Terrain and Hydrogeological Modelling in GIS - gis provide terrian variables hydrological modelling  

Analytical modelling in GIS
What are models of spatial processes?
What types of process model exist?
How are process models implemented in GIS?
How has GIS been used in the modelling of physical and human processes?
What is diffusion modelling and where can it be used?
What is multi-criteria evaluation and how is it implemented in GIS?
What are the main problems associated with the use of GIS to build process models?
How can public input be incorporated in GIS analysis?

Derivation of catchment variables using a DEM -digital elevation Model
Altitude (high-low)

Analitical hillshading
Surface specific points
Flow accumulation (upslope area)
Wetness index
Stream power indexSlope length factor
Upstream contributing area for a point
Downstream dispersal area
Solar radiation

Hydrologic Modeling using GIS

Topic Index
GIS Hydrology Class
Online Research Reports
Personal Home Pages
Research Projects
Conference Presentations
Obtaining Information via Internet
Employment Opportunities
Personal Home Pages
Current Graduate Students

Sandra Akmansoy
Kwabena Asante
Juling Bao
Christine Dartiguenave
Lesley Hay Wilson
Cindy How
Ferdi Hellweger
Carolyn Nobel
Ann Quenzer
Seann Reed
Ye Maggie Ruan

Jennifer Benaman
Pawel Mizgalewicz
Bill Saunders
Zichuan Ye
Faculty and Research Scholars

David Maidment
Chul Kim
Francisco Olivera
Research Projects
For information concerning this research, contact Dr. David Maidment

AGREE - DEM Surface Reconditioning System
Agrichemical Transport in the Midwest Rivers
BALANCE - Map Based Surface Water Quality Model
CCBFLOW - A Steady State Hydrodynamic Model of Corpus Christi Bay
FAO/UNESCO Water Balance of Africa
Flood 93 -- The SAST Flood Water Balance
Geo-referencing NEXRAD Precipitation Data
A GIS Assessment of Nonpoint Source Pollution in the San Antonio-Nueces Coastal Basin
HECPREPRO - GIS Hydrologic Preprocessor
HECSTRC - Stream Cross Section Data Management System
Map-Based Ground Water Flow Simulation Model
Map-Based Surface Flow Simulation Model
Modeling Dissolved Oxygen in the Houston Ship Channel using WASP5 and GIS
Runoff Computation Using Spatially Distributed Terrain Parameters
Spatial Hydrologic Data of the City of Austin: CD-ROM Documentation
Spatially Distributed Modeling of Storm Runoff and Non-Point Source Pollution Using GIS
TABHYD - TR55 Tabular Hydrograph Method in ArcView
Water Balance of the Souss Basin, Morocco
Hydrologic Data Development System
A Spatial and Statistical Assessment of the Vulnerability of Texas Groundwater to Nitrate Contamination
A GIS Procedure for Merging NEXRAD Precipitation Data and Digital Elevation Models to Determine Rainfall-Runoff Modeling Parameters
Map-based surface and subsurface flow simulation models: An object-oriented and GIS approach
Digital Atlas of the World Water Balance
Conference Presentations
1997 ESRI User Conference
Water Balance of the Niger Basin in West Africa
Hydrology Workshop: Integration of GIS and Hydrologic Modeling
Santa Fe GIS and Environmental Modeling Conference
GIS and Hydrologic Modeling -- An Assessment of Progress
GIS and Hydrologic Modeling -- An Assessment of Progress: PowerPoint Presentation
Anaheim ASCE - North American Water and Environment Congress ''96
Runoff Computation Using Spatially Distributed Terrain Parameters
St. Petersberg UNESCO - Symposium on Runoff Computations for Water Projects
Mean-Annual Water Balance of the Niger River, West Africa
Obtaining Information via Internet
Obtaining Spatial Hydrology Data through the Internet
Other Useful Internet Sites for Water Resources and GIS
Examples of Hydrology AMLs for ArcInfo 7.0
Internet Classroom
ATP/ARP Program

