rote kashtanie
Red Hot Poker Plant / Torch Lily (Kniphofia) - South Africa
Agapanthus, South Africa
Moreton bay fig
Moreton bay fig
Chinese Elm (Ulmus parvifolia)
Black bamboo
Chorisia speciosa
Chorisia speciosa
Chorisia speciosa=Ceiba speciosa
Chorisia speciosa - Сейба великолепная = Хоризия великолепная
Chorisia speciosa - Бутылочное дерево
эшшольция калифорнийская
Глициния - Wisteria(Сем. Бобовые)
это акация ленкоранская (семейство мимозовых).
цветок красной акации
Acacia leprosa
Cycas revoluta from Hawaii, Top: female cones bearing large, orange seeds
The Moreton Bay Fig can take two forms, as a magnificent tree or as a strangling vine. Which form this species take depends entirely upon where the germinating seed lands. If the seed is deposited in the trunk of another tree, where humus accumulates, then the seed will germinate and spread its roots down the trunk of the host-tree, thus eventually strangling and killing the host. However if the seed lands on the ground and germinates, it will eventually grow into a tall and spreading tree. The latter form is generally less common.
аргентинск. баобаб - "пало боррачо" (хоризия великолепная Chorisia speciosa)
California city plants
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