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Creating route event layer (Linear Referencing) http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cfm?TopicName=make_route_event_layer_(linear_referencing) Controlling tool results http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cfm?TopicName=Controlling%20tool%20results There are settings you can make that control how geoprocessing tools behave. These settings can be accessed and changed in the Geoprocessing tab of the applications options. The options that directly affect tool behavior are the overwriting of output, the display of tool output, whether tool results are temporary, and the environment setting for the default workspace. Save To Layer File (Data Management) http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cfm?TopicName=Save%20to%20layer%20file%20(Data%20Management) The Save To Layer File tool creates an output layer file that references geographic data stored on disk. Usage tips The input layer can be an in-memory layer created by the Make Feature Layer tool, a layer file stored on disk, or a feature layer in ArcMap. The feature layer or layer file may have a subset of records and fields. Refresh the catalog tree if the created layer does not immediately show up in ArcCatalog. Learn more about working with feature layers The following environment settings affect this tool: workspace, scratch workspace, Extent, M Domain, Configuration keyword, Coordinate system, Output has M values, Output spatial grid, Output has Z values, Default Z value, Output XY domain, and Output Z domain. Make Feature Layer (Data Management) http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cfm?TopicName=Make%20Feature%20Layer%20(Data%20Management) The Make Feature Layer tool is used to create a feature layer from an input feature class or layer file. This feature layer is temporary and stored in memory during the ArcGIS session. Copy Features (Data Management) http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cfm?TopicName=copy%20features%20(data%20management) Copies the selected features to a new feature class. If the input features are from a layer which has a selection, then only those features selected for the layer will be copied to the output feature class. If the input features are from a feature class or shapefile, then all features will be copied to the output feature class. Usage tips The Input Features (geometry and attributes) will be copied to the output feature class. This tool can be used for data conversion as it can read many feature formats (any you can add to map) and write these out to shapefile or geodatabase (File, Personal or SDE). If the output feature class already exists, it will be overwritten. To control the overwrite behavior in an application see the Tools/Options/Geoprocessing options, in a script see the OverwriteOutput property on the geoprocessor object. To add or append the features to an existing feature class (without overwritting it) use the Append tool instead. OverWriteOutput method http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cfm?TopicName=OverwriteOutput%20method Gets the overwrite output flag (0=false, 1=true). Default is false. You can set your environment to allow or not allow the overwriting of existing outputs. If it is set to True, and a specified command output already exists, it will be overwritten when the command executes. The previous features and attributes will be lost, and the new results maintained. If it is set to False, then command results will not overwrite existing features and attributes. The existing dataset will be maintained, and the command output will be renamed. Make Table View (Data Management) http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cfm?TopicName=make%20table%20view%20(Data%20Management) Creates a table view from an input table or feature class. Table views are tables stored in memory and are the same as the table view created when a table is added to ArcMap. Working with layers and table views http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cfm?TopicName=Working%20with%20layers%20and%20table%20views Make Raster Layer (Data Management) http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cfm?TopicName=make_raster_layer_%28data_management%29 Makes a temporary raster dataset layer that will be available to select as a variable while working in the same ArcMap or ArcCatalog session. Usage tips To make your layer permanent, right-click the layer in the ArcMap table of contents and click Save As Layer File, or use the Save To Layer File tool. When you are entering commands and their variables into the geoprocessing dialog box and you come to a variable you do not know how to enter, press F8. An overview of the Command Line window http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cfm?TopicName=An_Overview_Of_The_Command_Line_Window ArcMap Standard toolbar http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cfm?TopicName=ArcMap_Standard_toolbar Data types for geoprocessing tool parameters http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cfm?TopicName=data_types_for_geoprocessing_tool_parameters Geoprocessing is built around the concept of data types. Every tool parameter and every model and command line variable has an associated data type, which describes the contents of the variable. Some simple data types are string (any set of alphanumeric characters), boolean (a true/false value), and long (an integer value between -231 and 231). In addition to these simple data types, there are dozens of other data types built specifically for data found in ArcGIS, such as Coordinate System and Extent. Casual geoprocessing users don''t have a need to know about data types. But there are three situations where you are asked to provide data types for variables and parameters. Adding route events http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cfm?TopicName=Adding_route_events About adding route events A route location describes a portion of a route or a single location along a route. When route locations are stored in tables, they are known as route event tables. Route event tables are typically organized around a common theme. For example, an event table for highways might include speed limits, year of resurfacing, present condition, and accidents. There are two types of route events: point and line. Point events occur at precise locations along a route. Line events describe a portion of a route. A route event table has at least two fields: a route identifier and one or two measure locations. The route identifier indicates what the route event is located along. The measure location is either one or two values that describe the positions on the route where the event occurs. The process of computing the map location of events stored in an event table is known as dynamic segmentation. The result of the dynamic segmentation process is a route event source, which can be used by a layer in a map. Select TOOLS-ADD ROUTE EVENTS. ADD ROUTE EVENT dialog box:line event http://www.crwr.utexas.edu/gis/gishydro03/Classroom/trmproj/Vithayasricharoen/gisfinalreport.htm Can WinCams Speak GIS? Constructing and Sharing Maps !!! http://www.ats.amherst.edu/software/gis/gis-constructing-maps/ Drawing features to show categories http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cfm?TopicName=Drawing_features_to_show_categories About categorizing features A category describes a set of features with the same attribute value. For example, given parcel data with an attribute describing land use, such as residential, commercial, and public areas, you can use a different symbol to represent each land use. Drawing features this way allows you to map features and to which category they belong. This can be useful if you''re targeting a specific type of feature for an action or policy. For instance, a city planner might use the land-use map to target areas for redevelopment. In general, look for these kinds of attributes when mapping by category or unique value: Attributes describing the name, type, or condition of a feature Attributes that uniquely identify features (for example, a county name attribute could be used to draw each county with a unique color.) You can let ArcMap assign a symbol to each unique value based on a color scheme you choose, or you can explicitly assign a specific symbol to a specific attribute value. Google Style for ArcMAP !!! http://thegis.blogspot.com/ Geography 481 Intro to GIS Project One: Navigating the ArcMap Environment http://geography.fullerton.edu/481/Proj1.htm GIS Cook Book !!! http://www.cookbook.hlurb.gov.ph/book/export/html/1 Route locations and route events http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.1/index.cfm?TopicName=Route%20locations%20and%20route%20events A route location describes a discrete location along a route (point) or a portion of a route (line). A point route location uses only a single measure value to describe a discrete location along a route. An example of a point route location is "mile 3.2 on I-91." A line route location uses both a from- and to-measure value to describe a portion of a route. "Mile 2 to mile 4 on I-91" is an example of a linear route location. When route locations and their associated attributes are stored in a table, they are known as route events or simply events. Events are organized into tables based on a common theme. For example, five event tables containing information on speed limits, year of resurfacing, present condition, signs, and accidents can reference highway routes. Route event tables Because there are two types of route locations, there are two types of route event tables: point and line. A route event table, at a minimum, consists of two fields: a route identifier and a measure location. The route identifier field is a numeric or character value used to identify the route to which an event belongs. A measure location is either one or two fields that describe