CE 397 GIS in Water Resources, see projects
Exercise 1. Introduction to Arcview
Exercise 2. Delineation of Watersheds and Streams
Exercise 3. Map Projections
Exercise 4. Building a Base Map and a Point Coverage
Exercise 5. Working with Statsgo Soils Data
Exercise 6. Spatial Hydrology of the Urubamba River System
Exercise 7. Nonpoint Source Pollution in the Mission Basin
Exercise on Digitizing (Voluntary)
Setting up Your Personal Home Page
Sample Term Project Outline
GIS-Based Environmental Models
OWLS - Object Watershed with Simulation
SPOT Satellite Images
GIS Course in UT Dept of Community and Regional Planning (Dr Barbara Parmenter)
Capturing and Displaying Screen Images
Groundwater Transport Equation Solutions
Learning to Publish in HTML at UT
Mike McAdams Research Seminar
UT Course in Global Positioning Systems
Term Projects (Order of Class Presentation)
Outstanding Term Papers - Students in the class voted on what they considered to be the three best term papers produced by the class. The winners were:

Karen Boles: Water Rights in the Lavaca Basin
Mike McAdams: Delineation of Idaho''s Manageable Forest Lands
Carolyn Nobel: Building a Basemap for an Industrial Ecology Ecopark in Brownsville, Texas
Congratulations to Karen, Mike and Carolyn for their outstanding work!!
Listing of Term Papers

John Andrews: The Mexican Wolf in West Texas and Northern Mexico
Monika Bartelmann: Correlation of Soil Moisture Variations to Topography using GIS Applications
Karen Boles: Water Rights in the Lavaca Basin
Christine Dartiguenave: Water Quality Future Needs Assessment for Austin Creeks
Johanna Devereaux: Little Washita vs. Global Climate Models
Aubrey Dugger: The Use of GIS in Wetlands Health Assessment
Mark Graves: Using BALANCE to Analyze Point Source Pollution Diffusion in Rivers
Lesley Hay Wilson: Simple Environmental Exposure Models in a GIS Framework
Connie Hinojos: Wetlands Delineation in Texas
Cindy How: Using ArcView as a User Interface for naUTilus
Charles Kaough: Watershed Water Quality Data and GIS
Yosuke Kimura: Migration potential of contaminants through the unsaturated subsurface in Texas
Kris Martinez: Using GIS to Evaluate Risk Factors forNeural Tube Defects
Mike McAdams: Delineation of Idaho''s Manageable Forest Lands
Carolyn Nobel: Building a Basemap for an Industrial Ecology Ecopark in Brownsville, Texas
Ann Quenzer: Constituent Loadings to the Corpus Christi Bay System
Jim Rizk: GIS Analysis of Low Level Waste Disposal Sites in North Carolina
Michele Simpson:GIS Analysis of Census Data and Health Care Facilities in Cameron and Hidalgo Counties, Texas
Wade Strange: Database Development for IH35 Air Pollution Monitoring
Andrew Tachovsky: Laboratory Verification of GIS Modeling of Water Quality in Austin, Tx
Dean Thomas: Assessing BYU''s Watershed Modeling System for Urban Watersheds in Austin, Texas

GIS practicals

What is a model?
A model is a suite of computer programs.
A model is a simplification of reality.
A model is a method for storing spatial data.
A model is a set of instructions to a GIS.

Which of the following can be modelled using a DTM?
Solar radiation received.
Land use.

What is a gravity model?
A gravity model is one that relies on network analysis to determine the land prices based on travel times.
A gravity model is a distance-decay function used to compute the relative attractiveness of centres of supply relative to demand.
A gravity model is used to predict the best location for new stores based on the location of competitors.
A gravity model is used to map the density of the Earth''s crust.

