Attribute Table options: how to summarize data in a field

Summarizing Data

Including statistics in the summary table

Completed Summary Table

Bar graphs consist of two or more parallel rectangles, each representing a particular attribute value.

A histogram graph is a sub-type of the vertical bar graph that shows the frequency distribution of values

A line graph consists of one or more lines connecting successive attribute values. Symbols can be plotted for the values along the line

An area graph draws a straight line between successive attribute values and fills in the area between the line and the axis.Like line graphs, area graphs show trends in values, but the shading gives greater emphasis to differences in quantities.

A scatter graph uses the attribute values as x,y coordinates to plot points.The pattern may reveal a relationship between the values plotted on the grid.

A box-plot graph is an efficient way to display the statistical distribution of values. The box component indicates how spread out the middle 50% of the data is, the lines extending from the box are the range of values a multiplied factor outside the spread, and any points are outliers.Box plots are also known as Box Whisker plots.

The pie chart consists of a circle ("pie") divided into two or more sections ("slices" or "wedges"). Pie charts show relationships between parts and the whole and are particularly useful for showing proportions and ratios.

Creating a graph

Graph Wizard

Identify Results Window


Options for Layout in the Insert Menu

toggle tab used to switch between Map View and Layout View

Page Setup

Page Setup for Layout View

Layout tool box


Legend Properties Dialog Box

Legend Item Selector dialog box

Legend Item: show layer name, show labels, show heading.


Tabular data can be displayed graphically in GRAPHS. Graphs are dynamically linked with tables and updated when you change the selection of features through the Data View or Attribute Table
The graphs can be also included in ArcView layouts.
- Area graphs are good for showing the relationship of several attributes as they change overtime.
- Bar and column graphs are useful for comparing differences in value.
- Line graphs are useful to examine trends over a period of time.
- Pie graphs are used to examine the relationship between parts and whole.
- High-low graphs can chart an entire range of values on an x,y grid.

At Attribute Table right-click on the field heading to bring a menu for summarizing. Type the name and location of the output table you want to create or click the browse button and navigate to your document folder.Open and look at the new table that completes Summary Table. Select tools from the main menu bar. Slect GRAPHS_CREATE. When asked for table,use the summary table you just created. This will bring up a GRAPH WIZARD dialog box. Select the type of graph. You can also use Select Feature tool with shift key to select objects, create the new layer and make a graph.


Maps should inform, reveal, clarity, or convince. Layouts are used to complete a map for printing, incorporating map views, charts, legends and cartographic elements. Layouts are dynamically linked to other documents. The typical elements of map include map title, legend, map scale, north arrow, project information, source statement, and cartographer. The different elements are added to a layout view through the INSERT menu.

Balance and alignment are important in designing the map. Click LAYOUT VIEW. Click FILE-PAGE SETUP-LANDSCAPE OR PORTRAIT for the page orientation. Use the dropdown menu to select the page size. If you are working with several data frames, you can turn on the guides (VIEW_GUIDES), cyan lines originating from arrows on the layout rules. The guides will help you align and position elements, but do not appear on the map themselves.

Toggle the Layout icon to create a new layout. The layout will automatically put all the data frames into the layout. To modify the layout frame, use the POINTER tool to select the frame by clicking in the center and then using the handles to move or resize the frame. You can edit the layout through the Layout toolbar that pops up when the layout view is active. In menu select INSERT and you can add the map features (Scale, north arrow, legends, text). Double click on the legend itself and brings up the LEGEND PROPERTIES dialog box. You can edit legends by the ITEMS tab selected, then select STYLEtry add a NEATLINE around all the graphics using the neatline tool in the FRAME tab from the LEGEND PROPERTIES dialog box. You can put a Neatline around each of the elements/features in the layout, or put a Neatline around the entire layout. Legend item: show layer name, show labels, show heading.

Mapping the page size to the printer
The esriPageToPrinterMapping enumeration tells the Page what to do when the layouts page size does not match the printers page size. This is often the case when IPage::FormID is set to something other than esriPageFormSameAsPrinter. By default, ArcMap crops the page, but you can choose to either scale the page or tile it. In the ArcMap application, you can see these choices on the Print dialog box.
Page events
The Page object is the event source for page events. Page events are fired by the Page object to notify all clients that certain aspects of the page have changed. The page events are grouped under the IPageEvents interface and are PageColorChanged, PageMarginsChanged, PageSizeChanged, and PageUnitsChanged. Within ArcMap, there is only one clientthe PageLayout objectlistening for these events. The PageLayout object listens for these events so it can modify its layout according to changes made to its page. For example, when the page units are changed, the page layout needs to update its transformation, update the snap tolerance and snap grid, update its snap guides, and convert its graphics to the new units.