the positions along the route at which the event occurs. These values can be defined as any numeric item. Learn more about the route identifier field An event table can be any type of table that ArcGIS supports. This includes INFO, dBASE, geodatabase tables, delimited text files, and database management system (DBMS) tables accessed via an Object Linking and Embedding database (OLE DB) connection. Learn more about supported data types Point events Point events occur at a precise point location along a route. Accident locations along highways, signals along rail lines, bus stops along bus routes, and pumping stations along pipe lines are all examples of point events. Point events use a single measure value to describe their location. Line events Line events describe portions of routes. Pavement quality, salmon spawning grounds, bus fares, pipe widths, and traffic volumes are all examples of line events. Line events use two measure values to describe their location. The route identifier field http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.1/index.cfm?TopicName=The%20route%20identifier%20field Data types supported in ArcGIS http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.1/index.cfm?TopicName=Data%20types%20supported%20in%20ArcGIS ata types supported in ArcGIS (ArcView, ArcEditor, and ArcInfo) Shapefiles Geodatabases ArcInfo coverages ArcIMS feature services ArcIMS map services Geography Network connections PC ARC/INFO coverages SDE layers TIN DXF and more Tools-route events http://www.crwr.utexas.edu/gis/gishydro05/Introduction/Exercises/Ex5.htm About symbolizing data to represent quantity http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cfm?TopicName=About_symbolizing_data_to_represent_quantity When you want your map to communicate how much of something there is, you need to draw features using a quantitative measure. This measure might be a count; a ratio, such as a percentage; or a rank, such as high, medium, or low. There are several methods with which you can represent quantity on a mapcolors, graduated symbols, proportional symbols, dot densities, and charts. Represent quantity using colors You can represent quantities on a map by varying colors, as a choropleth map. For example, you might use darker shades of blue to represent higher rainfall amounts. When you draw features with graduated colors, the quantitative values are grouped into classes and each class is identified by a particular color. You may want to take advantage of a color ramp to symbolize your data. Working with color ramps http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cfm?TopicName=Working_with_color_ramps ArcMap color ramps provide the means to apply a range of colors to a group of symbols. Color ramps are used, for example, in the Graduated colors layer symbology option. ArcMap has a range of color ramps already defined in the Color Ramp styles folder. Some are created for specific applications such as to display elevation or precipitation, but you can also create your own. There are four types of color ramps: Algorithmic color ramps are a specific type of ramp that traverses the color spectrum between two colors. Preset color ramps are defined by a sequence of exactly 13 individually specified colors. They are designed to mimic the behavior of color ramps in ArcView 3.x. Random color ramps provide you with the most distinct colors that traverse a color spectrum. Multipart color ramps are containers storing a sequence of any of the other three color ramps in any combination. Importing the symbology of another layer http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cfm?TopicName=Importing_the_symbology_of_another_layer You can import layer symbology in ArcMap by clicking the Import button on the Layer Symbology dialog box on the Symbology tab. You can import symbology from three sources: An ArcGIS layer file (.lyr) A layer in the current map An ArcView 3 legend file (.avl) ArcMap does not allow you to import certain types of ArcGIS and ArcView 3.x symbology from .lyr and .avl files. Unsupported types include Any raster symbology Proportional symbols Chart symbology Dot density symbology Multivariate symbology (the ArcMap quantity by category symbology) You can reuse any type of ArcGIS symbology, including all feature and raster symbology, by utilizing the ArcMap layer file concept. To reuse symbology from a .lyr file containing a type of symbology not supported by the Import command, add the layer file and set the data source for the layer to the desired data source (Layer properties > Source tab > Set data source). For more information, see Saving a layer to disk and Repairing broken data links. Saving a layer to disk http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cfm?TopicName=Saving_a_layer_to_disk One of the main features of a layer is that it can exist outside your map as a file on disk. This makes it easy for others to access the layers you''ve built. When you save a layer to disk, you save everything about the layer, such as the symbolization and labeling. When you add a layer file to another map, it will draw exactly as it was saved. Others can drop those layers onto their maps without having to know how to access the database or classify the data; this can be helpful when sharing data stored in a multiuser geodatabase with nontechnical staff members. You can share layers over the network as well as e-mail layers, along with the data, to people or enclose the layer within the data''s metadata. You can also create layers in ArcCatalog without having to open ArcMap. Layers, data sources, and paths The layer file that is created will reference its data source using the Data Source Options setting currently specified for the map on the Document Properties dialog box (accessed from the ArcMap File menu). By default, this setting specifies that data sources will be referenced with their full path. If the folder connection through which the data was accessed connects to a disk using a drive letter, such as C: or N:, others won''t be able to access the data or preview the layer''s contents unless they also access the same disk using the same drive letter. If the folder connection was created from the Network Neighborhood, the path will include the name of the computer and the share name, such as BluesShared Data. Others will be able to access the data and preview the layer''s contents. However, if the data is renamed or moved, the layer files must be updated to use the new path. Similar problems can be encountered with database connections and the layers that access data in the geodatabase. If the geodatabase is moved to a new machine or the database administrator changes the user names and passwords for accessing the geodatabase, you must update the source information for layers and database connections. An alternative for referencing a layer''s data source is to use a relative path. Suppose a folder named Forest contains both a layer and a subfolder named Data. The layer''s data source is located within the data folder. With a relative path, the layer will start looking for the data source from the location in which the layer is stored. The layer will continue to work even if the Forest folder is relocated or renamed. To create a layer that uses relative paths in ArcMap, you must set the map''s properties so that it uses relative paths for all layers. For more information, see Referencing data in the map. Once you''ve saved the layer file, you can''t change the data source options from absolute to relative or vice versa. The layer will always maintain the data source option that was set for the map document at the time you saved the layer. Creating a layer from existing data in ArcCatalog Right-click the data source from which you want to create a layer. Click Create Layer. Navigate to the folder in which you want to save the layer. Type a name for the layer file. Click Save. The layer file appears in the folder''s contents. Referencing data in the map http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cfm?TopicName=Referencing_data_in_the_map When you add data to a map, the path to the data is stored in the map. You can view the path of the data represented by a layer in your map by looking on the Source tab of the table of contents or by double-clicking the layer to open the Properties dialog box, then checking the path on the Source tab of the dialog box. When you open your map, ArcMap locates the data it needs using these stored paths. If ArcMap can''t find the data for a particular layer, the layer will appear in the ArcMap table of contents but it won''t be drawn. Instead, a red exclamation mark will appear next to the layer to indicate that the layer needs to be repaired. To learn how to update the path to the data so that the layer can be drawn, see Repairing broken data links. If you are unable to repair a layer, you can either leave the unrepaired layer in the map until you can access the data, or you can remove it. ArcMap can reference data that is stored in geodatabases or is stored as files on a diskshapefiles, coverages, computer-aided design (CAD) files, and so on. If you plan to distribute your maps to others or if the location of your data has changed, you may need to change how your map references data so, when you save the map, others will not need to repair layers. ArcMap has several options for referencing file-based data: full paths, relative paths, or Universal Naming Convention (UNC) paths. If you want to find out the path to your map document, you can look on the File > Document Properties dialog box, which shows the complete path to the current map document. You can copy the text from the File field on that dialog box, then paste it into e-mail, the map layout, and so on. Repairing broken data links http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cfm?TopicName=Repairing_broken_data_links When you open a map, ArcMap looks for the data referenced by each of the layers