Which of the following are important steps in developing a multi-criteria evaluation (MCE) model?
Allocation of weights.
Conversion of standardized scores to negative values.
Selection of criteria.
Standardization of criterion scores.
Application of the MCE algorithm.
Reclassification of criterion scores onto an interval scale.

Which of the following may be considered key problems when using GIS to model spatial processes?
The availability of data for model validation.
The implementation of the model within the GIS.
Avoiding making assumptions.
Matching model complexity with process complexity.
Displaying model results in the context of other datasets.
The quality of the data used.

What is PPGIS?
Process Planning GIS.
Planning Process GIS.
Public Planning GIS.
Public Participation GIS.

GIS software packages provide few process models.

A diffusion model could be used to model the spread of a forest fire.

Forecasting models look for patterns and order in complex multivariate data sets.

Gravity models use a distance-decay function which is derived from Newton''s law of gravitation.

MCE is the acronym for Multi Criteria Exploration.

An important stage is MCE analysis is allocating weights to data layers to reflect their relative importance.

Fuzzy GIS is a term used to describe output which is out-of-focus.

All process models need to be validated.


The PCRaster Environmental Modelling

PCRaster is a dynamic modelling system for distributed simulation models. The main applications of PCRaster are found in environmental modelling: geography, hydrology, ecology to name a few. Examples include rainfall-runoff models, vegetation competition models and slope stability models.

Hydrology and GIS

American Water Resources Association
Association to promote the understanding of water resources and related issues by providing a multidisciplinary forum for education, professional development and information exchange.

ArcView Field Guides and Training Resources
Two tutorials: Hydrologic Modeling using ArcView¡¦s Spatial Analyst Extension and Introduction to ArcView from Minnesota¡¦s Department of Natural Resources.

Decision Support Applications
Recent developments associated with decision support systems in water resources. Brief discussion of the perceived need for DSSs in water resources, and case studies of particular systems.

GIS Applications in Hydrology
Online slide presentation on the application of GIS using global DTMs for routing runoff.

GIS and Extreme Hydrology
Online slide presentation by Jim Smith on the analysis of flood hydrology using GIS and Remote Sensing observations of precipitation.

GIS and Hydrologic Modeling
Online paper originally presented in 1996 at The Third International Conference on GIS and Environmental Modeling .

Introduction to Spatial Hydrology
Online course on hydrology using data with ArcView. Registration is required by the class is free.

Map Based Hydrology
Online slide presentation by David Waite.

Spatial Hydrology
web site dealing with remote sensing, GIS and GPS applications in hydrology

Water Rights in the Lavaca Basin
CE 397 GIS in Water Resources

Part 1. Digital Representation of the Environment

Mon Jan 13: Class cancelled due to ice storm!
Weds Jan 15: Introduction to GIS
Fri Jan 17: Exercise 1: Introduction to Arcview
Mon Jan 20: Martin Luther King day.
Weds Jan 22: Functions of Arc/Info Grid
Fri Jan 24: Exercise 2: Delineation of Watersheds and Streams
Mon Jan 27: Geodesy
Weds Jan 29: Map Projections
See alsoCoordinate Systems
Fri Jan 31: Exercise 3 on Map Projections
Mon Feb 3: Digital Data Sources
USGS Hydrologic unit code and EPA river reach files
Weds Feb 5: GIS-based environmental models
Fri Feb 7: Exercise 4: Creating a base map of the Guadalupe River watershed
Mon Feb 10: STATSGO soils database and soil properties Project outlines due in
Weds Feb 12:A simple model of space
Fri Feb 14: Exercise 5: Statsgo Soil Coverages
Mon Feb 17: Triangulated Irregular Networks (TINs)
Weds Feb 19: Balance - Map Based Surface Water Quality Model
Fri Feb 21: Exercise 6: Spatial Hydrology of the Urubamba river system
Mon Feb 24: Demonstrations of Spatial Analyst and Balance
Weds Feb 26: Introduction to Avenue programming.
Fri Feb 28: Concept Review
Mon Mar 3: Quiz
Weds Mar 5: Return and Discussion of Exam
Fri Mar 7: Application of Balance to Salinity in Corpus Christi Bay
SPRING BREAK, March 10-14

