and Mutualism in Communities, Chapter 13
(pp. 258-282), Chapter 14 (pp. 283-310), Chapter 15 (pp. 311-331).
Fall Break 10/23 - 10/24.
Week 10 (10/30). Community Dynamics: Changes over time.
Succession and Disturbance, Chapter 18 (pp. 373-396).
Ecosystem Ecology
Week 11 (11/6). Foodwebs, Trophic Structure and the Cycling of Materials and Energy
in Ecosystems.
Food Webs and Trophic Structure, review parts of Chapter 17.
Energy, Productivity and Ecological Efficiency, Chapter 20 (pp. 426-447).
Role of Decomposition, Chapter 21 (pp. 450-463).
Biogeochemical Cycles, Chapter 22 (pp. 474-493).
Week 12 (11/13). Diversity of Ecosystems.
Terrestrial Ecosystems and Biomes, Chapter 23 (pp. 496-522).
Aquatic Ecosystems, Chapter 24 (pp. 523-545).
Exam #2 on Thursday, 11/16.
Ecology at Different Scales
Week 13 (11/20). Landscape Ecology: Concepts and Applications.
Ecology at Large Spatial Scales, Chapter 19 (pp. 398-411).
Island Biogeography and Disturbance, Chapter 19 (pp. 411-420).
Thanksgiving Break, 11/22 - 11/24.
Using What WeТve Learned
Week 14 (11/27). Applied Ecology: Impacts of Humans on the Environment.
Examples scattered throughout a number of different chapters.
See parts of Chapters 27, 28 and 29.
Week 15 (12/4). Recap and Review: Ecology and the Future.


The North American Benthological Society (NABS)

As water moves along pathways of least resistance in the watershed, it forms streams that join larger and yet larger streams. The resulting river is branched like a tree; the particular form of the branching depends on the watershed through which the water flows. A method of classifying the hierarchy of natural channels according to their position in the drainage system, referred to as stream order, permits comparison of the behavior of a river with others similarly situated. It is useful for developing and testing generalizations and predictions about river processes. Several modifications exist of the original stream-order system developed by Horton in 1945. In the most commonly cited and used system (Strahler, 1957), small headwater streams are designated Order I. Streams formed by the confluence of two Order I streams are referred to as Order II, and so on, with larger numbers indicating larger rivers with multiple tributary streams (Figure 1.3). Stream order is used primarily by hydrologists to construct models of stream flow. Stream order correlates generally with gradient, drainage area, channel width, and discharge; but because of multiple intervening factors, the statistical variance of the correlations is large.

The best known longitudinal model for rivers, the River Continuum Concept (RCC), attempts to generalize and explain observed longitudinal changes in stream ecosystems (Figure 1.4). It proposes that rivers exhibit continuous longitudinal changes and identifies the relationships between the progressive changes in stream structure, such as channel size and stream flow, and the distribution of species (Table 1.1). According to the RCC, characteristics of particular reaches are associated not only with discrete factors such as water temperature, but with their positions along the length of the river. The model is especially useful at the basin and stream scale, because it accounts for observed longitudinal shifts in biotic communities.

The hydrologic cycle illustrates the cyclic transfer of water from precipitation through storage and runoff, to surface and ground water, and eventually back to the atmosphere through evaporation and transpiration, as shown in Figure 1.5 (Federal Interagency Stream Restoration Work Group, 1998). When precipitation reaches the earth it moves along one of three possible routes described by the hydrologic cycle. It evaporates/transpires back into the atmosphere, infiltrates the soil profile, or runs across the earthТs surface into a water body. These pathways influence how water moves in the stream corridor. The relationship between the amount of water that falls on the watershed and the water that flows in the river channel (discharge) is determined by three major factors: (1) the nature, timing, and location of the water input in the watershed, (2) water demands of the system Ч interception, evaporation and evapotranspiration, and (3) flow pathways and water storage in the watershed. A dynamic interaction occurs between climatic variables, such as precipitation and temperature, and physical attributes, such as hydraulic gradient (slope or head) and watershed topography.