in the map. If it can''t find the data source for a particular layer, that layer won''t be drawn. You can immediately tell whether a layer on your map has a broken data link because it will have a red exclamation point (!) next to its name in the table of contents, and the check box next to the layer will be unavailable. A layer needs repairing if the data source it references has been moved, renamed, deleted, or is inaccessible for some other reason. For example, if you are working with an ArcSDE database, the data link will break if the database connection is unavailable because the database instance is not running, the maximum number of connections to the instance has been exceeded, or you do not have permissions to access the database. If you know the new location of the data, you can repair the layer. There are two ways to repair a broken link, which are described in the following sections. ArcGIS Symbol Library http://support.esri.com/index.cfm?fa=knowledgebase.documentation.viewDoc&PID=80&MetaID=854 Creating Symbols http://subsplus.middlebury.edu/subsplus/subjects/docs/Changing_Symbology_in_ArcGIS_5-19-08.pdf What''s new in ArcMap for version 9.1 http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.1/index.cfm?TopicName=What''s%20new%20in%20ArcMap%20for%20version%209.1 Knowledge Base GIS http://support.esri.com/index.cfm?fa=knowledgebase.techarticles.gateway&p=43&pf=666 Working with legend patch shapes http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cfm?TopicName=Working_with_legend_patch_shapes About legend patch shapes Legend patch shapes are the geometric shape of either a line or a polygon that is used to represent a specific kind of feature in a legend or in the table of contents. You can choose to use any of a variety of predefined legend patch shapes in ArcMap. Different legend patch shapes may be more appropriate given the type of data you are representing in your maps. For instance, natural features, like lakes or ponds, have amorphous shapes, and often, it is cartographically more appropriate to represent these features in a legend with such a shape rather than a rectangle. How to work with legend patch shapes Choosing a different legend patch shape for the table of contents Click the Tools menu and click Options. Click the Table Of Contents tab. Choose the patch shape from the Patch Shape section you want to use in the table of contents. Optionally, change the height and width of the patch shape within the Patch Size section. Click OK. Changing the legend patch shape for all of a legend Right-click the legend in layout view you want to edit and click Properties. Click the Legend tab. Click the Line or Area drop-down arrows in the Patch section to choose the patch shape. Optionally, change the height and width of the patch shape. Click OK. Changing the legend patch shape for part of a legend Right-click the legend in layout view you want to edit and click Properties. Click the Items tab. Click the name of the item in the legend Items list for which you want to change the patch shape. Click Style. This will open the Legend Item Selector dialog box. Click Properties. Click the General tab. Check Override default patch. Click the Line and Area drop-down arrows to choose a different patch for your legend item. Optionally, check Override default patch size and type a new Width and Height for the legend patch. Click OK on all dialog boxes. Adding the New Legend Patch Shape command to your user interface Click the Tools menu and click Customize. Click the Commands tab. Scroll through the Categories list and click Page Layout. Scroll through the Commands list and click and drag the New Legend Patch Shape command to any toolbar. Click Close. Creating a new legend patch shape from a graphic element Use the drawing tools to create a graphic in the shape of the legend patch shape you want. Click the Select Elements tool . Click the graphic. Click the New Legend Patch Shape button. Optionally, uncheck the Preserve Aspect Ratio check box. This will allow any later changes using the patch height and width to stretch the shape you have created. Click Add to Styleset. Type a name for the new patch shape and click OK. Click Close. Creating a new legend patch shape from a feature Click the Select Features tool . Select one or more line or polygon features. The outline of these features will become the shape of the legend patch. Click the New Legend Patch Shape button. Click the Outline of Features option. Click the Layer drop-down arrow and click the layer that contains the selected feature or features. Click the Features drop-down arrow and click selected. Click Create Patch. This will update the preview. Optionally, uncheck the Preserve Aspect Ratio check box. This will allow any later changes using the patch height and width to stretch the shape you have created. Click Add to Styleset. Type a name for the new patch shape and click OK. Click Close. About symbolizing temporal data http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cfm?TopicName=About_symbolizing_temporal_data Symbology for temporal data changes through time. In addition to changing display attributes for regular discrete events, Tracking Analyst allows you to modify symbology color, shape, and size according to the age of the data. You can also symbolize data according to tracks and modify other display properties. The ArcGIS Tracking Analyst extension allows you to change the datas symbology by individual layers. This enables you to differentiate symbology and distinguish between different layers displayed on the map. Symbolizing point data http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cfm?TopicName=Symbolizing_point_data You can modify point data by color, size, or shape to indicate the age of the data as time passes. You can also choose No modification to apply a time window to the data without changing its symbology. Symbolizing point data by color Open a background .mxd file and add the desired temporal dataset containing point data. When the temporal data is initially added, its default symbology appears in the ArcMap table of contents, showing default base symbology and a label of All Time. Double-click the temporal data layer in the table of contents and click the Symbology tab of the Layer Properties dialog box. The tab shows default base symbology, and the Events check box is checked on the Show panel. Click Events on the Show panel and edit the base symbol size or shape if you want. Click Apply to accept changes and keep the dialog box open. Check the Time Window check box on the Show panel. Click Color on the Drawn As panel to activate the color ramp and other fields. Click the Period drop-down arrow and choose a value from the list or type a numeric value in the text box. Click the Units drop-down arrow and choose a unit from the list. Click the Color Ramp drop-down arrow and choose an appropriate color range. Click the How drop-down arrow under Classification and choose a display option for the data: Past, Future, or Future & Past. Click the Classes drop-down arrow and choose a number of time classes from the list. The Legend panel updates with each new setting. Click in any of the Range or Label fields on the Legend panel to manually change values. Click OK. The table of contents shows the temporal and base symbology for the data layer. Symbolizing point data by size Open a .mxd file and add the desired temporal dataset containing point data. When the temporal data is initially added, its default symbology appears in the ArcMap table of contents, showing default base symbology and an All Time label. Double-click the temporal data layer in the table of contents and click the Symbology tab on the Layer Properties dialog box. Click the Time Window check box on the Show panel. Click Size on the Drawn As panel. Change the settings for Period and Units as needed. Click in the text boxes for symbol size and type numeric values to define the size range for the symbols. Click the How drop-down arrow and click Past, Future, or Future & Past. Click the Classes drop-down arrow and choose a value. Edit values in the legend manually if you want. Click OK. The table of contents in ArcMap is updated with the changes you have made. Symbolizing point data by shape Open a .mxd file and add the desired temporal dataset containing point data. When the temporal data is initially added, its default symbology appears in the ArcMap table of contents, showing default base symbology and a label of All Time. Double-click the temporal data layer in the table of contents and click the Symbology tab on the Layer Properties dialog box. The tab shows default base symbology and Events is checked on the Show panel. Click the Time Window check box on the Show panel. Click Shape on the Drawn As panel. Click the Period and Units drop-down arrows to choose values for these settings. Click the How drop-down arrow and choose Past, Future, or Future & Past. Click the Classes drop-down arrow and click the number of classes to appear on the Legend panel. Double-click a symbol on the Legend panel to open the Symbol Selector dialog box. Scroll down and click the shape you want, then click OK. The new symbol appears on the Legend panel. Repeat steps 8 and 9 for each range whose symbol you want to change. Note: If you change any other symbology setting on this tab, your symbols on the Legend panel will reset to the default. Click OK. The table of contents updates to show the changes you have made. Symbolizing point data with text as marker symbol Open a .mxd file and add the desired temporal dataset containing your point data. When the temporal data is initially added, its default symbology appears in the ArcMap table of contents, showing default base symbology and an All Time label. Double-click the temporal data layer in the table of contents and click the Symbology tab of the Layer Properties dialog box. Click Events on the Show panel. Click Unique Values under Categories