Mon Mar 17: Class presentation of progress on term projects
Weds Mar 19: Class presentation of progress on term projects
Fri Mar 21: Exercise 7: Nonpoint Source Pollution in the Mission Basin
Mon Mar 24: Representation of the hydrogeologic environment: Gulf Coast Aquifer
Weds Mar 26: Groundwater flow computation in the Gulf Coast Aquifer and in Arc/Info Grid
Fri Mar 28: Groundwater Transport Modeling in GIS
Mon Mar 31: Spatial analysis of nitrate concentrations in groundwater in Texas
Weds Apr 2: Spatial statistical analysis
Fri Apr 4: Computation of risk estimates using the binomial distribution
Mon Apr 6: Modeling of soil water balance
Weds Apr 9: Modeling of surface water balance
Fri Apr 11: Remote sensing
Mon Apr 14: Remote Sensing
Weds Apr 16: Color theory
Fri Apr 18: Cartography
Mon Apr 21: Term project Presentations
Weds Apr 23: Term project presentations
Fri Apr 25: Term project presentations
Mon Apr 28: Term project presentations
Weds Apr 30: Term project presentations
Fri May 2: Course evaluation and review for the final exam

Spatial Hydrology
Building a Map Database and Using it for Environmental Analysis
Specify your project''s objectives
Briefly describe the information sources you expect to use
List the expected results in terms of knowledge gained or analysis accomplished
It is understood that in preparing a project outline many things are not completely understood in the beginning and it is possible that major changes in the project may occur as you execute it. The main purpose of this outline is to give me an understanding of what you intend to do so that I can help you define a project that is feasible within the time frame and the information resources that are available this semester. It is if you can focus your ideas rather narrowly and then broaden them out later. Many students start out attempting to do more than the time available during the semester will permit.
To prepare your outline, ftp to ftp.crwr.utexas.edu and pick up the source file used to make this outline, which is outline.htm in directory /pub/gisclass. Use the ASCII rather than Binary option when using ftp. Bring the file up in a text editor or in a word processing program, delete the material that you don''t need and subsitute your own. Use the Enter key to end each line, rather than letting the text editor wrap the text for you on the screen. Otherwise, the next time you view the file it could consist of one line of text extending a very far distance to the right of your screen! Web browsers automatically fit the text to the width of the screen display so it makes no difference how wide or narrow is the length of lines you use in your text file. Save the file as a text file, not in a special word processing file format, and use a name that is unique to you for the file name, like maidment.htm. Strictly speaking web files usually have the extension html (hypertext markup language) but I use .htm instead because PC machines truncate the .html extension to .htm automatically.

Once you have completed your outline, post it on your home page and create a hook from your home.html file to your outline in the manner that I''ve shown in the sample home.html file.

Manipulation and Transformation of Spatial Data

Manipulation and Transformation of Spatial Data
Integration and Modeling of Spatial Data
Integrated Analytical Functions


Among the wide range of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) oriented to environmental planning purposes the number of GIS that deals with coastal areas is very limited.

From the user''s point of view the confidence is very high in the power of GIS technology to elaborate data with different origins and assemble them in a unique and homogeneous structure as a database. This confidence creates very high expectations from decision-makers but nevertheless «the volumes of data involved, the ''fuzziness'' of many geographical data, the choice of methods available which can give different results and the need to do all this economically and to meet (usually tight) deadlines renders the practice of GIS much more complex than the principles» (Rhind, 1991). This seems to be the present limit to environmental GIS: R&D advances are required in this topic.