Geomorphic Processes
Physical and Chemical Processes

STREAM ECOLOGY - limnology
Lotic (stream) environment
I. Zones and distributions
A. Physical factors
1. Changes in water levels Ц seasonal; some unpredictable
2. Changes in temperature Ц changes oxygen capacity
a. Small streams; unshaded streams
b. Stratification rare except in pools.
3. Oxygen
4. Chemistry Ц determined by catchment:
УIn every respect, the valley rules the streamФ (Hynes 1975)

5. Light Ц if stream has canopy or is turbid, low light may limit primary production in the stream itself
6. Flow
a. Advantages
1. respiration
2. filter feeding
3. transportation (if organisms can control it)
4. chemical communication Ц water flow increases chemical movements Ц prey can detect upstream predators

b. Disadvantages Ц
1. can dislodge organisms
2. shearing action of flowing water transports and deposits material, continually changing the physical environment
B. Riparian zone Ц normally above water line; may be inundated during floods
1. Allochthonous inputs Ц inputs to the system from outside Ц DOM, leaves, etc.
2. Water and nutrient inputs

Chemical transformation -- e.g., NH4+ to NO3-
adsorption of nutrients

C. Shore zone Ц often bare; colonization difficult Ц water level often fluctuates
D. Water column
1. Potamoplankton Ц river plankton; usually algae
2. СtychoplanktonТ Ц donТt belong there but are washed in
3. drift Ц mostly aquatic insects Ц organisms being carried downstream; may include zooplankton in large rivers
4. fish
E. Benthos - Ц attached or free-living on bottom
1. Aufwuchs Ц fungi, algae, bacteria, protozoans and some organisms feeding on them
a. Epipelic
b. Epilithic
c. Epiphytic
2. rooted plants
3. animals: aquatic insects, mollusks, fish
F. Hyporheic Ц Уbelow currentФ

II. Adaptations
A. Algae
1. firmly attached to hard substrates
2. motile
3. body form
a. flattened Ц trying to remain in boundary layer where there is little current
b. trailing filaments Ц increase exposure to nutrients
B. Higher plants (angiosperms, liverworts, mosses)
1. attached to rocks
2. rooted in substrate Ц tough yet flexible stems
C. Potamoplankton
1. River size Ц there are more potamoplankton as go downstream, with increased size of stream and often get decreased velocity spots
2. No special adaptations
3. Seasonal changes due to export from nearby quieter waters

D. Benthic Invertebrates Ц most adaptations, wide phylogenetic diversity
1. Diversity
a. Mollusca (Gastropoda, Bivalvia);
b. Turbellaria (flatworms)
c. Crustacea (crayfish, amphipods, isopods),
d. Oligochaetes, Hirudinea (leeches)
e. Acari (water mites), Porifera (sponges)
f. Cnidaria (hydra)
g. Nematoda (roundworms)
h. Major orders of stream insects
a. Plecoptera - stone flies; mostly in temperate regions; rare in tropics; cool, clean streams of low orders;
sensitive to low oxygen; tolerant of low pH; adults are poor fliers
b. Trichoptera - caddis flies; worldwide distribution; both free-living case-building species
c. Ephemeroptera Ц mayflies; world-wide distribution; gills for respiration; sensitive to low pH; adult lifespan short and do not feed
as adults.
d. Odonata - dragonflies and damselflies; occur worldwide predators; stalk their prey; can eat vertebrates as well
e. Diptera (true flies)- midges(Chironomidae - nonbiting midges); black flies (Simuliidae)
f. Coleoptera (beetles) aquatic beetles tend to live in water both as larvae and as adults

2. Morphology
a. Flattened and streamlined - decrease resistance to flow; but is also an adaptation for living under rocks
b. Suckers and hooks - allows to grasp rocks; hooks (tarsal claws)
c. Tubes -- Chironomid larvae, sticky silk, attached to rock
d. Ballast - help them to remain on bottom

3. Behavioral responses to stream flow
a. Current avoidance
b. Drift (both a noun and a verb)
mostly at night
c. There is also some movement upstream, but this is relatively slow
d. Why drift?
1) Proximate cause (cues) - light

2) Ultimate or adaptive cause
a) None - Accidental -

but this is counter to periodicity;
there is some low level continuous accidental displacement
b) None - Catastrophic drift -- pulsed high density movements resulting from major physical and chemical disturbances
c) Dispersal - behavioral drift
i. critical density of organisms that is too high
ii. lack of food
iii. avoid pollutants
iv. some individuals are genetically more predisposed to drift than others
d) Avoid Risks (greatest when moving in the water column) predation by fish
e. Compensation for drift -- why aren''t all the insects in the ocean? Why are there any left in the streams?
(1) Colonization cycle Ц upstream flight