on the Drawn As window. Choose the Value Field to symbolize off of. Click Add All Values or Add Values. Double-click the symbol for the value you want to change the symbology for. The Symbol Selector window will open. Click Properties. Under Type, use the drop-down menu to choose Text Marker Symbol. In Text Display, type the text for the symbol. Click the General tab to modify the font and position of the text. Click OK. Click OK to close the Symbol Selector. Repeat this process as desired. Click OK. Symbolizing point data using direction vector Open a .mxd file and add the desired temporal dataset containing your point data. When the temporal data is initially added, its default symbology appears in the ArcMap table of contents, showing default base symbology and an All Time label. Double-click the temporal data layer in the table of contents and click the Symbology tab of the Layer Properties dialog box. Click Events on the Show panel. Click Advanced Event Options. Under Enhanced Types, click Directional Vectors. Click Properties to change the symbol for the vector if desired. You can also change the Projected Time Interval settings. Adding temporal data in ArcMap http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cfm?TopicName=Adding_temporal_data_in_ArcMap If you have fixed-time data, you will use the Add Temporal Data wizard in Tracking Analyst to add the feature class or shapefile as a new layer in ArcMap. This procedure replaces the typical ArcMap procedure for adding data using the Add Data dialog box. How to add temporal data in ArcMap Click the Add Temporal Data Wizard button on the Tracking Analyst toolbar. Click the first option to add a feature class or shapefile containing temporal data to your map as a temporal layer. Click the browse button and choose the shapefile or feature class you want. Navigate to the desired shapefile or feature class, highlight it, and click Add. The file''s pathname appears in the wizard. Default values appear in the Date/Time and Track ID text boxes. Click the Date/Time drop-down arrow and choose the appropriate field. Click the Track ID drop-down arrow and click the appropriate ID field from the list. Click None if you''re adding discrete events, such as lightning strikes. An ID field is required if you want to apply tracks, labels, and the most current setting. Click Finish to add the layer to ArcMap. The layer appears in the table of contents with a default base symbol and an All Time label, and the data appears on the map. Symbolizing line data http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cfm?TopicName=Symbolizing_line_data About symbolizing line data You can add line data as a temporal layer and modify its symbology to change as time passes. Because line data cannot be modified by size or shape, these items will not appear in the Drawn As panel of the Symbology tab. You can modify the line color as data ages or choose No modification to apply a time window without changing the data symbology. How to symbolize line data Open a .mxd file and add the desired temporal dataset containing line data. When the temporal data is initially added, its default symbology appears in the ArcMap table of contents, showing default base symbology and a label of All Time. Double-click the temporal data layer in the table of contents to open the Layer Properties dialog box. Click the Symbology tab. The tab shows default base symbology and Events is checked on the Show panel. Check the Time Window check box on the Show panel. The No modification and Color options appear in the Drawn As panel. Click Color on the Drawn As panel. Click the Period drop-down arrow to choose a numeric value for your time window. Click the Units drop-down arrow and choose a unit for the time window. Click the Color Ramp drop-down arrow to choose a color scheme. Click the How drop-down arrow and choose to display the data in a time window that includes past, future, or both. Click the Classes drop-down arrow and choose the number of classifications you want for the data. Click the Legend panel and manually change any ranges or labels if you want. If you change the value of a range, the subsequent ranges will update automatically. Click OK. The table of contents will be updated with the new symbology information you have entered. Tips Any manual changes to values will be lost if you return to other settings on the Symbology tab. After you have applied a time window, data will not appear on the map until you open the Playback Manager. Symbolizing polygon data http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cfm?TopicName=Symbolizing_polygon_data About symbolizing polygon data You can add polygon data as a temporal layer and modify its symbology to change as time passes. Because polygon data cannot be modified by size or shape, these items will not appear in the Drawn As panel of the Symbology tab. You can modify the polygon color as data ages or choose No modification to apply a time window without changing the data symbology. How to symbolize polygon data Open a .mxd file in ArcMap and add a temporal dataset containing polygon data. Double-click the temporal data layer in the table of contents to open the Layer Properties dialog box. Click the Symbology tab. Check the Time Window check box in the Show panel. Click Color in the Drawn As panel. Click the Period drop-down arrow and choose a numeric value from the list (or type a value in the field). Click the Units drop-down arrow and choose a value from the list. Click the Color Ramp drop-down arrow and choose an appropriate color range. Click the How drop-down arrow and click Past, Future, or Future & Past. Click the Classes drop-down arrow and choose an appropriate value for the number of classes to appear in the Legend panel. Click in any of the legend fields to change ranges or labels manually. Manual changes will be lost if you continue to alter display settings. Click OK. The table of contents updates with the temporal modifications you have made. Symbolizing tracks http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cfm?TopicName=Symbolizing_tracks A track is a line that connects feature observations that share a common object identifier, or ID field. For instance, if you are monitoring the movements of a vehicle, you can apply a track to "connect the dots." The track would link the observations of the vehicle through time. You must indicate an ID field when adding temporal data to apply tracks. Procedure Right-click the temporal data layer you want to symbolize in the ArcMap table of contents and click Properties. Click the Symbology tab. The tab appears with default settings. Check the Tracks check box in the Show panel. Click Unique values in the Drawn As panel. Even though tracks connect features with the same ID, you can symbolize unique values on any field in the dataset. Click the Value Field drop-down arrow and choose the field for which you want unique values displayed. Double-click the line symbol in the center panel. The Symbol Selector dialog box appears. Click the type of line you want to use for the track and click OK. Click the Color Scheme drop-down arrow and choose a color range for the tracks. Click Add All Values. The center panel will update with the layer''s values for the specified field, including the new symbology. Click OK. The table of contents updates with the track symbology you have added. ESRI ArcGIS Desktop Tutorials!!! http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.3/index.cfm?TopicName=Tutorials Shape2Earth: Normalizing GIS data for Google Earth !!! http://shape2earth.blogspot.com/2006/12/shape2earth-normalizing-gis-data-for.html In order to make an effective map, it is often a good idea to normalize the data. One of the reasons for doing this can be seen in the Basic Polygon Height example. In that example, the value for California is so high that is skews the map. Instead of using raw values, we can create a normalized ration that makes the map much more aesthetically pleasing. Mapping with Quanititive Statistics http://www.gsd.harvard.edu/gis/manual/normalize/index.htm Normalization and Proportional Symbols http://en.mimi.hu/gis/normalization.html Adding Fields to an Attribute Table http://www.esri.com/news/arcuser/1002/files/table_2.pdf Working with Tables in ArcMap http://www.esri.com/news/arcuser/0102/files/GSTables.pdf Map Making with GIS http://geography.fullerton.edu/281/proj9.pdf GIS GLOSSARY!!! http://www.prenhallgeo.com/Lo/glossary.htm GIS PRESENTATION www.utdallas.edu/~briggs/poec5319/output.ppt Adding north arrows, scale bars, and other map elements http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cfm?TopicName=Adding_north_arrows%2C_scale_bars%2C_and_other_map_elements Some map elements are related to the data in data frames. North arrows, scale bars, scale text, and legends are examples of such elements. Learn about other map elements such as titles; graphic elements, pictures, and neatlines; reports; and graphs. North arrows North arrows indicate the orientation of the map. Scale bars Scale bars provide a visual indication of the size of features and distance between features on the map. A scale bar is a line or bar divided into parts and labeled with its ground length, usually in multiples of map units such as tens of kilometers or hundreds of miles. If the map is enlarged or reduced, the scale bar remains correct. When you add a scale bar to a map, the number and size of the divisions might not be exactly as you want them. For example, you might want to show four divisions rather than three or show 100 meters per division instead of 200. You might also want to change the units that the scale bar shows or adjust how those units are represented. You can adjust many characteristics of a scale bar from the Scale Bar Properties dialog box. When you add a scale bar to a map, the number labels and tick marks might not be exactly as you want them. For example, you might want to label