This contribution is intended to describe and briefly discuss - as case study - the wide and complex range of historical records available regarding the impact of ''coastline changes'' and ''mucilage and algae blooms'' in an Adriatic coastal area, between the 16th and 19th century.

The analysis is based on a large amount of sources dispersed in many local offices. The study regarding the phenomena makes it possible to improve the understanding of the connections between human actions and the ecological crisis of recent decades. In this dynamic coastal environment we intend to analyse in particular the capacity of various documents and historical records to show the complexity and the frailty of this environment.

Attention is especially devoted to evaluate the existence of different sensitivities in the wide range of documents concerning the phenomena. Can present or coming GIS technology account for that complexity and maintain it for the users?

GIS, environmental modelling and engineering By Allan Brimicombe
Using GIS, Terrain Attributes and Hydrologic Models to
GIS and Hydrologic Modeling
Table of Contents
Developing a Spatial Hydrology Model
Time and Spatial Domains
Ten-Step Modeling Procedure
Processing Digital Elevation Data
Standardized Approach to Watershed Delineation
Time Averaged Hydrologic Modeling
Mean Annual Flow
Non-point Source Pollution Assessment
Time Varying Water Balance Models
Atmospheric Water
Soil Water
Surface Water
Water Utilization
The First International Conference on GIS and Environmental Modeling was held in Boulder, Colorado, in September 1991. At that Conference I presented a survey of the state of GIS and hydrologic modeling as the subject then existed (Maidment, 1993). The intent of this paper is to measure the progress of the subject in the four years that have elapsed since the first conference, to present a framework within which GIS hydrology can be viewed as an integrated subject, and to examine how spatial hydrologic models can be created for time averaged and time varying systems. The focus of this paper is on a personal approach to this field rather than a survey of all the relevant applications.

Important progress has been made during the last four years in the availability of comprehensive spatial data sets which support hydrologic modeling. The distribution of low cost or free data sets via Internet and CD-ROM for digital elevation data, soils, land use, and climate data has stimulated the development of procedures for processing the data into useful forms for hydrology, such as those shown on our GIS hydrology home page (http://www.ce.utexas.edu/prof/maidment/gishydro/). It has also stimulated the construction of a number of integrated systems where existing hydrologic models have been connected to spatial data bases resident in GIS, with the SWAT (Soil Water Assessment Tool) of the USDA and the MMS (Modular Modeling System) of the USGS being probably the most comprehensive systems of this type.

A further and more complicated question is to ask how hydrologic modeling can be rethought in the spatial context that GIS provides. In other words, instead of attaching existing models to GIS databases, can new hydrologic models be created that take advantage of the spatial data organizing capabilities of GIS? This question implies a reversal of traditional priorities in hydrologic modeling where the emphasis has always been on the way that physical processes are represented, and the manner in which the parameters are to be obtained for a particular environment plays a relatively minor role. In a spatial hydrology model, the emphasis is first on the digital description of the environment, and then on the formulation of process models which can fit the available data and environmental description.
Ten-Step Modeling Procedure
Study design: Objectives and scope of study; spatial and time domain; process models needed, variables to be computed.
Terrain analysis: Deriving a watershed and stream network layout from digital elevation data and mapped streams.
Land surface: Describing soils, land cover, land use, cities, and roads.
Subsurface: Hydrogeologic description of aquifers
Hydrologic data: Locating point gages, attaching time series and their average values, interpolating point climatic data onto grids.
Soil water balance: Partitioning precipitation into evaporation, groundwater recharge and surface runoff; partitioning of chemicals applied to the land surface.
Water flow Movement of water through the landscape in streams and aquifers. Computing streamflow and groundwater flow rates.
Constituent transport: Transport of sediment and contaminants in water as it flows. Computing concentrations and loadings.
Impact of water utilization: Locating reservoirs, water withdrawals and discharges in rivers, and aquifer pumping. Their effects on water flow and constitutent transport.
Presentation of results: Developing visual and tabular presentation of the study results. Use of Internet and CD-ROM to transmit results.

