![](http://narod.yandex.ru/images/flex/0000ff.gif) |
Working with Data | |
Reclassification Functions:Value and Position
Value and Position
Reclassification Functions: Size and Contiguity
Size and Contiguity
Reclassification Functions: Spatial Integrity & Boundary Configuration
Spatial Integrity & Boundary Configuration
Buffer zones around point, line, area features - http://www.gaia-gis.it/spatialite-2.0/SpatiaLite2-tutorial.html
Creating a buffer zone around a feature
proximity map
data model buffer - https://www.e-education.psu.edu/natureofgeoinfo/book/export/html/1604
map overlay - https://www.e-education.psu.edu/natureofgeoinfo/book/export/html/1604
Point map
Polygon map http://proceedings.esri.com/library/userconf/proc01/professional/papers/pap177/p177.htm
Attribute table - http://soa.utexas.edu/crp/gis/tips/soils/relate-assign-c3.html
Vector - http://www.geo.wvu.edu/~elmes/geog350/unit14.htm
point-in-polygon: in attribute table we have " forest or non-forest" marks
Polygon-on-Polygon Overlay - http://www.gisdevelopment.net/tutorials/tuman001pf.htm forest polygon map + resort polygon map = polygon union; forest-non-forest+ resort= erase (NOT0 -"cookie cutting"; and intersect as a result
Difference between a Topologic Overlay and a Graphic Over plot
Raster Overlay
Buffer Operation - http://www.gisdevelopment.net/tutorials/tuman001pf.htm
Spatial Analysis - a Process
Geographic Data -- Linkages and Matching lankades - http://www.gisdevelopment.net/tutorials/tuman003pf.htm, Exact Matching, Hierarchical Matching
Fuzzy Matching
immage processing - http://www.gisdevelopment.net/tutorials/tuman005pf.htm
A quick tutorial to SpatiaLite v.2 - a Spatial extension for SQLite -
Table of Contents
1. Preparing to start
1.1. What you need to begin
1.2. The test.db database
1.3. Getting started with SQL and SQLite
2. Getting started with SpatiaLite
2.1. How to load SpatiaLite
2.2. A first glance: familiarizing with GEOMETRY
2.3. GEOMETRY classes
3. Managing a GIS databases
3.1. Exporting GIS data outside a SpatiaLite db
3.2. Creating a new SpatiaLite db and populating it
3.3 Inserting, updating and deleting rows in a SpatiaLite db
4. Performing some Spatial data analysis
4.1. Evaluating MBRs relationships
4.2. Evaluating relationships between geometries
4.3. Boolean operations on geometries
4.4. Further operations on geometries
5. Managing Coordinate Reference Systems and Coordinate Transformation
6. Performing SQL queries directly on shapefiles
7. Spatial Index implementation
Several of the disqualification criteria involve buffer zones. For example, one disqualifying criterion states that "[t]he area within 1/2 mile of an existing important wetland ... is disqualified." Another states that "disposal sites may not be located within 1/2 mile of a well or spring which is used as a public water supply." (Chem-Nuclear Systems, 1994b). As I mentioned in the chapter 1 (and as you may know from experience), buffering is a GIS procedure by which zones of specified radius or width are defined around selected vector features or raster grid cells.
Like map overlay, buffering has been implemented in both vector and raster systems. The vector implementation involves expanding a selected feature or features, or producing new surrounding features (polygons). The raster implementation accomplishes the same thing, except that buffers consist of sets of pixels rather than discrete features - https://www.e-education.psu.edu/natureofgeoinfo/book/export/html/1604.
vector overlays: point-in-polygon; line-in-polygon; polygon-on-polygon
multiple layer operations
the requirement of geometric registration
the origins of map overlay
colour overlay, graphical overlay
logical operators: attributes and space
vector overlay
area of a polygon
geometric selection
raster overlay
dominance, contribution, interaction rules
examples and flowcharts
a "problem-solving" approach: REAL WORLD -> MODEL -> DECISION
the way we handle/manage information is by creating MODELS...
the infinite complexity of the real world is simplified by creative thinking
technology is the vehicle by which we utilize the models in practice
what does it take to build a good model?
fundamentals of spatial analysis
classification of spatial analytical functions
attributes vs. space
raster vs. vector
single layer vs. multiple layer
single attribute operations
group, isolate, classify, scale
neighbourhood-based operations in raster
distance, length, area
slope: gradient and aspect
cummulative operations (e.g., watershed)
neighbourhood operations in vector
line intersection
interactions between attributes and geometry
models and GIS
what? why? and how?
deterministic and stochastic models in SPACE
black-box, mass-balance, regression, spatial dependence
process and pattern
data, more data.... and sampling
global and local interpolators
data qaulity / accuracy
the origins of cartographic modelling
D. Tomlin and J. Berry
the graphical expression of logical sequence(s) of processing
from concepts to practice
the elements of steps, loops and decision-making
descriptive and predictive models
inductive and deductive approach to models
from simple to more complex models
testing and verification
map algebra
careers in GIS...
what is education?
what is the market like?
what do you want to do?
experiences in natural resource management
basic courses and specialization
experiences in business
basic knowledge and skills
curriculum/courses in GIS
the social motivation for GIS
from Babylon to GPS
environmental applications
climate/weather, forest fire, mining, wildlife
facilities management
city services (road, power, phone, water networks)
interdisciplinary applications
health and the environment, sustainable development
the Wisconsin wetlands project
store-location: siting flowchart
geographical vocabulary
distributions, samples, measures
from real world through data models to database representation
measurement frameworks
spatial relationships
psychology (Piaget) and philosophy (Lakoff): the roots
what er things? (ontology)
topology and lingusitics (the interior, exterior, boundary model)
geographical and spatially-explicit modelling
flow-charts (!)
managing a project (the "cycle")
Reclassification Functions
A quick tutorial to SpatiaLite v.2 - a Spatial extension for SQLite
A GIS Analysis of Geographic Variations
Geospacial mapping