the endpoints of the scale bar but not the divisions, or you might want larger tick marks at the major divisions of the bar than at the minor ones. Scale text You can also represent the scale of your map with scale text. Scale text indicates the scale of the map and features on the map. Scale text tells a map reader how many ground units are represented by a map unitfor example, "one centimeter equals 100,000 meters". Scale text can also be an absolute ratio independent of units, such as 1:24,000. This means one unit on the map is equal to 24,000 of the same units on the ground. The advantage of absolute scale text is that map readers can interpret it with any units they want. One drawback of scale text is that if a printed copy of the map is duplicated at another scale (enlarged or reduced), the scale text will be in error. Scale bars do not suffer this limitation. Many maps have both scale text and a scale bar to indicate the map scale. Legends A legend tells a map reader the meaning of the symbols used to represent features on the map. Legends consist of examples of the symbols on the map with labels containing explanatory text. When you use a single symbol for the features in a layer, the layer is labeled with the layer''s name in the legend. When you use multiple symbols to represent features in a single layer, the field you used to classify the features becomes a heading in the legend and each category is labeled with its value. Legends have patches that show examples of the map symbols. By default, the legend patches are points, straight lines, or rectangles that match the map symbols. You can customize the legend patches, for example, so areas are represented with patches of another shape or rivers are drawn with a sinuous rather than a straight line. Learn more about working with legend patch shapes Frames Certain map elementsincluding scale bars, scale text, north arrows, legends, and data framescan have frames. You can use frames to set map elements apart from other elements or from the background of the map. You can also use frames to visually link map elements to other parts of the map by using similar frames for related elements. Converting map elements to graphics You might want to convert a map element, such as a legend, to graphics if you want more precise control over each item that comprises the map element. It is important to note that once you convert a map element into a graphic, it is no longer connected to its original data and will not respond to changes made to the map. For instance, with a legend element, if you decide to add another layer to the map after the legend has been converted to a graphic, the legend will not automatically update. It will have to be deleted and rebuilt again using the Legend wizard. Therefore, it is a good idea to convert elements to graphics only after your map, symbology, and so on, are finalized. The image below shows a legend that has been converted to a graphic. You can further ungroup the legend graphics so the individual elements (the patches, text, and so on) that comprise the legend can be edited individually. How to add map elements Adding a North arrow Click the Insert menu and click North Arrow. Click a north arrow. Click OK. Click and drag the north arrow into place on your map. Optionally, resize the north arrow by clicking and dragging a selection handle. Adding a scale bar Click the Insert menu and click Scale Bar. Click a scale bar. Optionally, click Properties to modify the scale bar''s properties. Click OK. Click and drag the scale bar into place on your map. Optionally, resize the text on the scale bar by clicking and dragging a selection handle Customizing a scale bar''s scale and units Right-click the scale bar and click Properties. Click the Scale and Units tab. Click the arrow buttons to set the number of divisions. Click the arrow buttons to set the number of subdivisions. Click the When resizing drop-down arrow and click how you want the scale bar to respond when the map scale changes. Adjust division valuethe division value will vary with the map scale. The number of divisions and the width of the scale bar remain constant. Adjust number of divisionsthe number of divisions will vary with the map scale. The division value and the width of the scale bar remain constant. Adjust widththe width of the scale bar will vary with the map scale. The division value and number of divisions remain constant. Choose the units for the scale bar. Click Symbol and choose a text style for the scale bar labels. Click OK. Customizing a scale bar''s numbers and marks Right-click the scale bar and click Properties. Click the Scale and Units tab. Click the Numbers Frequency drop-down arrow to choose where along the bar to place the numbers. Click the Numbers Position drop-down arrow to choose where to place numbers relative to the bar. Click the Marks Frequency drop-down arrow to choose where along the bar to place tick marks. Click the Marks Position drop-down arrow to choose where to place tick marks relative to the bar. Click the Division Height arrow buttons to increase or decrease the height of division tick marks. Click the Subdivision Height arrow buttons to increase or decrease the height of subdivision tick marks. Click OK. Adding scale text Click the Insert menu and click Scale Text. Click a sample of the style of scale text to add to the map. Optionally, click Properties to customize the scale text. Click OK. Click and drag the scale text into position on your map. Optionally, set a specific font size for the scale text by choosing a font size from the font size drop-down list on the Draw toolbar. General about GIS http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.1/index.cfm?TopicName=What''s%20new%20in%20ArcMap%20for%20version%209.1 Hyperlinks The Hyperlink tool respects the selection tolerance set on the Selections > Options dialog box. You now get a message if you click a hyperlink to a document that can''t be found. The dialog box that appears when multiple hyperlinks are found is now easier to use. This dialog box can be resized and its size and position are remembered for the duration of your session. If hyperlinks from multiple features are found at the point you clicked, each hyperlink is listed with the primary display field value for the feature it belongs to. If hyperlinks from multiple layers are found, the names of the layers are also shown in the list. You can now prevent ArcMap from always adding a separator between the hyperlink base you specify for field-based hyperlinks in the File > Map Properties dialog box and the value of the hyperlink field. By default, ArcMap adds a forwards slash (/) in the case of a hyperlink to a URL and a backwards slash () in the case of a hyperlink to a document. You can now override this default so that no slash is automatically added after the hyperlink base. You can find this setting by launching the AdvancedArcMapSettings.exe utility (from your arcgisutilities folder) and looking on the Miscellaneous tab. Overriding the default makes it easier to work with long paths and URLs. For example, if you wanted to use the hyperlink base setting with long URLs, such as this one: http://www.example.com/index.cfm?parameter=1234 you previously had to specify http://www.example.com as the base and store everything that comes after that, in other words, index.cfm?parameter=1234, in the hyperlink field. By overriding the default, you can specify most of the URL as the base: http://www.example.com/index.cfm?parameter Legend columns http://support.esri.com/index.cfm?fa=knowledgebase.techarticles.articleShow&d=17391 GIS Desktop http://books.google.com/books?id=UKGN8Ml05poC&pg=PT414&lpg=PT414&dq=%22Legend%22+Properties%3F+gis&source=bl&ots=m5_xG-kPsD&sig=Yv7nFTdNz4xPt_vwRujfxFM95l0&hl=en&ei=KrbvSsSHDJOMtAPzk82ABg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=2&ved=0CA8Q6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=%22Legend%22%20Properties%3F%20gis&f=false Introduction to ArcGIS II (for ArcView 9, ArcEditor 9, and ArcInfo 9) Training Program http://www.idasnet.com/idas_site/idasnet_eng/training/intro_arcgis2.htm Goals Perform spatial analysis Manage geographic data Perform geocoding Display points and lines from event tables Automate data through heads-up digitizing Convert data from other formats Edit spatial and attribute data Create and use metadata Produce high-quality maps and reports Topics covered Spatial analysis and data management: Buffers; Spatial overlays; Extracting features for analysis; Analytical methods and tools Geocoding and display of dynamic segmentation: Address geocoding; Dynamic display of linear and point events; Data automation; Data sources; Georeferencing; Digitizing; Data conversion Editing: Tools for creating and editing spatial data; Editing attribute data Project management: Database organization; File and directory naming conventions; Creating and using metadata Maps, charts, and reports: Advanced symbology and labeling; Advanced reports using Crystal Reports Prerequisites and recommendations Introduction to ArcGIS II (for ArcView, ArcEditor, and ArcInfo) is for those who have completed Introduction to ArcGIS I (for ArcView, ArcEditor, and ArcInfo) or Migrating from ArcView GIS 3.x to ArcView 9 (instructor-led or Web-based course). If one of the prerequisite courses is not completed, a student should have comparable experience with ArcGIS before taking this course. The course also provides students with the fundamental ArcGIS knowledge and experience needed to enroll in Creating and Managing Geodatabases (for ArcEditor 9 and ArcInfo 9) . Top Outline of Topics Introduction Course overview. ArcGIS products. ArcGIS applications. ArcGIS desktop applications. ArcGIS extensions. Working with geographic data. Storing geographic data. ArcGIS spatial data formats. Features and topology. Storing spatial relationships. ArcGIS tabular data formats. Storing attribute data. Accessing attributes from