Formatting the legend
The aspect of the legend can be further modified using the ILegendFormat interface on the LegendFormat object returned by ILegend::Format. You can also use the IReadingDirection interface to set the whether the legend items are aligned along the left or right side. To control the appearance of the legend more precisely you may also use a number of interface to access the individual components of the legend: the LegendItems and the patches. (Patches are the individual color boxes or lines associated with each legend class. For more information on patches, see the help under IPatch).

ILegendClassFormat is an interface very similar to ILegendFormat but at the LegendItem level. If the LegendClassFormat is not set by the renderer creating the legend the properties used to draw the LegendItem''s content will be the default defined in the LegendFormat object.
Legend items
The construction of the legend is mostly the work of the map layers through the associated LegendItem objects. The Legend can be seen as a collection of layers each layer being represented by a LegendItem. When the legend is refreshed, the LegendItem creates a set of graphic elements to display itself, pulling the information from its associated layer and the format from the objects described in the previous section. The Legend simply positions the title and legend item graphics relative to one another.

All legend items implement the ILegendItem interface. The interface controls all of the properties a legend item hasthe layer it is associated with; the number of columns it should span; whether it should be displayed in a new column; and whether the label, description, heading, and layer name should be displayed. This interface also provides access to the legend items LegendClassFormat object.

Horizontal and vertical legend items use the esriLegendItemArrangement enumeration which can be set with IHorizontalLegendItem::Arrangement and IVerticalLegendItem::Arrangement to specify the position of the label, patch, and description. The default is esriPatchLabelDescription, which translates to the patch on the far left, label to the right of the patch, then the description, if available, on the far right.

The following illustration shows these parts of the legend in this order with a custom area patch.
Horizontal legend items are the default and most commonly used class of legend items.

The IHorizontalBarLegendItem interface supports additional properties for controlling the angle of the labels above and below the patch. The default is to display the labels at a 45-degree angle.

Vertical legend items have the patches on top of the legend item text.

Nested legend items only work with graduated symbols. The image to the left shows a legend with a default nested legend item. The INestedLegendItem interface controls the many properties a nested legend item has, including whether or not to label the ends, the leader symbol, and the outline symbol.

To get to a map grid programmatically, navigate to the PageLayout coclass, then use its IGraphicsContainer interfaces FindFrame method to get to the MapsMapFrame. The MapFrame coclass has an IMapGrids interface from which you can get to all the map grids for that dataframe.

IMapGrid provides access to the methods and properties common to all types of map grids. The Draw method can be used to draw a map grid to, for example, a PictureBox control that has a map and display associated with it. The PrepareForOutput method takes a devices HDC and should be called before the Draw method.

When you create a new map grid, you have to populate the properties of the grid that IMapGrid exposes. The following code illustrates how you can do this. After doing this, you can populate the properties exposed by interfaces specific to the grid type, then add the grid to a data frame.
The following example shows how to create a custom grid by code. Modify its properties and labeling and add it the map frame. It is best to use cartographic line symbol so that the grids lines have square butts.

The IMeasuredGrid interface is implemented by the MeasuredGrid and Graticule coclasses. It exposes information on the origins, intervals, and units of the grid. If you set IMeasuredGrid::FixedOrigin to False, the origin is computed from the data frame instead of from the x- and y-origin properties. IMeasuredGrid::Units need not be populated for a graticule

Index grids
An index grid is a map grid that divides the map into the specified number of columns and rows. It is mainly used to index a map.

IIndexGrid gives you access to the functionality common to all index grids. Using the XLabel and the YLabel properties, you can set or retrieve the label for each column and index in the grid.You can create an index grid as illustrated in the sample below:

IIndexGrid::QueryCellExtent is useful for finding the features that cross a cell in the grid. You can use the envelope returned by this method in a spatial filter after transforming it into map coordinates using IDisplayTransformation::TransformRect. You can use this filter to search for the features that cross this cell in the grid and to create an index listing of features and their location on the grid.