Hydrologic Modeling using GIS
Investigation of GIS-based Surface Hydrological Modelling

Abstract. Infiltration derived from rainfall on ground surfaces is one of the important components in the
hydrologic cycle process. Infiltration is a complex process and depends on the conditions of land use, soil type,
and slope of the surface, evaporation, and precipitation. Urbanization increases impervious surface areas in a
watershed and conveys the surface runoff to the storm sewer system which discharges to watercourses. This
results less infiltration and groundwater recharge in built-up areas, higher surface flow velocity, and higher point
discharge to the stream which leads to stream erosion and bank stability problems, etc. This paper presents a
GIS-based hydrological modeling approach to identification of infiltration zones in an urban watershed. The
comparative analysis results of the drainage network derived from digital elevation models (DEMs) by using
HEC-GeoHMS in a GIS environment and the drainage extracted from surveyed topographical maps are
Keywords: Surface water, hydrological modeling, GIS, urban watershed, infiltration zone.

Terrain and Geomorphic Modelling
Geomorphometric analysis is the measurement of the three-dimensional geometry of landforms and has traditionally been applied to watersheds, drainages, hillslopes, beaches, and other groupings of terrain features. In particular basin morphometric parameters have received a lot of attention from hydrologists and geomorphologists since watersheds (catchments) have been used for analysis of various physical ecosystem processes, including soil erosion, deposition, runoff, stream discharge, sediment yield, sedimentation of streams, irradiation by sunlight, evaporation, evapotranspiration, and nutrient distribution. Currently the USGS (Harvey and Eash, 1996) is in the process of developing, in association with private enterprise, GIS software to precisely calculate a variety of catchment morphometric parameters which include variables such as average basin slope, the basin elongation ratio, compactness ratio, basin relief, stream density ( http://www.basinsoft.com ). Some parameters, such as slope length or stream sinuosity, can be used to represent both basin and hillslope, or basin and stream channel properties.

The Spatial Terrain Analysis Resource Toolset (START)

Hillslope Analysis Tools

Slope gradient analysis ¡V calculates slope gradients in degrees or percent based of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data. This data aids in evaluation of soil erosion and landslide potential, in identification of potential soil types along slope profiles, and other applications mostly hydrologic and geomorphic in nature. Available as an ARC GRID function.

Slope length analysis ¡V calculates length of each flowpath on the terrain from any point to a nearest local
elevation maximum identified from DEM data. A flowpath can be compared to complex cross section of the slope, or slope profile, made along the steepest path on the slope. Therefore, slope length can be useful
in locating a soil type on a hillslope. Slope length is also useful particularly in erosion and sediment yield calculations. Available as an ARC GRID function.

Slope aspect analysis ¡V calculates the orientation of a slope facet in degrees from the northern direction
from DEM data, mainly useful to solar irradiation calculations. Available as an ARC GRID function.

Planimetric curvature analysis ¡V calculates the curvature of slope that is parallel to the elevation contours which can be used to help identify divergent or convergent flow areas on the landscape: convergent flow generally indicates higher erosion and transport potential, while the divergent flow indicates lower potential. Available as an ARC GRID function.

Profile curvature analysis ¡V calculates the curvature perpendicular to the elevation contours from DEMs
which indicates whether any particular point on the hillslope profile is in an area of convex or concave curvature. This indicates whether the area is more likely to be erosive or depositional. Available as an ARC GRID function.

Neighborhood or focal curvature analysis ¡V (negative slope method) recently developed at the
NARSC, this capability permits averaging of negative and positive slopes over neighborhoods of various sizes and shapes and is useful in visualization of specific and general hillslope curvature patterns in map view. Available as an AML and C software that imitates an ARC command (currently available only in Unix).