multiple tables. Load class database. Using ArcCatalog. Three ways to view data. Connecting to folders. Adding tables from existing sources. Setting viewable data. Managing file types visible in ArcCatalog. Accessing data on the internet. Searching for data. Exercise 1: Working with data in ArcCatalog. Working with layers and maps Setting layer properties. Changing the data source for a layer. Display properties. Layer symbology. Using the classification histogram. Creating a definition query. Symbology. Stylesheets. Using the Style Manager. Creating custom symbols. Creating custom lines and markers. Ways to create a map. Building templates. Changing templates. Exporting a map. Exercise 2: Working with layers and layouts. Working with labels and annotation Labeling options. Point placement. Line placement. Label visibility. Labeling with an expression. Labeling features differently. Setting reference scale. Creating annotation. Storing annotation. Overflow window. Exercise 3: Creating labels and annotation. Displaying locations from tabular data What is geocoding?. The geocoding process. Creating a geocoding service in ArcCatalog. Field mapping to geocoding style. Geocoding Services properties. Adding a geocoding service in ArcMap. Geocoding a table. Unmatched records. New fields in the output point feature class. Finding an address with the Find tool. Adding XY data in ArcMap. Exercise 4: Geocoding address locations. Modifying the ArcGIS interface Why modify the interface?. Saving and accessing your customizations. Introducing the Customize dialog. Modifying the user interface. Creating a new toolbar. Adding and removing commands. Adding commands to context menus. Programming a shortcut key. Locking down customizations. Exercise 5: Modifying the ArcGIS interface. Designing a GIS database The database design procedure. Assessing needs. Conceptual and logical design. Determining the data storage format. Why the geodatabase?. Physical design. Database schema. Metadata: Documenting your data. Types of metadata. Viewing metadata. Editing metadata documentation. Setting metadata properties. Metadata import and export. Choosing a database projection. The UTM projection series. Automation plan. Pilot project. Exercise 6A: Organizing a GIS database. Exercise 6B: Explore the REGIS database. Exercise 6C: Exploring the REGIS Project Metadata. Automating data Many spatial data automation options. Creating new data. Georeferencing your data. Coordinate space. Spatial reference. Building a master ground control feature class. Georeferencing new data. Georeferencing existing data. Creating feature datasets. Setting the spatial reference. Creating a new feature class in ArcCatalog. Defining feature class properties. Digitizing in ArcMap. Snapping. Using snapping. Exercise 7A: Digitizing data in ArcMap. Data converting digital data. Data conversion post processing. ArcToolboc Build and Clean tools. ArcToolbox Clean tolerances. Building a database from existing data sources. Importing data into the geodatabase. ArcCatalog Simple Data Loader. Importing data from the internet. Using geocoding to create spatial data. Data conversion post processing. Exercise 7B: Converting existing data. Exercise 7C: Load a shapefile into the geodatabase. Exercise 7D: Importing data into the geodatabase. Exercise 7E: Exporting data from ArcMap. Editing the database schema Why make schema changes?. Adding table fields. Deleting table fields. Defining a field alias. Introducing subtypes and domains. Anatomy of a subtype. Setting subtypes. Editing with subtypes. Domains. Anatomy of a domain. Setting domains. Editing coded value domains. Range domains in ArcMap. Exercise 8: Editing the database schema. Editing spatial and atribute data Editable data formats. Navigating the Editor. Managing edit sessions. Editing security. Selecting features. Simple editing functions. Sketches. Sketch context menus. Modifying the length of a sketch. Finishing a sketch. Specifying an angle. Angles based on other features. Lengths. Edit tasks. Extend/Trim Features task. Modify Feature task. Reshape and Cut Feature tasks. Working with shared features. Auto Complete Polygon. Feature creation tools. Copy Parallel. Union and Intersect. Split and Merge. Editing attribute data for selected features. Editing tables using the Field Calculator. Exercise 9: Editing spatial and attribute data. Database management Aggregating spatial data. Dissolving features. Clipping features. The GeoProcessing Wizard. Exercise 10A: Managing data. Introducing geometric networks. Simple network features. Storing a network. Building a geometric network. Network connectivity. Sources and sinks. Restricting flow. Solving network problems. Exercise 10B: Working with networks. Spatial analysis functions Spatial analysis functions. Proximity analysis. Spatial join. Buffering. The Buffer Wizard. Overlay analysis and geoprocessing. Overlay analysis functions. Union. Analysis with Union. Intersect. Analysis with Intersect. The analytical process. Deciding on project data. Review analysis tools. Analysis options. Exercise 11A: Conducting a pilot study (assisted). Exercise 11B: Conducting a pilot study (independent). Presenting data Producing a map. Communication in maps. Types of maps. Classes of symbols. Perception of graphics. Issues in cartographic design. Visual balance. Test the visual balance. Identifying map elements. Inserting map elements. An example of the Legend Properties window. Adding a north arrow and a scale. Incorporating a reference system. Graticules or button index grids. Setting neatline properties. Inserting textual information. Exercise 12: Making a map. About symbolizing temporal data http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cfm?TopicName=About_symbolizing_temporal_data Symbology for temporal data changes through time. In addition to changing display attributes for regular discrete events, Tracking Analyst allows you to modify symbology color, shape, and size according to the age of the data. You can also symbolize data according to tracks and modify other display properties. The ArcGIS Tracking Analyst extension allows you to change the datas symbology by individual layers. This enables you to differentiate symbology and distinguish between different layers displayed on the map. Symbology tab settings You can use the settings on the Symbology tab to customize the appearance of your data based on its temporal attributes. Begin with base symbology for events in the layer, which you can modify based on the set time window. These modifications will change color, size, or shape depending on the type of data with which youre working. For example, although point data can be symbolized by color, size, or shape, lines and polygons are limited to color modifications. You can also display the data within the time window with no changes to its symbology by choosing the No modification option. Setting base symbology You can set a base symbol, or default symbol, for your data by checking the Events check box in the Show panel of the Symbology tab. The Drawn As panel will show you which settings are available for the base symbology. By default, the base symbology is a single symbol, but you can choose the best way to symbolize your data. The base symbology will change based on the temporal symbology options you choose. Modifying data''s symbology to depict its age The display properties of temporal data differ from those of other data because you can change temporal data''s appearance as time passes. The datas symbology can age, or change through time, based on the temporal field specified in the fixed-time or real-time dataset. You can display these changes to visually enhance the data youre viewing on the ArcMap display. For instance, you can use a color ramp to indicate the aging of data. The data may appear yellow when it depicts an event less than 10 days old, green for 1020 days, and blue for 2130 days. This change in the datas display over time helps you clearly define eventsnot only by where they occur but also by when. When you check the Time Window check box in the Show panel of the Symbology tab, the Drawn As panel below it changes to display your options for symbolizing temporal data. For points, you can choose No modification, Color, Size, or Shape. For lines and polygons, options include No modification and Color. Time window settings behave differently for real-time data than for fixed-time data. With fixed-time data, the time window defines how much of the full temporal extent of the dataset displays on the map during playback. For real-time data, the time window limits the number of visible features as they stream in and as theyre replayed in playback mode. For more information on these different display behaviors for real- and fixed-time data, see the section on time modes in About displaying temporal data. When you change the Drawn As settings described below, the layer''s time window settingsPeriod and Unitsremain the same, but other settings will reset to their defaults. Ways to modify temporal symbology Temporal symbology can be modified using the following options on the Symbology tab of the Time Window box: No modification The No modification option in the Drawn As panel allows you to change the time window settings to determine how much data will display. Any data outside the parameters you set here will not display on the map. Data within the time window will display using the base symbology. This option is available for point, line, and polygon data. Color The Color option in the Drawn As panel allows you to change the appearance of data as it ages by color. Use the Color Ramp drop-down arrow to select the color gradation you want to display as time passes. The legend panel at the bottom of the tab updates with the colors you have chosen, dividing the color gradation into classes. This option is available for point, line, and polygon data. Shape The Shape option in the Drawn As panel