Adults fly upstream; not tested until recently
-Arctic stream insects were labeled with 15NH4+ by introducing it into the stream
-Collected adults upstream later in season when emerging
-Any insects above the 15NH4+ emergence point with 15N had to have come from downstream
Average distance of flight upstream ~2 km
Average distance of downstream drift ~2 km
Therefore upstream flight of adults can compensate for drift

(2) Excess production hypothesis

Even if many drift, there are still a lot left
Better success of eggs deposited upstream Ц less competition
Difficult to assess because it is difficult to measure upstream production and combine these
measurements with downstream movement

III. Stream ecosystem ecology
A. Feeding Ц functional group concept Ц СguildsТ

1. shredders - biters and chewers; take large food and produce small foods;
herbivorous or detritivorous (leaves and microfauna)
2. scrapers - feed on aufwuchs (on substrates); specialized mouth parts to scrape material on substrates
3. collectors - spin nets or use setae to collect organic matter; feed on fine particulate organic matter;
filter with nets, hairs; cephalic fans (black flies)
4. predators - carnivorous; swallow prey whole or bite pieces or suck out contents

B. detrital material - much of the food web in a stream is detrital; this detritus is broken up into categories by size
1. CPOM - coarse particulate organic matter; >1 mm; leaves, wood, litter
2. FPOM - fine particulate organic matter; 50 mm-1mm
3. DOM - <~0.45 mm

C. How do the guilds fit together?

D. River continuum concept (Vannote et al. 1980)
- Streams change as you go from the headwaters to the high order rivers
1. predictable physical features and gradients

stream velocity, suspended particulate load, width and depth of stream
2. predictable biological features --
structure of community and function;
P/R (production/respiration)
3. correlation of 1 and 2

-Why P<R at 1st order? --

lots CPOM input to stream and it is being decomposed
low production due to light limitation (stream is shaded)
-In the middle order
less CPOM; more collectors and scrapers (fewer shredders);
more light leads to more production
-Higher order streams
more FPOM, no scrapers because fewer algae;
light-limited due to suspended sediments

4. criticisms -
i. oversimplified;
ii. mostly holds for pristine rivers
iii. relates only to macroinvertebrates
iv. if low order streams are devoid of forest then they aren''t shaded and don''t have high CPOM loads

E. Resource spiraling concept (Newbold et al. 1982)
1. closed system (no inputs or outputs; have rate and pathways)
2. open system (inputs, outputs; rates, pathways, residence time)
3. open system with spiraling (downstream transport)
a. rate
b. pathway
c. residence time
d. downhill transport ''spiral length'' :

uptake length - downstream distance a released atom is transported until it is captured again;
turnover length- downstream distance moved while in organisms
Slow water, rapid turnover, short spirals
Fast water, slow turnover, long spirals
Often as productivity increases, spiral length decreases
Important for looking at distubances and the responses to disturbances because they propagate downstream

F. Controls on lotic community structure -- What controls the biosystem?
1. density dependent = ''biotic interactions''; function of how many organisms are around
a. competition - for space
b. predation
c. parasitism
2. density independent = ''abiotic factors''
a. floods
b. changes in substrate
c. changes in temperature (e.g. freezing)
3. Which mechanism dominates? Evidence for both
a. Abiotic factors have clear influences
b. Correlational evidence -- density dependent correlations of 1 species with another.
c. Experiments
1) Have shown clear effects of grazers feeding on periphyton
2) Manipulation of insect predators in cages have demonstrated biotic density dependent control
3) Manipulations of fish predators in cages -- small biotic effects (when you change fish abundance,
the abundance of insects doesn''t change much), although big behavioral effects

d. Conclusions
1) Evidence favors strong abiotic controls
2) Importance of time scale, large abiotic factors (flood/freeze) reset the system frequently so that you don''t get
enough time/high enough densities for important biotic effects in many streams
3) In more stable conditions you get lots of biotic interactions
3) Really not settled yet
a) continuum of regulation -- Peckarsky
b) long-term records -- to see how often resetting occurs
c) density dependent effects -- often subtle; behavioral

GOOD GENERAL STREAM ECOLOGY TEXT BOOKS (also see Riparia book reference in last handout)

Allan, J.D. 1995. Stream ecology: structure and function of running waters. Chapman & Hall.
Cushing, C. and J.D. Allan. 2001. Streams: Their Ecology and Life. Academic Press.
Giller and Malmqvist. 1998. The biology of streams and rivers. Oxford University Press.

Freshwater Ecology

Population Biology
Population Ecology

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