Fourth-order-of-relief analysis ¡V this set of methods divides the landscape into the categories of: convex
areas which include crests of convexities and convex slopes; flat areas (neighborhood curvature=0) which
include sloping flats (curvature=0, slope>0) and horizontal flats (curva-ture=0, slope=0); and concave areas
which include concave slopes, open basins or valleys, enclosed basins or depressions, and the troughs of concavities. The fourth-order-of-relief analysis permits map representation of hillslope morphology in great detail and at various levels of generalization making it easier to identify hillslope patterns and slope types (e.g. head slope, nose slope, foot slope, etc.)

Drainage pattern analysis tools:

Flowpath delineation ¡V based on topographic relief it aids the identification of flow patterns across landscape with relief.

Stream order analysis ¡V (Strahler and Shreve methods) permits situating of stream reaches and related catchments in the context of a hierarchical framework: aids in multiscale analysis and in relating our units to national hydrologic unit frameworks.

Flow accumulation analysis ¡V Analysis of accumulation of water flow along flow paths throughout the
entire landscape permits delineation of drainage patterns and aids evaluation of water accumulation in
streams: can be understood as representing catchment area for any point on the landscape;

Other drainage network analysis tools, such as tools for modeling cumulative effect of runoff across a
connected network of watersheds, are currently being studied and will be discussed more closely in future
resource notes.

Watershed analysis tools:

Delineation of catchments based on:
ƒo Natural divides in the terrain
ƒo User specified catchment outlets
ƒo Location of stream junctions

Watershed order analysis - based on stream order analysis using Strahler and Shreve methods.

Automated physical process models:

These models are available in the Terrain Analysis for Environmental Sciences (TAPES) software developed primarily based in work by the late Dr. Ion Moore, and continued by Dr. John Gallant at the Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies in Australia and Dr. John Wilson from University of Southern California and Montana State University. The software is a set of programs that works both on grids and contour data to model influence of terrain on various environmental processes.

ƒo Calculation of solar irradiation and temperature based on topography is helpful in evaluation of the geographic distribution of solar energy input into the landscape;

ƒo Calculation of wetness index, soil wetness, and evapotranspiration based on solar irradiation calculations and products of other available modules;

ƒo Calculation of dynamic wetness index which accounts for limited time available for water to drain from upslope areas;

ƒo Spectral analysis of DEM surfaces to determine their fractal dimension and therefore surface roughness.

ƒo Calculation of potential soil erosion index based on several terrain variables.

This software represents about 20 years of dedicated research effort and is available as a public domain access with some limitations. It can be accessed at (get adress). The models can at least provide estimates of the results of various environmental processes based on DEMs and auxilliary data such a solar radiation file, vegetation, and soil data. Preparation of these additional data inputs is relatively easy to accomplish based on existing data sources. If there is enough interest in this software it is currently available as C and FORTRAN source code which we can compile for the AIX machines at the BLM for use as contributed resource analysis software that interfaces with the ARC/INFO GIS and generates ARC/INFO data.

At the NSTC we the see the function of translating research into practical management as a common responsibility of all the scientists at the BLM, but we also realize that our various duties might not give us time to get acquainted with latest tools. The START project is the beginning of our contribution to making access to these tools easier.

A distributed hydrological modeling system linking GIS and hydrological models

Abstract Recent development of remote sensing technology and GIS makes it possible to capture and manage a vast amo unt of data of spatially distributed hydrological parameters and variables. Linking GIS and the distributed hydrolo gical model is of rapidly increasing importance. In this work, an optimal channel routing scheme is developed which keeps downstream channel to be routed after its upstream ones and minimizes the requirement on computer memory. Bas ed on this scheme, a distributed hydrological modelling system including automatic procedures of channel network del ineation, extended Horton-Strahler''s channel ordering, extraction of hydrological attributes is constructed. Impleme ntation of a distributed snowmelt runoff model is demonstrated. By this model, snowmelt analysis of the Uono River u sing remotely sensed snow coverage is carried out.
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