![](http://narod.yandex.ru/images/flex/0000ff.gif) |
Tissot’s index pictures | |
Equirectangular Projection
Winkler Tripel
Mercator projection
Lambert''s normal cylindrical equal-area projection
The sinusoidal projection
Definition: if the point scale depends only on position and not on direction we say that it is isotropic and denote the scale by k(ë,ö)— this is the case for all conformal projections. In the projection is also axi-symmetric then the scale will be independent of ë and it is denoted by k(ö)— this is the case for the (normal) Mercator projection.
Definition: on a conformal projection with an isotropic scale, points which have the same scale value may be joined to form the isoscale lines. These are not plotted on maps for end users but they feature in many of the standard texts
Map Scale
Project Mapmaking Wiki Standards |