ArcMap Toolbar 

Previous extent: The map returns to the area displayed previously. Similar to the browser''s Back button, but specifically for the map. Up to ten previous extents are stored when the map is zoomed or panned. If the button is disabled, you are at the original extent in the extent history.

Full extent: Immediately zooms the map out to the area of all features and layers. The active tool does not change.

Click: Click to view help to using this web mapping application

Click: Click button to show/hide Tax Parcel Map Tips on the map

Click: Click button to a line graphic to the map

Click: Click button to add a point graphic to the map

Click: Click button to a polygon graphic to the map

Measure distance or area: See Measuring for usage

Click and drag the map: Click and hold the left mouse button on the map, and drag the map. The map will be recentered, with the location dragged at the location you dropped it.

Click: Click button to add a label to the map. Enter text in dialog box that appears, then click map where to place text.

Click: Click button to show the print dialog box to create a printable page. See Printing help for more information

Refresh: Click to refresh map

Magnify a section of the map: See Magnifier for usage

Toggle overview map on/off: Turns the overview map on or off. The overview map displays the main map''s extent as a red rectangle within a map that covers a larger extent. For more details, see the Overview Map page.

Click and drag a rectangle: Click and hold the left mouse button down on the map at one corner of the rectangle to zoom in to. Drag the mouse to the other corner of the rectangle, and release the mouse button. The map will zoom in to the area of the rectangle

editing tool

select features tool

Measure - Purpose: Measures the distance between two points on the map

The measure tool appears with the "Line-Distance" option as default.

The measure tool indicates the distance between the two points (here 75.974 miles).

Identify - Purpose: To obtain data about early education centers, geographic areas, and other map features.Use: Click on the Identify icon in the icon bar. Move the cursor over the state map. The cursor appears as a pointing hand. Then click on a point in the state map for which you want to identify features from the attribute table

ArcMap Toolbar: select elements tool selected and moved graphics, find tool for text search in attribute table, and the hyperlinc tool is used to access any hyperlinks to features

Return to the original view by clicking the globe icon

tool menu

3d step -

To get more information about a button, tool or menu choice click the button and then click the button, tool or menu choice you want to get help about.

Point button - pointer

Color icon

tacbut brings the Marker Palette

Manipulate with display view: button zooms to the full spatial extent of all the themes in your view. So if you are curently zoomed in somewhere on your view, you can click this button to see the whole view again

Display view: button zooms in once on the center of the view

button zooms out once frpm the center of the view

button goes back to the previous spatial extent you were viewing. Click this button to go back to where you were before you zoomed or panned.

open table button

selected features button

tool to select features within the active theme for which you want information

identity button

the Query Builder Button brings the Query Builder dialog window

the equal to button

the greater than button

bring the legend editor window up

You can also change other characteristics of the symbol you are using by selecting one of the other icons


label - Highlight the theme, click the button and click on a point, at the position where you want the label to start

Frame tools dropdown palette

the Frame Tool


zoom to selected features

Data addetd to the data frame can be manipulated using the ArcMap toolbar and you can cange the view of the data. The spatial bookmark is another way to display a specific, saved spacial extent.

Bookmarks -
ArcGIS bookmarks manager -

Explore the map - Using the Toolbar
The toolbar allows you to interact with the map by clicking on the map with a tool. For example, if you click in the toolbar on the Zoom In tool, then click on the map, the map will zoom in around where you click.

You can also interact with the map using the keyboard. Also see Using the mouse for tips on using the mouse to interact with the map.

To use a tool
Note: Some tools do an action immediately. These include the Full-extent, Back-extent, Next-extent, and Magnifier tools.

In the toolbar, click on the tool you want to use.
Move the cursor over the map. The cursor may change to indicate the tool you are using.
Click on the map with the left mouse button.
Note: Some tools work by depressing the mouse and dragging the cursor to draw a rectangle, line or polygon, then releasing the mouse button.
The results depend on the tool. The map appearance may change, such as zooming in or out. Or the results may appear in the Console''s Results section, such as with the Identify tool.

Map Icons and Related Tools -

Changing theme settings
So that you dont''t get confused by various windows popping up in response to mouse clicks, select the point button. Rather than leaving the themes name as the shapefiles name, you should change it to something more meaningful, such as "World Countries ''94". To accomplish this, make sure the view window is active then select Theme - Properties... from the main menu bar. In the Theme Name text box type in the new theme name then click the OK button. The theme name in the view window should now change to the new name.

The colour assigned to the theme by Arc View may not be what you would like. To change the color of a theme, double click on the theme name in the contents of the view window. This will bring up the Legend Editor dialog window. Double click on the colour you wish to change to bring up the Fill Palette dialog window. Click the
color icon then select a brown color. Once completed close the Color Pallete and click the Apply button and then close the Legend Editor window.

Now we will add another theme to our view. This time add the shapefile ''cities.shp'', which is a point file representing some of the larger cities in the world, and display it. Rename the theme to "World Cities" and change the colour to green. Before closing the Color Pallete dialog click the tacbut button to bring up the Marker Palette. Change the size of the symbol to 4 and close the dialog. In the Legend Editor dialog click the Apply button and then close the dialog.

Manipulate the View Display -When you do not wish to change the display or bring up any undesired dialog boxes (which may confuse you at the moment), make sure the pointer tool is selected. Play around with the buttons and tools described above. Before moving on to the next lesson zoom in on the South East Asian region of the world. Your view window should appear similar to that in Figure i. Once it appears like this, proceed to the next lesson.

Introduction to editing
To use a tool
Measuring !!!
ArcCatalog Basics

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