allows you to change the way data appears as it ages by its shape. Double-click any shape in the Symbol column of the legend panel and choose the desired shape from the ArcMap Symbol Selector. You can do this individually for each class in the legend panel. This option will allow you to change only the shape of the symbolnot the size, color, or rotation, which are characteristics determined by the base symbology. This option is available only for points. Size The Size option in the Drawn As panel allows you to change the way data appears as it ages by its size. Enter numeric integer values to determine the size range of the symbols you want to draw during playback. The symbols will change accordingly in the legend panel. With this option, type in From and To values for the symbol size. This option is available only for points. Period The Period drop-down list allows you to set the time window in which the data will display. Choose a value from the list or type in a decimal numeric value. Units The Units drop-down list allows you to set the time window units in which the data will display. Choose a unit from the list. You cannot enter a unit that does not appear in the list. Classification settings The Classification settings allow you to set how your data will display (past, past and future, or future), as well as the number of classes, or divisions, for the time window you want to display. How: Past and future Tracking Analyst allows you to set a time window that will display data in the past, future, or bothspanning the zero point of the present moment. Real-time data can only be viewed in the present and past. You wont be able to view it in a future time window because it''s streaming. However, the future time window gives the user flexibility in viewing fixed-time data. The timeline below illustrates the variety of time window options for the past and future For example, imagine you have a six-hour temporal window. You can set that window to show data from the present moment back in time to show the past six hours. Depending on the situation, you can also set the window to display data from the present moment forward in time to show the next six hours. Or, if you want, you can span the zero point and set the window to show the past three hours, the current time, and the next three hours. Classes The Classes drop-down list allows you to divide your time window into several ranges to delineate the passage of time. Choose a value from this drop-down list. Legend panel The Legend panel gives you a preview of how the data will appear based on its age. This panel offers a preview of how your data will appear based on the settings you have indicated for temporal symbology. It shows the number of classes, how each class is symbolized (by color, size, or shape), the range included in each class, and the label for each range that will appear in the ArcMap table of contents. You can click in one of the legend fields to manually change a range or label. When you change a range manually, you can enter decimal numeric values for these ranges, which Tracking Analyst will truncate to three decimal places. Tracking Analyst will only allow you to change the end of a given range. If another range follows the one you''ve changed, it will update automatically based on your changes. If you edit a range to include all of the next range, the legend panel will automatically eliminate the following range and change the number of classes accordingly. All changes to ranges and labels in the legend panel will be overwritten if you go back to the time window and classification settings and make further changes there. You can access other options for changing symbology by right-clicking the legend panel. The context menu that appears includes commands to flip symbols, ramp colors, and access properties for all symbols. Flip Symbols will invert the order of the symbols for the ranges you have set up. For instance, if you have modified symbology by size, the range with the smallest symbol will have the largest, after using the Flip Symbols command. This command is available only if youve chosen to modify symbology by color or sizethat is, the command is not available for shape. Ramp Colors allows you to manually define a color ramp. Change the colors for the first and last classes, then use the Ramp Colors command to fill in the colors for ranges between the first and last classes. This command is available only if youve chosen to modify symbology by color. Properties for Selected Symbol(s) accesses the Symbol Selector dialog box, where you can change settings for the symbol or symbols you have highlighted in the legend panel. Properties for All Symbols accesses the Symbol Selector dialog box, where you can change the appropriate aspect of symbology. For instance, if you have modified symbology by color, the Symbol Selector will allow you to change only color. If you have modified by size or shape, the Symbol Selector will allow you to choose those symbols. Symbolizing point data http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cfm?TopicName=Symbolizing_point_data How to symbolize point data Symbolizing point data by color Open a background .mxd file and add the desired temporal dataset containing point data. When the temporal data is initially added, its default symbology appears in the ArcMap table of contents, showing default base symbology and a label of All Time. Double-click the temporal data layer in the table of contents and click the Symbology tab of the Layer Properties dialog box. The tab shows default base symbology, and the Events check box is checked on the Show panel. Click Events on the Show panel and edit the base symbol size or shape if you want. Click Apply to accept changes and keep the dialog box open. Check the Time Window check box on the Show panel. Click Color on the Drawn As panel to activate the color ramp and other fields. Click the Period drop-down arrow and choose a value from the list or type a numeric value in the text box. Click the Units drop-down arrow and choose a unit from the list. Click the Color Ramp drop-down arrow and choose an appropriate color range. Click the How drop-down arrow under Classification and choose a display option for the data: Past, Future, or Future & Past. Click the Classes drop-down arrow and choose a number of time classes from the list. The Legend panel updates with each new setting. Click in any of the Range or Label fields on the Legend panel to manually change values. Click OK. The table of contents shows the temporal and base symbology for the data layer. Symbolizing line data http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cfm?TopicName=Symbolizing_line_data About symbolizing line data You can add line data as a temporal layer and modify its symbology to change as time passes. Because line data cannot be modified by size or shape, these items will not appear in the Drawn As panel of the Symbology tab. You can modify the line color as data ages or choose No modification to apply a time window without changing the data symbology How to symbolize line data Open a .mxd file and add the desired temporal dataset containing line data. When the temporal data is initially added, its default symbology appears in the ArcMap table of contents, showing default base symbology and a label of All Time. Double-click the temporal data layer in the table of contents to open the Layer Properties dialog box. Click the Symbology tab. The tab shows default base symbology and Events is checked on the Show panel. Check the Time Window check box on the Show panel. The No modification and Color options appear in the Drawn As panel. Click Color on the Drawn As panel. Click the Period drop-down arrow to choose a numeric value for your time window. Click the Units drop-down arrow and choose a unit for the time window. Click the Color Ramp drop-down arrow to choose a color scheme. Click the How drop-down arrow and choose to display the data in a time window that includes past, future, or both. Click the Classes drop-down arrow and choose the number of classifications you want for the data. Click the Legend panel and manually change any ranges or labels if you want. If you change the value of a range, the subsequent ranges will update automatically. Click OK. The table of contents will be updated with the new symbology information you have entered. Symbolizing polygon data http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cfm?TopicName=Symbolizing_polygon_data About symbolizing polygon data You can add polygon data as a temporal layer and modify its symbology to change as time passes. Because polygon data cannot be modified by size or shape, these items will not appear in the Drawn As panel of the Symbology tab. You can modify the polygon color as data ages or choose No modification to apply a time window without changing the data symbology. How to symbolize polygon data Open a .mxd file in ArcMap and add a temporal dataset containing polygon data. Double-click the temporal data layer in the table of contents to open the Layer Properties dialog box. Click the Symbology tab. Check the Time Window check box in the Show panel. Click Color in the Drawn As panel. Click the Period drop-down arrow and choose a numeric value from the list (or type a value in the field). Click the Units drop-down arrow and choose a value from the list. Click the Color Ramp drop-down arrow and choose an appropriate color range. Click the How drop-down arrow and click Past, Future, or Future & Past. Click the Classes drop-down arrow and choose an appropriate value for the number of classes to appear in the Legend panel. Click in any of the legend fields to change ranges or labels manually. Manual changes will be lost if you continue to alter display settings. Click OK. The table of contents updates with the temporal modifications you have made Symbolizing tracks http://webhelp.esri.com/arcgisdesktop/9.2/index.cfm?TopicName=Symbolizing_tracks