Measured grid
A measured grid is a map grid with grid lines on a coordinate system specified using the IProjectedGrid interface.

The IProjectedGrid interface holds the spatial reference information associated with a measured grid. If you want to create a measured grid in the same projection as the data frame it is in, you can set the IProjectedGrid::SpatialReference property using the data frames IMap::SpatialReference property.

A measured grid divides the map into a grid of units in a coordinate system of your choice. The grid can be in a projected coordinate system or in a geographic coordinate system. A measured grid in a geographic coordinate system is equivalent to a graticule. A measured grid can be in the same spatial reference system as the data frame or in a different one. To create a measured grid with a different projection, you should first create an instance of a coclass that inherits from SpatialReference. You can then set the IProjectedGrid::SpatialReference property of the grid with the ISpatialReference interface of this object. The following example shows how to create a measured grid and set the properties exposed through its specific interfaces.

Custom overlay grids
A custom overlay grid is a map grid with grid lines read from a feature.

The ICustomOverlayGrid interface gives you access to the feature class that the grid lines are read from through the ICustomOverlayGrid::DataSource property. It also lets you specify which field in this feature class will label the grid using the ICustomOverlayGrid::LabelField property.
Map grid borders
The map grid border coclasses determine how the outline of a map grid is drawn.Using the IMapGridBorder interface, you can find the width of the map grid border. Using the DisplayName property, you can report the type of the border object to which the IMapGridBorder interface is pointing. The table below lists the strings reported by this property for the two border types.
When you create a new map grid border, you don''t need to use the IMapGridBorder interface. As you can see, all the properties exposed by this interface are read-only.
A simple map grid border is drawn using a line symbol specified with the ISimpleMapGridBorder interface.

The ISimpleMapGridBorder interface provides access to the line symbol used to draw the grid border through the LineSymbol property. The code below illustrates how you can create a simple map grid border.

Calibrated map grid borders
The CalibratedMapGridBorder coclass encapsulates the functionality required to draw a map grid outline composed of a graduated band.

You can use the ICalibratedMapGridBorder interface to set or retrieve the properties of a calibrated map grid border, such as the foreground and background color of the pattern, the interval of the pattern, the background color of the band, and the width of the border. If you want the pattern to alternate in two bands across the width of the border, set the Alternating property to True. Setting this property to False will produce a border with a single band of the pattern.

The interval of the pattern on the band is in points and page units. If you want to compute your border intervals in map units, you can use a DisplayTransformation to convert your interval from map units to page units. You can convert these to points, considering that there are 72 points to an inch

Grid labels
A grid label object is associated with every map grid object and provides the functionality required to draw labels around the map grid.

The IGridLabel interface holds properties common to all types of grid labels. Not all grid labels can be used with all types of grids. The Applies property of IGridLabel returns True if the grid label can be used with the grid that you pass in as argument. The table below lists the types of labels that can be used with each grid type.

Using the IGridLabel::DisplayName property, you can list the type of label that the IGridLabel interface is pointing to. The strings returned for the various label types are also listed in the table below.
You can control the vertical or horizontal orientation of the labels along each of the four sides of the grid using the IGridLabel::LabelAlignment property. You specify which axis you are setting the property for using an esriGridAxisEnum enumeration.

Heres how you would populate the properties exposed by IGridLabel for a newly created GridLabel:

You would then set the properties specific to the type of grid label you are creating. You would associate the newly created grid label to the grid using the grids IMapGrid::LabelFormat property:

IGridLabel::QueryTextExtent is used to check for labeling conflicts by ArcMap. The IGridLabel::EditObject method is used in the MapGrid property pages. It returns an interface that determines which dialog box is brought up when a user clicks Additional Properties under the Labels tab. The interfaces returned for each of the label types are listed in the table below.

DMS grid labels
A DMS grid label labels the map grid using degrees, minutes, and seconds. You can use the DMSGridLabel coclass to label graticules.

IDMSGridLabel provides access to the font, color, and format information required to create a DMS grid label. The LabelType property can be set using the esriDMSGridLabelType enumeration, which is listed below. Only the esriDMSGridLabelStandard and es

Creatang a Graph
Types of Graph
Layout tools

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