Amphipoda (scuds):Amphipod anatomy
Isopoda (sowbugs):Isopod anatomy
Cladocera (waterfleas): Cladoceran cyclomorphosis
Female Daphnia pulex
Female macrothricid
Miscellaneous cladocerans
Copepoda (copepods):
Cyclopoid copepod
Miscellaneous copepods
Parasitic copepods
Decapoda (shrimps & crayfish):Decapod carapace
Decapod eggs
Decapod house
Invertebrate Ecology: Density of collectors-gatherers by habitat
Growth rates vs. temperature
Iso-vels around a mayfly
Invertebrate abundance/diversity by habitat
Invertebrate abundance vs. detritus
Invertebrate biomass by habitat
Invertebrate growth and oxygen
Mayfly life cycle and temperature
Periphyton-grazers Macrophytes-piercers