About symbolizing tracks A track is a line that connects feature observations that share a common object identifier, or ID field. For instance, if you are monitoring the movements of a vehicle, you can apply a track to "connect the dots." The track would link the observations of the vehicle through time. You must indicate an ID field when adding temporal data to apply tracks. Procedure Right-click the temporal data layer you want to symbolize in the ArcMap table of contents and click Properties. Click the Symbology tab. The tab appears with default settings. Check the Tracks check box in the Show panel. Click Unique values in the Drawn As panel. Even though tracks connect features with the same ID, you can symbolize unique values on any field in the dataset. Click the Value Field drop-down arrow and choose the field for which you want unique values displayed. Double-click the line symbol in the center panel. The Symbol Selector dialog box appears. Click the type of line you want to use for the track and click OK. Click the Color Scheme drop-down arrow and choose a color range for the tracks. Click Add All Values. The center panel will update with the layer''s values for the specified field, including the new symbology. Click OK. The table of contents updates with the track symbology you have added. VECTOR GIS CAPABILITIES http://www.geo.wvu.edu/~elmes/geog350/unit14.htm A. INTRODUCTION B. SIMPLE DISPLAY AND QUERY Display Standard Query Language (SQL) Boolean operators SQL extensions for spatial queries C. RECLASSIFY, DISSOLVE AND MERGE Steps Forestry example City zoning example D. TOPOLOGICAL OVERLAY Point in polygon Line on polygon Polygon on polygon ("Polygon overlay") Example Spurious polygons E. BUFFERING GIS - Computational Problems http://www.cise.ufl.edu/~mssz/GIS/GIS-prob3.html The majority of GIS datasets are currently represented in vector format, and have an inherent representational error that arises from sensor errors as well as from discretization or polygonalization processes that we discussed in detail in Section 2. GIS algorithms propagate this dataset error through various stages of computation, yielding a GIS product or result that often has unexpected errors. Such errors influence coregistration (e.g., map overlay) and tend to corrupt the derivation of range or elevation data from stereo imagery. This further impacts the integration of surface models (e.g., spline models based on elevation data) with GIS datasets. Section Overview. In this section, we discuss errors in GIS datasets as well as error and complexity measures, then investigate the effect of such errors on elevation and surface modelling with GIS. The section is structured as follows: 4.1. Estimating Error in GIS Datasets 4.2. Prediction of Error and Complexity in GIS Algorithms 4.3. Determining Elevation from Stereo Images in GIS Data 4.4. Integrating Surface Models with Elevation Data In Section 4.1, we present an in-depth discussion of errors in spatial datasets, together with measures for quantifying such errors and various types of error analysis. Section 4.2 details techniques for error analysis as well as the estimation of complexity in GIS algorithms, both of which are required for the design and implementation of accurate, efficient software. The difficult problem of automatic analysis of stereophotogrammetric data is presented in Section 4.3, and an extension of this problem to multi-modal GIS (e.g., derived and measured elevation data) is discussed in Section 4.4. Goals. For the purposes of the current course, goals for this section include: Learning error/complexity analysis terminology and background; Exploring two error-related problems instantiated as stereophotogrammetry and data integration of vector- and image-format elevation data; Understanding the underlying issues of error detection, measurement, modelling, and management in GIS; and Prediction of computational cost and accuracy (e.g., the space-time-error bandwidth product) for a given GIS algorithm. We begin our discussion with a distinction between cartographic error and GIS error. 4.1. Estimating Error in GIS Datasets Note that map accuracy is a relatively minor issue in cartography. Users of maps are rarely aware of this problem, due to their familiarity with map notation and its underlying assumptions. For example, if a map shows that a drainage ditch runs parallel to a road, one assumes from world knowledge that the ditch is located close to the road. However, on the map, for purposes of cartographic license, the map may appear to be offset laterally from the road by as much as the width of the road. 4.1.1. Background. In contrast to cartographic practice, GIS has evolved under the following circumstances: GIS precision is limited only by computational hardware, for example, ALU register size, cost of I/O and memory, or speed of storage devices. All spatial data have limited accuracy which may be expressed in terms of positional error, abstraction or generalization error, measurement error, etc. Consider the following examples: Surveying error: Systematic or random errors in measurement of distance or angle. Decision error: Vague geographic relations such as west-of. Classification error: Soil type tends to occur as a gradual transition in Nature but is characterized by sharp between-class boundaries in GIS (e.g., sand, loam, or silt). Stationarity error: Population density, land use information, or income data not uniform over a given spatial area over which the data is averaged. Relational error: Position and attribute error may not be analytically related. For example, terrain elevation is not necessarily a function of lateral position in monocular satellite imagery, but is related to position in binocular (stereoscopic) imaging. Precision of GIS processing exceeds data accuracy -- GIS processing is performed at high (16- to 32-bit) arithmetic precision, but GIS data have much lower precision (e.g., four to ten parts per 10,000). In conventional map analysis, precision is usually adapted to accuracy Precision limit of paper is approximately 0.5mm or one linewidth, and map error increases with humidity and use, due to paper warpage. Area accuracy is thus approximately m2. Map processes (planimetry, dot counting, transparency overlay) have approximately the same error (one linewidth). The ability to change scale and combine data at different scales implies that GIS precision is not necessarily adapted to accuracy. Example. GIS systems generally do not warn users if datasets of different scale (e.g., 1:24,000 vs. 1:1,000,000) are combined and the result is displayed at 1:50,000 scale. This causes loss (aliasing) of information from the high- (low-) resolution dataset. Observation. Most vector-based systems perform vector operations (line intersection, overlay, area computation) at full computational precision, without regard for dataset accuracy. Users are often surprised by errors when GIS is validated against ground truth. The accuracy of complex spatial objects is not well understood. The accuracy of points, lines, and simple neighborhood areas (e.g., circle or rectangle) has been analyzed extensively. However, methods of abstracting error as a function of lateral position is not clear. The goal of GIS error analysis is a measure of uncertainty associated with every GIS product (e.g., datasets, maps, and analyses). Ideal: A set of confidence limits with each map. Problems: Cartographic license, map warpage and digitization errors, other errors listed previously can produce a diversity of error modes and magnitudes in GIS datasets. Reality: Error measures are likely on points and lines, maybe some for area, since supporting theory can be derived rigorously from map coordinate information. Hence, the key issues in this section are measurement, estimation, and prediction of GIS error. The following observations pertain: GIS attributes are often non-numeric and cannot (in some cases) be indexed in a physically faithful way by a subset of the real numbers. The root problem in this case can be stated as follows: All physical science is defined in terms of mathematics, which is based on measurement theory and the formal logic. In contrast, language and humanistic pursuits (from which the process of classification arises) have as yet no rigorous supporting or descriptive mathematics. Thus, attributes or labels, which are linguistic entities, cannot in many instances be rigorously assigned numerical values or ranked in a physically significant way. 4.1.2. Current Approaches to GIS Error Modelling. The following discussion is adapted from Veregin (1994). The error modelling process can be decomposed into the following steps or levels: Level 1. Error source and mode isolation -- Determine at what locations in a given algorithm errors arise, and in what form such errors occur. Level 2. Error detection and measurement -- Devise and implement test procedures for detecting and estimating error deterministically or stochastically. Level 3. Error propagation modelling -- Predict or estimate the accrual of error as a computational cascade comprised of a sequence of operations. Level 4. Strategies for error management -- Determine methods for carrying out GIS computations to achieve minimum output error. Level 5. Strategies for error "reduction" -- Note that the common assumption is erroneous, namely, that error can be reduced via summation over error distributions. In practice, such distributions are often asymmetrical with nonzero means. Indeed, the assumption that error can be nontrivially reduced derives from convenient pedagogic examples that employ symmetric distributions with zero mean or assume infinite computational precision. In practice, "error reduction" often strives to re-order the processes of a GIS algorithm, or substitute less erroneous processes, which is a type of error management. The Polygon Overlay Operation http://www.ncgia.ucsb.edu/giscc/units/u186/u186.html |